Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2547 The Holy Sect controls the Moyun Empire?

Chapter 2547 The Holy Sect controls the Moyun Empire?
  Faced with Chai Zhengwan's analysis, Tang Yi could not comment and did not answer. Instead, he said: "So what if I am a powerful warrior? Does this have anything to do with Lord Chai's invitation to see me?"

"Of course it does matter!"

Master Chai put away the smile on his face, and his expression became extremely serious: "If the master is really as strong as I imagined, then I want to ask him for something. But if the master does not have this strength, then I can only give up."

"Oh? Do you want to ask me a favor?"

Tang Yi asked: "Can you tell me what it is?"

Chai Zhengwan shook his head and said, "I can't talk about this matter until I'm sure that you have the strength to deal with it, sir. Otherwise, it will bring disaster to my life."

"Oh? So serious? Then I'm even more curious about what's going on."

Tang Yi said with interest: "Tell me what it is."

"Young Master, are you admitting that you have strength?"

Chai Zhengwan also laughed at this time.

"I can't say how strong it can be, but it's very easy to deal with a warrior of the original poster's strength."

Tang Yi said calmly.

The Chai Zhengwan in front of him has the strength of the Holy God level.

To deal with warriors of this strength, Tang Yi's breath could shock countless of them to death.

So Tang Yi said it was easy and there was nothing wrong with it at all.

However, Chai Zhengwan didn't know about this. He had never seen Tang Yi's strength, so when he heard Tang Yi's words, he immediately didn't believe it and said: "Oh? Really? Can we make two moves? Shall I test the young master’s strength?”

"Are you afraid that I will brag?" Tang Yi asked.

"Of course not. It's just that I have always been prudent in my work and wanted to confirm whether the young master is really that powerful." Chai Zhengwan said.

"Okay, then I will satisfy you. Just take action." Tang Yi said calmly.

"Huh? Are you here?" Chai Zhengwan was slightly startled.

"Of course, where would it be if it weren't here?" Tang Yi asked.

"But, with our power, if it breaks out here... Young Master, Moyun Tower is my hard work, I can't destroy it." Chai Zhengwan said.

Tang Yi smiled slightly and said: "Lord Chai, please rest assured that Moyun Tower will not be destroyed. After all, the battle can be resolved in an instant."

"Ha! What a loud tone."

Chai Zhengwan smiled coldly and said: "Okay, then let me learn from the young master's clever tricks! Let's see if the young master is really as powerful as he said."

Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said, "You lost."

As he said that, Tang Yi's body moved slightly, and at a speed that seemed unpleasant but extremely fast, he suddenly arrived in front of Chai Zhengwan.

Then he raised his hand.

This finger looks very slow, but it is also extremely fast.

Hearing Tang Yi say 'you lost', Chai Zhengwan still didn't understand what Tang Yi meant, and was still thinking about why Tang Yi said he lost.

next moment.

He then saw Tang Yi reaching out and pointing towards him.

This finger looks very slow, but it is actually extremely fast.

Chai Zhengwan could see this finger, but he couldn't react at all.

This finger hit Chai Zhengwan accurately.


Chai Zhengwan's body suffered a heavy blow and flew backwards quickly.

However, Tang Yi did not let him fly out.

I saw Tang Yi gently pulling towards the void.

In an instant, Chai Zhengwan was pulled back and returned to his original position.

When the confused Chai Zhengwan was pulled back, Tang Yi immediately smiled and said, "How is it? Do you believe it?"

However, after hearing Tang Yi's words, Chai Zhengwan didn't respond at all. It seems that he has not recovered from his confusion.

Chai Zhengwan's eyes widened and his face was full of shock.

Seeing Chai Zhengwan's expression, Tang Yi smiled slightly and asked again: "How is it? Do you believe it?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Chai Zhengwan only responded at this time and said: "Young Master is really powerful! I really did not misjudge the person."

Chai Zhengwan was stunned at this moment.

He didn't expect Tang Yi to be so powerful!
  After all, he has Holy God-level strength.

Moreover, he is also an eight-star holy god, only one step away from the top holy god.

His strength is still very powerful in the entire Moyun.

However, such strength is useless in front of the opponent.

Not even a finger of the other party can resist it!

He could see that finger clearly and saw its movement trajectory, but he just couldn't hide it!

the most important is.

He could feel that the opponent's finger contained huge power.

This power can destroy him millions of times.

However, such a strong force, under the control of the other party, only caused him to be knocked away!

Most importantly.

After he was knocked away, before he could react, he was pulled back by the opponent!

Chai Zhengwan didn't react at all to this set of operations!

And I couldn’t react even if I wanted to!

The opponent's strength has exceeded Chai Zhengwan's imagination.

"so so."

Tang Yi said something pretentious, and then said: "Can you tell me now? What do you want to ask me for?"

"Before I ask you, can I ask again, where is the young master from?" Chai Zhengwan asked.

"I am from the Mengyue Empire."

Tang Yi said.

"The Mengyue Empire? The Mengyue Empire is still quite far away from us."

After hearing that Tang Yi was from the Mengyue Empire, Chai Zhengwan thought for a moment, as if he was judging something, and then said: "Young Master is from the Mengyue Empire, so I guess he is not one of them, so I should be able to rest assured." Please, sir."

"Huh?" Tang Yi didn't understand what Chai Zhengwan meant.

At this time, Chai Zhengwan said: "Actually, what I want to ask the young master is to help our Moyun royal family regain Moyun."

"What do you mean?"

Tang Yi still didn't understand.

I saw Chai Zhengwan explaining: "Our Chai family has lost control of Moyun. There is someone else who really controls Moyun at this moment."

"Huh? Your Chai family has lost control of Moyun? Then who is in charge of Moyun now? Who is protecting the safety of Moyun's people?"

Tang Yi asked puzzledly.

"It is an organization called the Holy Sect. Our Chai family is controlled by this Holy Sect. Now all orders in Moyun Palace are issued by the Holy Sect, not our Chai family. Now our entire Chai family has changed. They have become the puppets of the Holy Sect, helping them hide their eyes from others, but they are hiding in the dark, controlling us and the entire Demonic Cloud."

Chai Zhengwan said. His face was full of bitterness.

When he heard Chai Zhengwan's words, Tang Yi was immediately surprised and said: "What? The Holy Sect? Did the Holy Sect control the Demon Cloud?"

On the side, the five girls Tang Mingtian and Mu Xianling also looked at Chai Zhengwan in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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