Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2554 How do you make me believe it?

Chapter 2554 How do you make me believe it?
  "Deceived? We didn't sneak in, we walked in boldly!"

Seeing that Chai Gaomiao didn't understand, Chai Zhengwan explained: "We have already eliminated all the Holy Sect warriors guarding the door. So we can walk in swaggering."


Upon hearing Chai Zhengwan's words, Chai Gaomiao was immediately shocked.

After all, others may not know the strength of the guards at the door, but he does.

In order to imprison him, the Holy Sect spent a lot of money.

The guards placed outside were the worst, but they were all nine-star holy god level experts.

The leader among them is even a top Holy God level powerhouse.

With such strength, ordinary people would never be able to defeat him.

If they, Mo Yun, were at their peak, they might still be able to fight.

but now……

How can it be defeated?

But now, Chai Zhengwan said that he had eliminated all the guards at the door?
  real or fake?

Chai Gaomiao couldn't believe it.

"I said that we have eliminated all the guards at the door." Chai Zhengwan repeated.

"This is real?"

Chai Gaomiao asked.

"Of course it's true, otherwise how could we get in?" Chai Zhengwan said.

Chai Gaomiao thought for a moment and felt it made sense.

After all, if the guards at the door had not been dealt with, how could Chai Zhengwan have been able to enter the Moyun Palace.

There is no way those people from the Holy Sect would let Chai Zhengwan enter the Demon Cloud Palace.

Therefore, Chai Zhengwan should have really eliminated the guard at the door.

However, after knowing this, Chai Gaomiao became even more panicked.

I saw him saying anxiously: "You actually dare to start a war with the Holy Sect? How dare you touch the warriors of the Holy Sect? Are you impatient? Come on, come on, Zhengwan, although I don't understand how you did it, but Now that you have touched the warriors of the Holy Sect, it is no longer suitable to stay in Moyun Kingdom. The people of the Holy Sect will definitely not let you go, so now you leave Moyun quickly, the further away the better! As long as you leave Moyun In the empire’s sphere of influence, they won’t be able to find you if they want to come to the Holy Sect. They don’t dare to leave Moyun and look for you outside!”

Chai Zhengwan smiled slightly and said comfortingly: "Father, no need, no need at all! We don't need to run! Not only do I not need it, but you don't need it, even our entire Chai family doesn't need it! Their holy sect doesn't dare to do anything to us. They can't do anything to us. Soon, Moyun Palace will return to the control of our Chai family, and the entire Moyun Empire will resume our rule. In addition, from today on, Father, you Then you won’t be locked up in Moyun Palace anymore. From now on in Moyun, wherever you want to go, you can go! Not to mention Moyun, even outside Moyun, no one will stop you!"

Chai Zhengwan was full of confidence, and this passage was impassioned.

It was as if what he said had become a fact.

"What do you mean?"

Chai Gaomiao didn't seem to understand.

"I mean, from today on, our Chai family is saved. Moyun will belong to our Chai family again!"

Chai Zhengwan said.

Chai Gaomiao looked at Chai Zhengwan in confusion, still confused, let alone why Chai Zhengwan said that. Can the Chai family be saved?

Who can save me?

How could Mo Yun still belong to the Chai family?
  It has long belonged to the Holy Sect!
  How could they take back the magic cloud from the hands of the Holy Sect now!
  and so.

Chai Gaomiao was still confused about Chai Zhengwan's words.

Seeing that Chai Gaomiao was still confused, Chai Zhengwan said again: "Father, today I returned to the palace to deal with the Holy Sect! I want to drive the Holy Sect out of the Demon Cloud! I want to let the Demon Cloud start today , there will no longer be any lackey of the Holy Sect! I want the Holy Sect to be removed from this world!"


"You mean... you mean you want to fight against the Holy Sect? You want to destroy the Holy Sect? Are you serious?"

Chai Gaomiao finally understood, and at the same time he became more panicked. He said quickly: "Son, don't be impulsive! I can still bear it. If you are controlled, just control it. After all, I still have a life. Besides, I have this Life is actually not important. What is important is that as long as I stay here as a hostage, their Holy Sect will not take action against you. They will even let you live in the sun and control the magic cloud because they are afraid of being exposed. Some things. If you fight against the Holy Sect now, you are looking for death. The Holy Sect is not something we Moyun can provoke. Even if the gods from the realm of the world come, they will still be afraid. If it is not the king himself, If we take action, there is no way we will be their opponents, so don’t be impulsive when you go.”

"Father, I am not impulsive! I am also serious. I can't deal with the Holy Sect by myself! But this time, I am not alone, but the helper I brought. With his help, I will definitely be able to deal with the Holy Sect. Gate! Cutting the roots of the Holy Gate!"

Chai Zhengwan turned his head, pointed at Tang Yi, and said, "And the person I'm talking about is him!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi took a step forward, hugged his hands, and said, "I, Tang Yi, have met Emperor Moyun."

Chai Gaomiao also politely bowed his hands towards Tang Yi, while looking at Tang Yi up and down.

However, no matter how he looked at him, he couldn't see anything special about Tang Yi.

As if he were an ordinary person.

Can such a person solve the Holy Sect? Can you save the Chai family?

Can the Holy Sect be eradicated?
  Chai Gaomiao originally didn't believe Chai Zhengwan's statement.

Seeing Tang Yi now, Chai Gaomiao didn't believe it even more.

He nodded slightly towards Tang Yi as a greeting, and then Chai Gaomiao said to Chai Zhengwan: "Zhengwan, please stop making trouble. Seriously, listen to me and leave Moyun quickly. . In this way, you can still save a life. Otherwise, if Yun Zuo knows about it, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave if you want to leave."

"Huh? Father, you don't believe me?" Chai Zhengwan said.

Seeing that Chai Gaomiao didn't believe it, Chai Zhengwan was also very embarrassed, and at the same time, he was very sorry for Tang Yi.

After all, his father didn't believe him, which didn't matter. They were a family. Even if he didn't believe it, he wouldn't be angry or say anything.

But now, it is obvious that what his father does not believe is the mysterious young man Tang Yi behind him!

If Tang Yi is so distrustful of Tang Yi, if Tang Yi is angry and refuses to help the Chai family, or is dissatisfied with the Chai family...

Thinking of this, Chai Zhengwan immediately looked at Tang Yi with an apologetic look.


Chai Zhengwan saw that there was no expression change on Tang Yi's face. There was no look of dissatisfaction or anger.

He didn't seem to care.

Seeing that Tang Yi didn't care, Chai Zhengwan was immediately relieved.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but the strength of the Holy Sect is really too strong. With the strength of ordinary people, it is impossible to deal with it. Even the gods in the realm of the world are not their opponents. Even the gods are not their opponents. , how can that little brother behind you be the opponent of the Holy Sect. So, how can you make me believe it?" Chai Gaomiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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