Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2565: Flattening the Wood Spirit Sect

Chapter 2565: Flattening the Wood Spirit Sect

The gray old man is the Supreme Elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, He Yizhi.

He is also a senior member of the Holy Sect.

After hearing the question from He Yizhi, the Supreme Elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, Tang Yi stood on the bow of the boat and said, "You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I am here to take your lives and destroy your Wood Spirit Sect. "

"Ha! What a big tone, come to take our lives? Destroy our Wood Spirit Sect?"

He Yizhi narrowed his eyes and said, "Just you?"

"Just me!"

Tang Yi said calmly.

He Yizhi frowned and said, "Young Master, I don't know what enmity our Wood Spirit Sect has against you. Why does the Young Master come to our Wood Spirit Sect to stir up trouble?"

"No grudges!"

Tang Yi said calmly.

"No grudges?"

He Yizhi's brows furrowed even more tightly, and he looked very dissatisfied, and said: "No grievances, no grievances. Then why do you want to come to my Wood Spirit Sect to stir up trouble?"

"Because you are members of the Holy Sect!" Tang Yi said.


Hearing this, He Yizhi's eyes flashed.

Seeing He Yizhi's eyes flashing, Tang Yi knew that the Wood Spirit Sect should be the force cultivated by the Holy Sect.

However, after He Yizhi's eyes flickered for a moment, he recovered and pretended to be stupid: "Holy Gate? What Holy Gate? I don't understand what you are talking about. This is the Wood Spirit Sect!"

"There's no point in being pretentious here. No matter how much you deny it, you can't deny the fact that your Wood Spirit Sect is a branch of the Holy Sect."

After a pause, Tang Yi said again: "Besides, I also have a leader of your Holy Sect here. Jiang Yun, come up and show him."

Hearing this, Yun Zuo walked onto the bow of the ship.

Seeing the cloud seat, He Yizhi, the supreme elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, raised his eyebrows, stared, and said in shock: "The cloud seat!"

At this time, He Yizhi finally understood what Tang Yi was here to do.

I finally understood why Tang Yi was so sure that they were the Holy Sect!

It turns out that the head of their holy gate is in the hands of the other party.

I saw He Yizhi squinting his eyes and said: "It seems that you are the mortal enemy of our Holy Sect, Master! You came here to cause trouble for our Holy Sect. How could someone come to our Wood Spirit for no reason? Zong’s trouble turns out to be for our Holy Sect!”

After a pause, He Yizhi said again: "But this young master, although I don't know why the cloud throne is in your hands, are you planning to deal with our entire sect with one person now? Our Wood Spirit Sect It’s not as easy to provoke as you think.”

"if not?"

Tang Yi said calmly.

"Then are you ready to face the counterattack from our entire sect?"

He Yizhi narrowed his eyes and said.

"Welcome a counterattack from your entire sect?"

Tang Yi smiled, very brightly.

The smile was full of disdain and contempt.

Don't you laugh?

If it hadn't been for the fact that there were hundreds of thousands of people in the Wood Spirit Sect, Tang Yi would have taken action long ago. Who would have gotten He Yizhi to take action?
  To welcome the entire Wood Spirit Sect’s counterattack?


"Why are you laughing?" He Yizhi frowned again: "Do you think our Mu Ling Sect is ridiculous? Do you think our Mu Ling Sect is unworthy?"

"It's ridiculous, of course it's ridiculous."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "Do you think your Wood Spirit Sect can fight back?"

With that said, Tang Yi took out the Thunder Light Tower again.

After taking out the Thunder Light Tower, Tang Yi raised the Thunder Light Tower, and then gently shouted: "Thunder Shock for Five Nights!"

The next moment, the Thunder Light Tower in Tang Yi's hand exuded a very terrifying aura and shone brightly.



The sky darkened instantly.

In mid-air, a golden dark cloud appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this golden dark cloud, He Yizhi, the Supreme Elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, and the powerful men of the Wood Spirit Sect were first slightly stunned, and then their eyes widened in shock!

However, before everyone in the Wood Spirit Sect could do or say anything, they saw golden dark clouds in the sky and a golden lightning bolt blasting out!


There was a thunder, earth-shattering, and the whole world suddenly trembled!
  Because the power of the golden lightning was so terrifying and powerful, the location of the golden clouds was torn apart, revealing the dark void, and the power of the void swarmed out, tearing apart various substances around.

And after this golden lightning shot out from the golden clouds, it hit the Wood Spirit Sect's station!

next moment.

  Golden lightning fell in the Demon Cloud Mountains, golden light flashed, and the whole world was golden!
  At the same time, a terrifying energy swarmed out, and the huge rumbling sound resounded through the world, making the world shake.

After a while, the golden light dimmed, dust and gravel continued to scatter all over the sky, and the whole world returned to calm again.

  When the entire world returned to calm, the sight of the Demon Cloud Mountain Range appeared in front of everyone again.

But I saw it.

The Moyun Mountains, which were once prosperous, filled with various buildings and crowded with people, and stretched for thousands of miles, have completely disappeared!
  Instead, there was a huge sinkhole stretching for thousands of miles!

The mountains before, the countless buildings before, the crowds of people before...

All disappeared!
  The original mountain range now turned into a huge basin.

Seeing this scene, He Yizhi, the supreme elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, gritted his teeth and widened his eyes at the same time, with a look of disbelief, shock, and horror!

Before this, He Yizhi, the Supreme Elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, had never thought that someone could destroy their Wood Spirit Sect in an instant!
  I never thought that someone could level the entire Moyun Mountain Range with just one hand!

This is too exaggerated and too scary!

He Yizhi, the supreme elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, was dumbfounded.

Not only the supreme elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, He Yizhi, but also other members of the Wood Spirit Sect were also shocked and horrified.

At this moment, their eyes were widened, their mouths were opened wide, and their faces were full of disbelief.

At this moment, their mouths are so wide open that they can swallow an apple.

In addition to everyone from the Wood Spirit Sect, the first cloud seat of the Holy Sect also looked shocked at this moment.

Just now, when Tang Yi used the Thunder Light Tower to deal with the forces in the Moyun Kingdom capital, due to the suppression of power, the power of the Thunder Light Tower was suppressed, and at the same time, the range of the Thunder Light Tower's attack was limited. As for how powerful and terrifying the Thunder Light Tower was, Yun Zuo did not know how powerful and terrifying the Thunder Light Tower was. Not too intuitive.

He only knew that the Thunder Light Tower was very strong, but he couldn't feel how strong it was.

but now!
  After seeing that Tang Yi used the Thunder Light Tower to level the Moyun Mountains thousands of miles away with just one blow, and blasted all the people and buildings on the Moyun Mountains into ashes.

He understood the power of the Thunder Light Tower and got a very clear feeling!

(End of this chapter)

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