Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2555 Chai Zhengwan’s confidence

Chapter 2555 Chai Zhengwan’s confidence
  After Chai Gaomiao finished speaking, he persuaded Chai Zhengwan: "So Zhengwan, you'd better listen to my advice and leave Mo Yun quickly. Before Yun Zuo can react, you leave as soon as possible. You can escape with your life. Otherwise."

After hearing Chai Gaomiao's words, Chai Zhengwan immediately wanted to say something.

However, before he could say anything, he heard a voice coming from outside the main hall.

"Want to leave? Just want to leave after killing someone from my Holy Sect? How can it be so easy!"

At the same time as the sound came, several figures jumped into the main hall.

Everyone looked around and immediately saw five figures walking in from outside the main hall.

These five figures all have extremely strong auras.

Four of them were wearing black clothes and black robes, with cold expressions.

The man in the middle is an old man in white wearing a silver headdress and a silver medal hanging on his chest.

The old man's face was ferocious, his face was full of flesh and scars, as if he had experienced many fierce fights, as if he had been seriously injured, and he looked very visceral.

At the same time, the old man's body was filled with the aura of a superior person, extremely majestic and very powerful.

His temperament is much stronger than that of Emperor Moyun!

Emperor Moyun looked like a baby in front of this old man in white.

"Cloud... cloud seat!"

Seeing this old man in white, Moyun Emperor Chai Gaomiao seemed to have seen a demon, his eyes widened in horror.

at the same time.

He quickly protected Chai Zhengwan and pleaded: "Yun Zuo, it's all my fault that I made all the mistakes. If you want to punish me, just punish me! I'm willing to accept all punishments on Zhengwan's behalf." . In addition, if your Holy Sect needs anything in the future, I will do my best to cooperate. As long as you can let Zhengwan go, I can do anything you want me to do."

"Ha! Accept all punishments? Cooperate? You can do anything? Let Chai Zhengwan go? You think so beautifully!"

Yun Zuo sneered: "You are so brave, you actually dare to attack our Holy Sect, and dare to kill our Holy Sect's elites. Are you tired of living? Do you know that those who are guarding outside the Demon Cloud Palace People, but our Holy Sect has spent a huge price to cultivate elites? Do you know that they are our Holy Sect's important wealth? You actually dare to kill them! You really don't know how to live or die! At this moment, even if you pay for their lives, There is no way to make up for the loss of our Holy Sect!”

After saying that, Yun Zuo turned his head again, looked at Chai Zhengwan, and said: "And you! Chai Zhengwan, our Holy Sect allows you to freely enter and exit Moyun Palace, and also allows you to take charge of Moyun Tower. This It is already a great gift, but I didn’t expect that you would dare to attack our Holy Sect, and you would dare to attack our Holy Sect’s warriors, you are really ungrateful!”

Yun Zuo looked extremely angry, and when he spoke, there was a surge of anger.

Of course, can you not be angry? One top holy god and eight nine-star holy gods, this is a good fighting force for any force.

However, at this moment, just say it is gone, such a huge loss, how can Yun Zuo not be angry!
  The top holy gods and nine-star holy gods are not brought by strong winds.

Instead, their Holy Sect spent several years and worked hard to cultivate it using a lot of resources and treasures.

It took so much time and such a high price to cultivate such strong people.

But at this moment, he was killed by Chai Zhengwan of the Moyun royal family. How could Yun Zuo accept this?

Although Yun Zuo didn't understand what happened, although Yun Zuo didn't know how Chai Zhengwan did it.


No matter what happens, no matter what Chai Zhengwan does, he will make Chai Zhengwan pay the price!
  However, after hearing Yun Zuo's words, Chai Zhengwan sneered: "Let me enter and leave Moyun Palace freely and let me take charge of Moyun Tower. Is this a great gift? Haha! Moyun Palace belongs to our Chai family. , as the third prince of Moyun, what’s the problem with having free access to Moyun Palace? Why is it a gift from your holy sect? Moyun Tower is our Moyun’s property. I am in charge of Moyun Tower. What’s wrong with this? Question? Why is this such a great gift from you? It’s really ridiculous. All the people in this world belong to your holy sect? I, the third prince, even have to ask you for my freedom to enter and leave the palace? I have to get your permission even to be in charge of a restaurant. ?”

"In addition! Moyun Palace is my home, and Moyun Palace is where my father lives. As the third prince, if I want to see my father, I do not need the consent of your holy sect. And I came here The Demon Cloud Palace is blocked by your Holy Sect, so what’s the problem if I attack those who block your Holy Sect? Let me ask you, did I do anything wrong?”


Facing Chai Zhengwan's question, Yun Zuo glared with anger, but he couldn't give an answer!
  Because, their Holy Sect has no reason to do so and has simply taken away other people's territory. What answer can he give?

"What a sharp tongue! There is indeed nothing wrong with what you said. You were indeed able to enter and leave the palace. Moyun Tower is indeed the property of your Chai family. If our Holy Sect prevents you from entering Moyun Palace, you can indeed deal with it. Our Holy Sect takes action! But! Do you know one thing?"

Yun Zuo sneered and said: "Do you understand that this world is a world where the strong are respected? Although you can enter the palace, because our Holy Sect is stronger than your Chai family, our Holy Sect does not allow you to enter the Moyun Palace. Then you cannot enter the Moyun Palace. Because our Holy Sect is stronger than your Chai family, and our Holy Sect will not let you take charge of Moyun Tower, then Moyun Tower is not yours. Because our Holy Sect is stronger than your Chai family, then, what do you mean to us? If the Holy Sect takes action, you have to pay the price! Do you understand? This is not a world where you can do whatever you want, but a world where the strong are respected! If you are not strong enough, then you must listen to those who are strong."

"Haha! I have never seen anyone who can express the robber's theory in such a high-sounding way! However, no matter how high-sounding you say it, you are still a robber! No matter what a robber says, he is still a robber! No matter what you say What nonsense, you can’t escape the nature of a robber!”

Chai Zhengwan said.

If Chai Zhengwan came here alone today, he would naturally not dare to say these words, nor dare to confront Yun Zuo head-on, let alone shout with the powerful Holy Sect.

But today he is not here alone!

Behind him, there is that mysterious young man who has a grudge against the Holy Sect and can easily kill the top Holy God powerhouse, Tang Yi!
  With Tang Yi behind him, Chai Zhengwan is full of confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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