Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2546 The owner of Moyun Tower, Chai Zhengwan

Chapter 2546 The owner of Moyun Tower, Chai Zhengwan


Hearing Manager Liu's words, Tang Yi remembered that the landlord of Moyun Tower wanted to meet him, and he had agreed to meet him.

After thinking about it, Tang Yi decided to meet the owner of Moyun Tower first, and then go to the Holy Sect's stronghold.

Anyway, it won’t take much time to meet the owner of Moyun Tower.

Moreover, he has put aside the matter of the Holy Sect for so long and waited for so long, and he doesn't care about this little time.

"Okay, then Manager Liu, you can lead the way."

Tang Yi said.

"Okay, then I will lead the way for you, our guest. Please follow me."

Manager Liu said.

The group of people just followed Manager Liu out of the top floor of Moyun Building and came to the next floor.

The next floor is not a place for guests to dine, but a resting place for the management of Moyun Building.

As Manager Liu came to the next floor, they made many turns and went deep into the innermost room on the seventh floor.

When he came to this room, Manager Liu said to Tang Yi: "This is where our landlord is. Guests, please go in. I won't go in."

"OK, all right."

Tang Yi nodded, and then led Mu Xianling and others in.

Entering the room, the room is very spacious, about two hundred square meters, with simple decoration and no furniture.

It just looks like an empty room.

At one end of the room, there is a long table that is two or three meters long and looks brown and gray. There is a chair behind the long table.

Behind the long table is a huge bookcase filled with a dazzling array of books.

At first glance, this place looks like an office space, full of scholarly atmosphere.

In front of the long table, there was a middle-aged man sitting.

Seeing Tang Yi, the middle-aged man immediately stood up from his stool and walked towards Tang Yi and others.

As he approached, he said, "Are you the guests at table No. 5 on the top floor? Come on, come on, sit down, sit over here."

The middle-aged man enthusiastically welcomed Tang Yi and others into a hall that looked like a restaurant.

When Tang Yi and his party sat down, the middle-aged man suddenly realized for a moment and said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Chai Zhengwan, the owner of Moyun Tower. I am also the third prince of the Moyun Royal Family."

"It turns out to be His Highness Chai. I'm sorry, I'm disrespectful." Tang Yi cupped his hands and said.

Mu Xianling and others on the side bowed slightly.

Tang Mingtian also slightly arched his hands.

"You're welcome. I'm disrespectful to the young master."

Chai Zhengwan said: "I wonder if the young master is willing to tell me his name?"

"I'm Tang Yi."

Tang Yi replied. At the same time, he pointed to the Mu Xianling girls and Tang Mingtian beside him and said: "These are my wives, and this is my cousin, Tang Mingtian."

"Master Tang Yi, Master Tang Mingtian, disrespectful and disrespectful."

Chai Zhengwan bowed his hands and said politely, then glanced at Tang Mingtian and said, "I didn't know that Mr. Mingtian was Mr. Tang Yi's cousin before. I offended him so much, but I still hope Haihan."

"It's a small matter." Tang Mingtian waved his hand and said.

After all, he also took the initiative to stay in the Death Arena, and the rules of the Death Arena were like this, and the owner of Moyun Tower did nothing wrong.

Of course.

Even if something happened, Tang Mingtian wouldn't say anything.

After all, now that the owner of Moyun Tower has come to apologize, it is not because he is giving face, but because he is giving face to Tang Yi.

They came here just for Tang Yi's sake.

What qualifications does he have to say?
  Although Tang Mingtian waved his hand and said it was okay, Chai Zhengwan still took out a long sword with his right hand and said to Tang Mingtian: "Master Tang Mingtian, this sword is called Chuanyun New Ruler Sword. It is a sword at the lower level of the Holy Heaven level. In order to express my apology at this moment, I will give this sword to the young master as compensation for the young master’s death as a warrior in our Demon Cloud Tower. Of course, although our compensation is not as good as that of Young Master Tang Yi. The three pieces of equipment that are at the upper level of the Holy Heaven level are taken out, but this is also my intention, and I hope Master Mingtian can accept it."


Seeing that the other party actually took out a low-grade Shengtian-level weapon as compensation, Tang Mingtian was stunned for a moment, and then refused: "No, no, it's too expensive, I can't accept it. Moreover, in Mo Yun Tower is a Death Fighter. This is completely my choice and has nothing to do with Mo Yun Tower. The owner does not need to be so polite."

"This is not polite. I am offering compensation. If you don't accept it, I will feel uneasy. Moreover, if you don't accept it, how can I have the honor to talk to Mr. Tang Yi?" Chai Zhengwan said.


Tang Mingtian still hesitated.

Seeing Tang Mingtian's hesitation, Tang Yi on the side said: "Brother Mingtian, just accept it if I give it to you. Otherwise, Master Chai may not stop. He will definitely find a way to give it to you or forward it to others." s things."

"Master Tang Yi is indeed a sensible person." Chai Zhengwan said with a smile.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Tang Mingtian hesitated slightly, and then said: "Okay. Then I will accept it, thank you Lord Chai."

"That's right."

After seeing Tang Mingtian accept his apology, Chai Zhengwan retracted his hand with satisfaction, and then said: "Sit down, sit down, what are you doing standing up? Sit down and talk."

After everyone sat down, Chai Zhengwan asked again: "Would you like something to eat?"

Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "No, we just finished eating. Master Chai, let's get down to business. I don't know if Master Chai invited me to see you. What's the matter?"

Chai Zhengwan did not answer directly, but asked: "Master Tang Yi, are you not from Moyun?"

"Well. It is true that I am not a Moyun person. In addition, not only am I not a Moyun person, but all of us are not a Moyun person." Tang Yi said.

"I see it."

Chai Zhengwan smiled and said: "And not only can I see that the young master is not from Moyun, I can also see that the young master is a very powerful warrior."


"Why is Master Chai so sure?"

Tang Yi asked.

Chai Zhengwan said: "Because of the sixth sense!"

"Sixth sense?" Tang Yi wondered.

"I'm kidding. Actually, I'm not sure whether the young master is a powerful warrior. I just said it casually. But seeing the young master's reaction now, I am sure. The young master must be a powerful warrior. After all, if he is not a powerful warrior, So why did the young master just take out the high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level? And he took several pieces at once? Even if he is a blacksmith, it is impossible for him to carry so many equipments, right? I felt a wind on the young master's body The feeling of light clouds, and the feeling of being unable to see clearly, like an abyss."

"In all my years in Moyun, I have never met anyone who gives me this kind of feeling. And you, young master, are the first."

"So I judge that you, sir, should be a strong man."

"I didn't expect it to be true now!"

Chai Zhengwan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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