Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2543 Help forge equipment?

Chapter 2543 Help forge equipment?

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Pang Sihua was dumbfounded and froze on the spot, feeling extremely embarrassed.

She had no idea that the male owner of the other party would also reject her!

The reason why she dared to come here just now was because she felt that she could win the other person's favor with her beauty.

After all, the other party had so many female relatives, she thought, he must be a philanderer.

A flirtatious person will definitely not be limited to a few women. If a beautiful woman strikes up a conversation, the other party will definitely not refuse!
  Especially a mature and beautiful woman like her.


What Pang Sihua didn't expect was.

The other party actually rejected me!
  And he was so sincere and so disrespectful!
  This made Pang Sihua both uncomfortable and puzzled.

Is it because you are not beautiful enough?
  Compared to the other female family member who had just revealed her appearance, she was indeed slightly inferior.

But it’s not that bad!
  Is it because my identity is not enough?
  Osmanthus Tower is a first-rate force in the capital of Moyun Kingdom!

Could it be that the other party doesn't even like Osmanthus Blossom Building?

Or does the other party not know about Osmanthus Blossom Building?

Pang Sihua was a little confused.

But what pissed her off the most was.

When Tang Yi saw that she didn't leave, he frowned and said, "Why don't you leave? You are affecting our eating."

Yes, I was kicked out.

Pang Sihua is so angry!

But she didn't dare to explode!
  I didn’t dare to say anything more.

After all, the other party has a good background, and even Manager Liu personally entertained him.

Although their Osmanthus Blossom Building is good, they can't let Manager Liu personally entertain them.

This shows how impressive the other party’s background is!
  Faced with such a person, what can Pang Sihua say?
  What can I do?
  She didn't dare to do anything but hold the breath in her stomach and swallow it herself.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Pang Sihua didn't say anything more and returned to her table No. 3 with a livid face.

Seeing Pang Sihua return to table three, the young people at table two were all excited, and the eight people started chattering again.

"Here we go, it turns out the woman at table three is Pang Sihua from Guihua House!"

"This is a mistress who is not easy to mess with. She usually thinks of herself as a noble person and is completely unpretentious to any man. However, I didn't expect that she just went to make friends with the guests at table No. 5! Is she attracted to the guests at table No. 5? "

"Not to mention her, even I want to make friends with the guests at table 5. After all, the guests at table 5 just took out three pieces of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level. Can you bring out so much? Saint-level high-grade equipment, this person is either rich or noble, or a powerful person. If we make friends, we will definitely get unimaginable benefits."

"Yes, if the guest at table No. 5 is of high status, there must be unimaginable benefits in making friends with him! It is not surprising that Pang Sihua wants to make friends with him. What is surprising is that the guest at table No. 5 , instead of giving Pang Si any face, he actually drove her away, this is too..."

"And the guests at table five drove Pang Sihua away, and Pang Sihua didn't even dare to fart..."

"Fortunately, we didn't go to make friends. Even Pang Sihua from Osmanthus Tower was driven away. If we had gone there, we would probably end up worse than Pang Sihua."

"Who are the guests at table number five? They even chased Pang Sihua. I'm a little curious."


At this time, the guest at table No. 1 glanced at Pang Sihua, then looked in the direction of Tang Yi, and smiled slightly.

He also stood up and walked towards table No. 5 where Tang Yi was.

Seeing the guests at table No. 1 also walking towards table No. 5 where Tang Yi was, the young men at table No. 2 turned their attention to table No. 5 again.

Even Pang Sihua, who was deflated before, turned her gaze away.

Everyone wanted to see if the guests at table No. 5 would be as frustrated as Pang Sihua before when they met the guests at Table No. 5. Not long after, the middle-aged man at table No. 1 came to table No. 5.

Seeing the middle-aged man at table No. 1 approaching, Mu Xianling and others did not show much hostility.

This time, she didn't say anything, nor did she directly chase them away.

But he just glanced at it slightly, and then withdrew his gaze.

The same goes for other girls.

After all, unlike Pang Sihua before, the middle-aged man at this table is a man, and he is still a middle-aged man.

A middle-aged man is no threat to them, and they are not afraid of this middle-aged man seducing Tang Yi.

The most important thing is that the middle-aged man in front of him has a kind face and kind eyes, which is much more pleasing to the eye than the previous Pang Sihua.

Seeing the guests at table No. 1 arriving, Tang Yi just glanced at them briefly, and then withdrew his gaze.

Neither did they chase people away.

The middle-aged man at table No. 1 had no unnecessary nonsense or any politeness. He first bowed his hand and then said bluntly: "This young master, I am Long Yansheng, the chief treasurer of the Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. I saw you before He took out a lot of high-end equipment, so he must be a blacksmith, right?"

After hearing the words of the middle-aged man at table 1, Tang Yi hadn't spoken yet, but table 2 suddenly started talking.

"The guest at table No. 1 turns out to be Long Yansheng, the boss of the Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce!"

"The Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the capital of Moyun Kingdom. Their stores have been opened all over the Moyun Empire. I didn't expect that their big shopkeeper looks like this? Did he just eat in front of us?"

"It is said that the Dragon Phoenix Chamber of Commerce has a close relationship with the Moyun royal family, but I don't know if it is true."

"Whether it's true or not, he is a big shot anyway. Even Pang Sihua from Osmanthus Tower just now cannot compare with him."

"Such a big shot, now go make friends with the guests at table five."

"I don't know if he will be driven away by the other party like Pang Sihua before."


On the other side, table number five.


When he heard Long Yansheng's question, Tang Yi didn't even look up. While enjoying the food leisurely, he thought for a while and replied: "It should be considered so."

After all, Tang Yi is not only a blacksmith, but also an alchemist, a puppet master, and even an array master.

It can be said that he is an all-professional master.

Just saying he is a blacksmith, there is no problem.

"Then can I ask the young master to forge a piece of equipment for me?"

Long Yansheng asked.

"Forging equipment?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi thought for a moment and said: "I won't just help others forge equipment. However, if others can pay me a satisfactory price, it is not impossible for me to help forge one or two pieces of equipment. .”

"Sir, please rest assured. Our Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce lacks everything except treasures. We, the Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, can definitely afford the price you want."

Long Yansheng said confidently.

Obviously very confident in his Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce.

But Tang Yi shook his head and said, "Hey, that's not necessarily true! I don't like ordinary things at all. And the things I want are rare, extremely precious, and extremely rare things in this world. You, the Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, might not be able to come up with it!”

(End of this chapter)

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