Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2553 Meeting the Demon Cloud Emperor

Chapter 2553 Meeting the Demon Cloud Emperor
  Chai Zhengwan has very good eyesight.

He could tell that the guard leader just now was a top Holy Spirit powerhouse.

The level of the top holy god is only one step away from the supreme.

This level of strength is very terrifying!

Perhaps facing the guard leader, Chai Zhengwan couldn't even resist with a finger.


The existence of such strength.

Unexpectedly, the ordinary-looking young man next to him turned into blood mist with a single finger.

This is incredible.

In addition to Chai Zhengwan's shock, Tang Mingtian on the side was also very surprised.

Because of his low strength, Tang Mingtian couldn't tell what kind of strength the guard leader had.

But he could know that the guard leader was absolutely extremely powerful.

After all, the guard leader just flew up extremely fast, and the momentum he exuded was also very powerful.

He can fly so fast and his aura can be so strong, what is this if not a strong man?
  And such a strong person...

He was actually killed instantly by Tang Yi with one finger.

This is incredible.

"It seems that Brother Yi has really grown to a point that I can't understand. With his current strength, maybe he can really deal with the Holy Sect and seek justice for our Tang family." Tang Mingtian thought at this moment. .

And the other side.

After Tang Yi killed the top holy god-level guard leader with one finger, he immediately turned his head, smiled at Chai Zhengwan, and said, "It's solved, how about it, Lord Chai, I just said he can't run away Bar?"

Hearing this, Chai Zhengwan came to his senses, raised his hands and said, "Young master's skills are extraordinary and his strength is unparalleled. I admire you."


At this moment, Chai Zhengwan was completely convinced by Tang Yi.

The tone of his speech also became extremely respectful.

Although Chai Zhengwan still can't see Tang Yi's strength at this moment, he still doesn't know what level Tang Yi is.

But he knew that Tang Yi was very powerful and terrifying.

At least the top holy god level warriors couldn't stop one of his fingers.

Now, no matter how stupid he is, he can guess that Tang Yi's strength must be above the top holy god level.

There is even a high chance that he is the most powerful person.

Smiling slightly, Tang Yi ignored Chai Zhengwan's flattery and said, "Okay, Master Chai, now that the little bastard blocking the door has been solved, we can go in."

Little bastard...

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Chai Zhengwan couldn't help being slightly startled, and then smiled bitterly in his heart: "The top holy god just now was called a bastard by this young master, so wouldn't worse than a bastard?"

Thinking of this, Chai Zhengwan's mood couldn't help but become complicated.

Originally he thought he was pretty good and talented enough. After all, how old was he?
  About forty years old.

At this age, he has cultivated to the level of the Eight-Star Holy God.

This is genius enough and good enough.

As for the guard commander just now, although he didn't look younger than him, he was still in his forties.

He is a top holy god in his forties, which is also very powerful.

Chai Zhengwan feels that he may not be able to reach this level in his forties.

Therefore, the top holy god just now was a more genius than him.

However, in the words of the young man next to him, such a genius is just a piece of junk. Doesn't this make Chai Zhengwanmang not complicated?

And wouldn't he become worse than a bastard? "That's all, it's better to be a chop than a chop. Originally, in front of this young master, I was no better than a chop."

After thinking for a moment, Chai Zhengwan accepted that Zasui was not as good as him.

"Follow me, everyone."

After calming down his complicated emotions, Chai Zhengwan politely made a gesture of invitation.

Immediately afterwards, he led Tang Yi and his party into the Demon Cloud Palace.

A few minutes later, the group arrived outside the main hall of Moyun Palace.

Entering the main hall, the group immediately saw an old man with gray hair sitting on the main seat in the center of the main hall.

The old man held his chin and stared blankly in a certain direction. His face was slightly pale and his eyes were full of emptiness.

The clothes on his body and the hair on his head were also a little messy, as if they hadn't been tidied up for many days.

His whole appearance was as if he had lost hope and faith. He was sitting there, motionless, looking particularly pitiful.

If it weren't for the fact that the old man's chest was still heaving, he would have looked dead.

Now, although he is not dead, he looks like a dead person.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Chai Zhengwan felt particularly distressed. He hurried to the old man's side, knelt down and said, "Father, I'm late."

That's right, the old man in front of you is the Moyun Emperor, Chai Gaomiao!
  The Chai Gaomiao of the past was not what he looked like now.

Even though he is over sixty, he is still as strong as ever and looks like a middle-aged man.

The whole person is filled with a sense of majesty, majesty, and talent.

In short, when people look at him, he is the emperor who dominates the world.

But now!
  But he looked so old, slovenly and dirty, and his clothes and hair had never been tidied up.

It can be seen what kind of torture he has experienced during this period of time.

What despair I experienced.

Seeing such an old man, Chai Zhengwan felt heartbroken.

His whole body was trembling slightly.

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the person is still there. Although he has lost his former majesty, his life is still intact.

Hearing Chai Zhengwan's familiar voice, the old man was slightly confused, then turned his head.

Turning his head, he saw Chai Zhengwan kneeling in front of him.

Seeing Chai Zhengwan, the old man was immediately surprised.

The old man and Chai Zhengwan have not seen each other for many days.

The old man also misses Chai Zhengwan especially.


Seeing Chai Zhengwan at this moment, although the old man missed him, there was no surprise or joy on his face.

Instead, what appeared was a look of panic.

He hurriedly came to Chai Zhengwan, helped Chai Zhengwan up, and asked, "Zhengwan, is it really you? Why are you here?"

"Father, I'm late! These days, I have been missing my father day and night, and worried about my father's safety. Now that I see that my father is fine, I am relieved." Chai Zheng Wan looked at Chai Gaomiao and said.

Chai Gaomiao asked again: "Let me ask you, Zhengwan, why are you here? How did you get in?"

Chai Zhengwan replied: "Father, how else could I come in? Of course I walked in. How else could I have come in!"

Chai Gaomiao said: "That's not what I'm talking about. What I mean is, hasn't the Cloud Seat blocked the entire Moyun Palace? Outside Moyun Palace, there must be strong guards from their Holy Sect, and the people from their Holy Sect , I will definitely not let you enter the Demon Cloud Palace? Since you are not allowed to enter, how on earth did you deceive them and get in now?"

(End of this chapter)

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