Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2566 The true identity of the Holy Sect Tianzhou Realm

Chapter 2566 The true identity of the Holy Sect! Tianzhou Realm!
  so horrible!

Yun Zuo has never seen such a terrifying treasure!

And he could feel that the blow just now was still not the strongest power of the small golden tower!
  Not even half of the power is used!

Half of the power was useless, just one blow razed the thousands of miles of Moyun Mountain to the ground...

This is too strong.


On the side, Tang Mingtian was also stunned.

Before, Tang Yi killed the warriors of the Holy Sect, whether he killed the Holy Emperor or the Holy God, he just waved his hand and killed them instantly.

Tang Mingtian had no idea how powerful Tang Yi was.

Apart from knowing that Tang Yi was very strong, he knew nothing.

But now, Tang Yi blasted a big crater out of Moyun Mountain Range with one blow, killing hundreds of thousands of people!

This is too clear and intuitive!

If Tang Mingtian can no longer see how powerful Tang Yi is, he would be too blind!
  Thousands of miles! !

Hundreds of thousands of people!
  And among these people, there are also saint-level warriors!
  For a young warrior like Tang Mingtian, who has not even reached the level of God of War, a Saint-level powerhouse is already very powerful.

  Even the powerful men above the Saint level have lost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people!
  This shows how powerful Tang Yi is.

Seeing such a miserable scene in the Moyun Mountains, Tang Mingtian was shocked.

At the same time, I couldn't help but secretly thought: "It seems that when Tang Yi said he wanted revenge, he really wasn't just talking about it. This strength is simply too terrifying. It seems that I have to persuade Fang Hua not to go against Tang Yi anymore. It's impossible for her. He is Tang Yi's opponent."

While Tang Mingtian was thinking, on the bow of the Supreme Warship, Tang Yi put away the small golden tower and said to He Yizhi, the Supreme Elder of the Wood Spirit Sect: "Do you still think your Wood Spirit Sect can fight back? ?”

Hearing Tang Yi's words, He Yizhi, the supreme elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, did not speak. After a slight silence, he turned his head and said to the remaining strong men of the Wood Spirit Sect: "Escape, run separately. !!”

He Yizhi, the supreme elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, took the lead and fled quickly in the opposite direction.

After hearing this, the other members of the Wood Spirit Sect also dispersed and fled in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi sneered and said, "Are you too naive? You want to escape now?"

As he spoke, Tang Yi's eyes moved, and the Eyes of the Supreme Holy King activated: "Holy Light of Destruction!"


Golden light shot out.

Wherever Tang Yi looked, the people of the Wood Spirit Sect turned into blood mist!

Balls of blood mist bloomed in mid-air.

Like fireworks.


But it is not as beautiful as fireworks.

On the contrary, it is full of blood and horror.

Just like that, the warriors of the Wood Spirit Sect turned into blood mist and died.

Even the Supreme Elder of the Wood Spirit Sect, He Yizhi, whose strength reached the top level of the Holy God, turned into blood mist and died on the spot.

  Where to run?
  How to run in front of millions of supreme beings?
  Just like that, the huge Wood Spirit Sect was annihilated by Tang Yi!

"Next place!"

After solving the Wood Spirit Sect, Tang Yi said to Yun Zuo.

Hearing this, Yun Zuo came back to his senses at this moment and responded quickly: "Okay, okay!"

Immediately afterwards, he gave Tang Yi guidance.

When he heard Tang Yi talk about going to the Holy Sect to take revenge, Yun Zuo actually didn't think that Tang Yi could get revenge.

After all, in Yun Zuo's view, no matter how strong Tang Yi is, he is still a millionaire. And there are millions of supreme beings, and the Holy Sect is not without them!
  Not only that, but there are many.

Above their first seat, there are four other thrones, as well as two guardians on the left and right, as well as the sect master and the Supreme Elder!
  Forget about the four venerables, the two guardians on the left and right, the sect master of their holy sect and the supreme elder are all million-level supreme beings!
  In Yun Zuo's view, no matter how strong Tang Yi is, there is only one person, the Millionaire Supreme.

But their holy sect has several millions of supreme beings.

Therefore, in Yun Zuo's view, Tang Yi's revenge could only end in vain and could not be completed at all.


As time went by, Yun Zuo's mind changed when he saw that Tang Yi had just taken action.

He felt that Tang Yi was stronger than he thought, and with this kind of strength, revenge... was not impossible!
  Yun Zuo was thinking.

Tang Yi's supreme warship soon arrived at the next location, arriving at the Three Thousand Sects in Qiuyue City!

This time, Tang Yi did not hesitate.

Arriving at the sky above Qiuyue City, we discovered the location of Three Thousand Sects.

Tang Yi waved his right hand and struck down with one blow.


The next moment, the headquarters of the Three Thousand Sects was also razed to the ground.

And as three thousand sects were razed to the ground.

In the Moyun Empire, all the Holy Sect's forces were eradicated by Tang Yi.

Although these forces of the Holy Sect, there should be some fish that have slipped through the net.

For example, there are some warriors who are not in the station, and some warriors who go out to do business.

These people will inevitably be missed.

But these fish that slipped through the net are no longer something to be afraid of.

After all, every time Tang Yi made a move, he locked in the opponent's high-end combat power.

After confirming that the opponent's high-end combat power was present, he struck down with one blow.

So even if there are fish that slip through the net, these fish that slip through the net will not be high-end combat power!
  And as long as the high-end combat power of these holy sect forces is solved, what if there are some fish that slip through the net?
  "Okay, it's settled, Jiang Yun, now take me to your Holy Sect! Where is the headquarters of your Holy Sect?" Tang Yi asked.

Hearing this, Yun Zuo said: "It is at the junction of Moyun Empire and Zhongyong Empire. But that place is not the headquarters of our Holy Sect, but just an entrance."

"An entrance?"

Tang Yi was confused.

"Yes, an entrance."

Yun Zuo nodded and said: "The headquarters of our Holy Sect is not actually in ours, but in the Divine Realm of the World in the Tianzhou Realm! In fact, our Holy Sect is the power of the King of the Tianzhou Realm! The leader of our Holy Sect is the Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm, and the supreme elder of our Holy Sect is the old Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm!"

"What? You said that the leader of your Holy Sect is the Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm? The Supreme Elder is the old Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm?" Tang Yi said in surprise.

This was the first time he knew this news.

He never expected that the Holy Sect who had been against him for so long and even took action to wipe out their Tang family was actually a member of the Tianzhou Realm!

Its sect leader is also the realm king of the Tianzhou realm.

His supreme leader, Lao Zhang, was even the old king of the Tianzhou Realm.

Such an evil force is actually related to the Lord of a Realm?

Was it cultivated by Tianzhou Realm?
  In other words, is it Tianzhou Realm?

This was something Tang Yi never expected.

At this moment, Yun Zuo continued: "Yes, our Holy Sect is indeed a force in the Tianzhou Realm. It can be said that the Tianzhou Realm is the Holy Sect, and the Holy Sect is our Tianzhou Realm. The reason why I didn't tell the truth to the young master before is actually The reason is that I don’t believe that Young Master can take revenge. I feel that Young Master is seeking death when he goes to Tianzhou Realm. But after contact, I discovered that Young Master has the ability to take revenge. That’s why I told Young Master the truth.”

(End of this chapter)

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