Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2544 Talking with Tang Mingtian

Chapter 2544 Talking with Tang Mingtian
  Hearing this, Long Yansheng frowned slightly, looking a little dissatisfied.

He felt that his Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce had been underestimated.

If Tang Yi underestimated him, it didn't matter, he didn't take it to heart yet.

After all, apart from doing business, he is really not good at anything else.

But it was the Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce that Tang Yi underestimated, which made him a little unconvinced.

Long Yansheng said unconvinced: "Sir, our Dragon Phoenix Chamber of Commerce is the first chamber of commerce in Moyun Empire. We have opened shops all over Moyun and we are constantly collecting treasures on weekdays. I dare to say that our Dragon Phoenix Chamber of Commerce is the first chamber of commerce in Moyun Empire." The treasure is not inferior to the Moyun Royal Family at all. Whatever price you want, Master, our Moyun Chamber of Commerce will definitely be able to pay it!"


Tang Yi didn't believe it.

"of course."

Long Yansheng vowed: "If you don't believe it, sir, you can go to the treasure pavilion of our Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce in person and select the treasures for the price you want."


Seeing Long Yansheng's vow, Tang Yi immediately said: "Okay, I will take the time to visit your Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce later. If your Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce can really pay enough, then I will help you forge. But if If you can’t take it out by then, I can only say sorry to you.”

"I wonder what the master's name is?" Long Yansheng asked.

"I'm Tang Yi." Tang Yi replied.

Hearing this, Long Yansheng nodded and said: "Okay, then I look forward to Mr. Tang's visit. As long as he comes to any branch of our Dragon and Phoenix Chamber of Commerce to register his name, someone will lead him to see me."

After saying that, Long Yansheng cupped his hands and said: "Okay, then I won't disturb Mr. Tang's meal. I have something to do here, so I'll go ahead."

"Walk slowly."

Tang Yi also bowed his hand and returned the greeting politely.

In this way, Long Yansheng returned to his table No. 1, took his people, and left the Moyun Tower.

Seeing this scene, the young people at table two were surprised again.

"It seems that Shopkeeper Long is so proud that he was not kicked out!"

"No, after all, he is the boss of the Longfeng Chamber of Commerce and manages the largest chamber of commerce in Moyun. If Shopkeeper Long is also driven away, who can still stand there?"

"I'm just a little curious. What did Shopkeeper Long just go to table No. 5 to ask for something? Just listening to his words, it seems that he asked for something, but what is it specifically? Because the voice is too quiet, and we are a bit far away. , I didn’t hear it clearly at all.”

"I just heard something like what price the customers at table No. 5 would be charged. Shopkeeper Long said that the Longfeng Chamber of Commerce could afford the price. I don't know exactly what price the customers at table No. 5 would be charged and why."

"The guest at table No. 5 is really well-connected. Even Shopkeeper Long wants to beg him. He also has to pay a price. If the price is not paid, the guest at table No. 5 will not help."

"I want to make some friends. But I'm afraid that the guests at table five will ignore me."

"I'm a little curious. Who is this guest at table five? It would be great if someone could tell me. I'm really curious to death."



Shortly after Long Yansheng left, Tang Mingtian returned to the top floor under the leadership of Manager Liu.

After freshening up, losing his beard and loose hair, and changing his clothes, Tang Mingtian no longer looked as embarrassed as before.

Although there are still scars on his face and body, some of which have not even scarred yet, they look slightly ferocious.

But compared to the previous image, it has been much better.

After all, you must know that his previous image was that of a beggar.

But now, he looks much more cheerful and has returned to the appearance of a handsome young man. If it weren't for the hideous scar on Tang Mingtian's face, he would be more mature than a year ago.

"sit down."

Seeing that Tang Mingtian had finished washing up, Tang Yi signaled.

Bing Lian on the side also wisely made way for Tang Mingtian to sit next to Tang Yi.

When Tang Mingtian sat down, Tang Yi said, "Brother Mingtian, you must not have eaten, right? Let's talk while eating."

After Tang Mingtian sat down, he did not start immediately. Instead, he took a deep look at Tang Yi and said, "Tang Yi, I really didn't expect that you have changed so much in just over a year. You have become You are more magnanimous and calm at the same time. If you hadn't taken the initiative to call me just now, I might not even be able to recognize you if you were standing in front of me like this!"

Indeed, Tang Yi has indeed changed a lot in more than a year, becoming more mature, more powerful and magnanimous.

Although Tang Yi's body didn't leak any breath.

However, it can put huge pressure on Tang Mingtian.

It was as if the person standing in front of him was not a person, but a lion.


At this moment, Tang Mingtian saw in Tang Yi a sense of leisure in his movements and an expression of indifference to everything.

This feeling and look would never appear on an ordinary person.

Only those who are strong and don't take the world seriously can feel and look like this.


In more than a year, Tang Yi became a peerless powerhouse?

This made Tang Mingtian a little hard to believe.

In addition, what he couldn't believe the most was.

The person who just picked him up to wash up was actually the steward of Moyun Tower!
  There are three stewards in Moyun Tower, and each of them is a big shot among the big shots, comparable to the high-ranking members of the Moyun Royal Family.

However, such a person actually treated Tang Yi with utmost respect and received him personally.

At the same time, under Tang Yi's instructions, he had just taken him to wash up in person, with an extremely respectful attitude.

This surprised Tang Mingtian.

Tang Mingtian could know that the reason why the manager of Moyun Tower was respectful to him and took him to wash up personally was not because of him, but because of Tang Yi.

Because of Tang Yi, the manager of Moyun Tower was able to treat him, a death warrior, with utmost respect.

It can be seen how noble and remarkable Tang Yi's status is.

"Really? Everyone will change, right? After all, more than a year has passed. More than a year is enough for a person to experience a lot, and it is enough for a person to change." Tang Yi said calmly.

Isn't it?

In more than a year, how many enemies did Tang Yi encounter?
  How many dangers have you experienced?
  How many dangerous places have you entered?
  Tang Yi has gone through countless dangerous places and killed more BOSS than he can count on one hand.

After going through so much, can you not change? Can you not be calm?

"Indeed." Tang Mingtian nodded.

Tang Yi looked at Tang Mingtian and said, "Brother Mingtian, aren't you the same? You must have experienced a lot in more than a year."

(End of this chapter)

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