Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2567 Evaluation of the King of Tianzhou Realm

Chapter 2567 Evaluation of the King of Tianzhou Realm
  "I see!"

"I'm just talking about how the Holy Sect is so mysterious and so powerful. It turns out that behind it are the King and the Old King of the Tianzhou Realm. It turns out that there are two peerless strong men protecting it! No wonder!"

Tang Yi suddenly said.

Tang Yi finally understood now.

I understand how a mere Holy Sect dares to act so arrogantly in the Tianmu Realm.

It turned out to be because there was another small world behind him supporting him! !
  "In other words, at the junction of Moyun Empire and Zhongyong Empire, there is a portal leading to Tianzhou Realm?"

Tang Yi confirmed.

"To be precise, it is the portal leading to the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm!" Yunzuo said.

"In other words, if we go there directly now, we can reach the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm, right?" Tang Yi asked.

"Yes!" Yun Zuo nodded.

Tang Yi immediately said: "Okay, let's rush there now."

"Okay." Yun Zuo nodded.

In this way, Tang Yi and others rushed to the border between Moyun Empire and Zhongyong Empire again.

Under the ultra-fast speed of the Supreme Warship, the group quickly reached the Moyun Empire and the Zhongyong Empire.

Under the guidance of Yun Zuo, Tang Yi finally saw the so-called 'entrance'.

What Tang Yi didn't expect at all was that this so-called entrance was actually a city!
  At the junction of the two empires, a city is regarded as the hub of the two empires, the Demonic City!

Mozhong City was named and managed by Moyun Empire and Zhongyong Empire at the same time. The name of this city was named after one word from each of the two empires, which is convenient and easy to remember.

However, Tang Yi didn't expect that this city was actually the entrance to Tianzhou Realm? !

"The entrance you mentioned is here?"

After hearing the news, Tang Yi still couldn't believe it.

However, Yun Zuo nodded and confirmed: "Yes! This is the entrance to Tianzhou Realm."

"Unexpectedly, the entrance to Tianzhou Realm is actually in the city." Tang Yi said unexpectedly.

Yun Zuo explained: "The entrance is in the city, so it can be concealed from others! The Demon City is so prosperous, who would have thought that this would be the entrance to another small world?"

Tang Yi nodded: "That's true. Just like me, I never expected that this would be the entrance to the Tianzhou Realm."

On the side, Bing Lian also said: "The Holy Gate is indeed hidden very deeply. Before this, I had never heard of the Holy Gate in our Divine Realm of Heavenly Curtain Realm! I didn't even know that there were so many Holy Gates. A branch of the Divine Sect! Our world’s Divine Realm is already relatively powerful, but we still don’t know about the Holy Sect, which shows how deeply the Holy Sect is hidden.”


After Tang Yi nodded slightly, he said to Yun Zuo: "Jiang Yun, where is the entrance in Demon City?"

"Underground in the Demon City." Yun Zuo replied.

"Underground?" Tang Yi was stunned again.

"Yes, sir, please come with me!" Yun Zuo said.

Although Tang Yi was confused, he put away the warship when he was about to arrive at the Demon City, and then followed the cloud seat and entered the Demon City on foot.

After a while, everyone came to a force's station.

This force is called Feiyan Sect, and it is the largest force in the local area, second only to the Lord's Palace of Demon City that manages this place.

The number of disciples of Feiyan Sect is about 60,000 to 70,000.

More than half of the experts have reached the Saint level.

There are a total of more than ten warriors who have reached the Holy God level. There is only one top holy god.

Such a force is already very good. No matter where it is placed, it is already a first-class force.

Seeing that the Feiyan Sect was so powerful, and Yun Zuo brought his group to the Feiyan Sect, Tang Yi thought that the Feiyan Sect was also a force of the Holy Sect!

However, after asking him, he found out that the Feiyan Sect was not a force of the Holy Sect, but a force of the Zhongyong Empire!
  "Jiang Yun? This Feiyan Sect is really not a force of your Holy Sect?" Tang Yi asked.

"Really not!" Yun Zuo shook his head and said.

"Since it's not your Holy Sect's power, then why did you bring us here?" Tang Yi asked puzzled.

Yun Zuo explained: "Because the entrance to our holy gate is under the Feiyan Sect! The Feiyan Sect actually doesn't know this. Of course, even if they knew, they couldn't enter the entrance, because only Only those who hold the token of our Holy Gate can enter the entrance.”

"So that's it! How are we going to get in now?" Tang Yi asked.

Yun Zuo said: "Master, please come with me."

Following Yun Zuo, the group of people bypassed the main entrance of Feiyan Sect and arrived at the back mountain of Feiyan Sect.

Although the Feiyan Sect is located in the city, due to the Feiyan Sect's residence, a large area of ​​land is enclosed.

Therefore, within the territory of Feiyan Sect, there is also a back mountain.

At this moment, Yun Zuo led Tang Yi and his party to the back mountain, and introduced at the same time: "This back mountain is very sparsely defended. The Feiyan Sect has hardly arranged anyone to defend here. In addition, on this back mountain, Fei Yanzong has The Yan Sect has placed many ferocious beasts. Ordinary people cannot go up at all, so in the Fei Yan Sect's view, it is impossible for anyone to dare to break into their back mountain. But the entrance to our Holy Sect is from this back mountain. .”

"That's it." Tang Yi suddenly realized.

No wonder the entrance to the holy gate is in the Feiyan Sect.

It turned out to be the unattended back mountain of Feiyan Sect.

Normally, the disciples of the Holy Sect enter from the back mountain of Feiyan Sect, so they have no interaction with Feiyan Sect.

Seeing such an operation by the Holy Sect, Tang Yi couldn't help but marvel.

Xin Dao, this holy sect is really doing tricks constantly.

Placing the entrance at the back of Feiyan Sect not only allows Feiyan Sect to protect the entrance for them.

At the same time, it can avoid the Feiyan Sect from entering and prevent the Feiyan Sect from knowing the truth.

This one-hand operation is too sexy.

In this way, the group of people, led by Yun Zuo, climbed to the back mountain of Feiyan Sect.

"Later, we need to climb to the top of Back Mountain first, and then go from the forbidden place on the top of Back Mountain to the underground of Feiyan Sect. After entering the underground, we can use the Holy Gate Token to enter the entrance."

Yun Zuo introduced Tang Yi while taking Tang Yi and others up the back mountain of Feiyan Sect.

"You Holy Sect is indeed cautious enough. Even returning to the station is so cumbersome. That's not right. It can't be said to be cumbersome. It should be said to be cautious? It seems that the realm king of Tianzhou Realm has a pretty good mind." Tang Yi commented.

Hearing Tang Yi's comments, Yun Zuo couldn't help being slightly startled, and then laughed a little.

This was the first time he heard someone comment on the leader of their holy sect, the realm king of the Tianzhou realm.

The Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm, as the master of a realm, is naturally a high-ranking person. Who would dare to discuss it.

Who dares to evaluate?

However, the young man in front of him now not only dared to comment, he even said that the king of Tianzhou Realm had brains.

Does this mean that in this young man’s opinion, the King of the Tianzhou Realm is brainless?

(End of this chapter)

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