Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2541 Meeting with the owner of Moyun Tower

Chapter 2541 Meeting with the owner of Moyun Tower
  Although after losing to Tang Yi, Tang Mingtian knew that Tang Yi was going to rise, that Tang Yi would soar to the sky and become a dragon among men.

But he never expected that Tang Yi could grow to this point!
  To be able to have so many extremely beautiful ladies.

Binglian was also included in the bag.

This is amazing.

After all, being able to marry so many top beauties indirectly proves Tang Yi's strength.

You must know that in this world, the strong are respected. If you don’t have strength, who will follow you?
  Even if a beautiful woman is willing to be with you, you have to keep her.

Therefore, it can be seen how powerful Tang Yi is.

Seeing Tang Mingtian's surprised reaction, Binglian smiled and said: "Brother Mingtian, you must have guessed it, right? Now my husband has become very powerful. He has enough strength to beg for the Tang family. Get justice. So, tell your husband the truth and everything you know!"

Tang Mingtian did not reply directly, but asked Binglian: "Is it really Tang Yi who redeemed me?"

Binglian replied: "Of course it's true. It cost three pieces of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level."

"What did you say?"

Tang Mingtian thought he heard wrongly.

And Binglian repeated: "I said that in order to redeem you, my husband spent three pieces of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level!"


Tang Mingtian was shocked. He had no idea that Tang Yi would use three pieces of high-grade holy-grade equipment to redeem his life!

At the same time, he felt that this was too exaggerated.

He is a death-fighting warrior, but does he need three pieces of high-grade holy-grade equipment to redeem himself?
  Tang Mingtian probably understood the price of redemption for warriors like them.

Although it is also expensive, it is not that expensive.

Just a piece of low-grade Holy Heaven level equipment should be enough.

However, now Tang Yi actually used three pieces of high-grade holy heaven-level equipment to redeem his life?

Hear the news.

Tang Mingtian's first reaction was shock.

The second reaction was confusion, wondering why Tang Yi had so many high-grade equipment at the Holy Heaven level.

"Why are you surprised?"

It was Tang Yi who spoke at this time, and he said: "Yes, I have this ability now. To tell you the truth, I can have as much equipment as I want, such as high-grade equipment at the Holy Heaven level! At the same time, I also You have mastered power beyond your imagination, so are you still going to say nothing?"

Under the powerful offensive displayed by Tang Yi, Tang Mingtian fell silent.

He didn't reply immediately, but pondered slightly.

After a moment, he raised his head and looked at Tang Yi and said, "Do you really want to seek justice for the Tang family?"

"Of course."

Tang Yi replied without thinking.

"Do you really have this ability?"

Tang Mingtian asked again.

"of course."

Tang Yi looked full of confidence.

Without confidence, he would not have come to Moyun.

It was because he was fully prepared and had enough strength that he came to Moyun.

"You really won't embarrass Fang Hua?"

Tang Mingtian asked again.

Hearing this, Tang Yi did not answer immediately, but thought about it before replying: "If Tang Fanghua has nothing to do with this matter, then even if she attacks me, I will let her go for the sake of her being a member of the Tang family. I won't embarrass her if I let her go."

Hearing Tang Yi's truth, Tang Mingtian thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, then I can tell you!"  "Yeah!!"

Seeing that Tang Mingtian was finally willing to tell the truth, Tang Yi nodded immediately and breathed a sigh of relief.

When Tang Mingtian was unwilling to tell the truth before, Tang Yi was very eager to get Tang Mingtian to tell the truth.

But when Tang Mingtian was willing to talk, he was not in a hurry.

Looking at Tang Mingtian up and down, Tang Yi said: "But don't worry, brother Mingtian, you should freshen up first and change your clothes. You are too...although I don't mind, but Look, I have a few ladies here... right?"

After a pause, Tang Yi said again: "Let's do this. I'll have someone take you to freshen up and put on a set of clothes. After you finish taking care of yourself, come back and let's chat slowly."

Hearing this, Tang Mingtian looked at himself slightly, nodded immediately and said, "Okay!"

Seeing Tang Mingtian agree, Tang Yi pressed the bell on the right.

Manager Liu said that if you want to find him, just ring the bell.

So Tang Yi rang the bell.

Tang Yi just pressed the bell, and the bell immediately made a clear and loud sound.

The sound is not noisy, on the contrary, it is very pleasant.

It sounded like a piece of beautiful music to everyone's ears.

Not long after the bell rang, the magic ladder lit up, and Manager Liu walked out of the magic ladder.

I have to say that Manager Liu's efficiency was quite good and he didn't keep Tang Yi waiting for too long.

"Guest, I wonder what your orders are?"

Manager Liu asked after coming to Tang Yi.

"Manager Liu, I wonder if you have a place to wash up here? Can you wash up my brother and give him a set of clean clothes?" Tang Yi asked.

"A place to wash up?"

Hearing this, Liu Guan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Tang Mingtian slightly, and said apologetically: "I didn't think well. When I brought Liu... your brother over, I didn't wash him up. We As a top-notch restaurant, Moyun Tower naturally has a place to wash up. Guest, please wait a moment, I will make arrangements for you now."

Originally, Manager Liu wanted to call Tang Mingtian No. 65, but when he remembered that Tang Yi had just called Tang Mingtian his brother, he immediately changed his mind.

I have to say that this reaction was extremely fast.

He is worthy of being a person who can take care of things. His ability to observe words and emotions is just different.

At the same time, Manager Liu was slightly surprised at this moment.

He never expected that No. 65 would be the brother of the young guest in front of him?
  So famous?
  After knowing this, he immediately secretly decided to entertain Tang Mingtian well and not let Tang Mingtian complain about Moyun Tower.

After all, he must have been treated unfairly as a death warrior in Moyun Tower.

"sorry to bother you."

Tang Yi said at this time.

"No trouble, no trouble."

Manager Liu came back to his senses and said flatteringly: "It is our honor to serve you, our guest. Oh, by the way, I didn't know it would be inconvenient for you to stay here. We, the landlord of Moyun Tower, want to see you."

"Your landlord? Want to see me? I don't know your landlord of Moyun Tower. Why does he want to see me?"

Tang Yi was puzzled.

"I don't know the specifics of this. The host only asked me to ask if it's convenient for you. The specific reason why I want to see you is not something I can know." Manager Liu replied.

"That's it. That's okay, I have no problem, I can see your host." Tang Yi said.

Anyway, it doesn't take much time to meet the owner of Moyun Tower.

After all, you are dining at someone else's place right now, so you have to give others some face, right?
  Therefore, Tang Yi agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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