Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2571 Coming to the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm

Chapter 2571 Coming to the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm

How could Dong Zhiwen endure hearing such words and feeling such contempt?

Even if Dong Zhiwen could bear it, their Feiyan Sect disciples couldn't.

So after hearing what Tang Yi said, Dong Zhiwen immediately said: "Okay, since the young master does not need our help, then we will not help, but we still go in with the young master to have a look. After all, we also want to see, this holy What kind of force is the Sect? How powerful must it be to dare to boldly come to Feiyan Sect to establish an entrance! How powerful must it be to allow the young master to say that we can't help."

"Then let's go together."

Tang Yi said to Yunzuo: "Jiang Yun, lead the way."

"Okay, sir!"

Jiang Yun said respectfully.

With that said, he took the first step into the golden crack.

Following Yun Zuo, Tang Yi and his party also walked in.

Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, thought for a moment, and then ordered: "Those who have reached the Holy God level will come with me, and the others will stay on guard here!"


Everyone from Feiyan Sect responded.

In this way, a total of sixteen people from the Feiyan Sect, including Supreme Elder Dong Zhiwen, followed Tang Yi and his party into the golden crack.


Everyone entered the golden crack. The golden crack shook for a moment and then closed.

Tang Yi and his party followed Yun Zuo to the underground of Feiyan Sect.

This is a very spacious hall, with a huge magic circle carved in the center of the hall.

After Tang Yi and others entered the crack, Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, looked at it slightly, and then asked: "This is..."

"This is the underground of your Feiyan Sect." Tang Yi replied.

"Underground? That entrance just now actually entered the underground of our Feiyan Sect?" Dong Zhiwen said in surprise.

Others in the Feiyan Sect also looked around in surprise.


Tang Yi said: "From the top of the back mountain, the first thing we enter is the underground of your Feiyan Sect. Then we pass through the magic circle to enter the holy gate."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Dong Zhiwen nodded and said: "That's it! But this Holy Sect is really abominable. They actually built the teleportation array under our Feiyan Sect! I'll see you later. For those who have entered the Holy Sect, I must make them look good!"

"That's right! We must teach the Holy Sect a lesson! Let them know that our Feiyan Sect is not someone to be trifled with."

"This Holy Sect doesn't take our Feiyan Sect seriously! If we don't teach them a lesson, then they will still take advantage of it!"

"Today, either the Holy Gate will be killed by us, or we will be killed by the Holy Gate!"

"This time when we go over, we must let them know how powerful our Feiyan Sect is, and let them know that those who dare to run wild under our Feiyan Sect will not end well!"


Everyone in Feiyan Sect said one after another.

Hearing this, Yun Zuo suddenly sneered, feeling that the Feiyan Sect was simply a bunch of fools who overestimated their abilities.

It's really ridiculous that the Feiyan Sect dares to make such a noise without knowing what kind of force their opponent is and what strength they possess.

Dealing with the Holy Sect?

Make the holy gate look good?
  Can you handle it?
  Not to mention dealing with the entire Holy Sect.

Even the leader of their holy sect cannot be dealt with by the Feiyan Sect!
  Just one leader can wipe out the Feiyan Sect.

In addition, despite the fact that Yun Zao has lost his hands, his actual combat power has not been affected much.

If Tang Yi hadn't been here, the Feiyan Sect would have been destroyed.       Too overestimating one's abilities.

Tang Yi and Mu Xianling also shook their heads.

Although they wanted to laugh at Feiyan Sect's overestimation, they did not say anything or show it.

After all, it’s not strange for those who don’t know. The Feiyan Sect doesn’t know what kind of force the Holy Sect is, does it?

Since we don’t know what kind of force the Holy Sect is, then what’s the problem with Feiyan Sect saying such overestimating words?
  Can you blame them?

Tang Yi said to Yun Zuo: "What should we do now? How can we pass the magic circle?"

Yun Zuo said: "Master, wait a moment, I will activate the magic circle immediately."

After saying that, the cloud seat started to move.

His eyes narrowed, his body shook, and a token flew out from his body!

The token suddenly flew over the magic circle.

The moment the token flew out, the magic circle at the feet of Tang Yi and others reacted.

I saw the magic circle flashing with dazzling golden light.

Seeing the golden light shining on, Yun Zuo hurriedly said: "Sir, take advantage of the moment and stand on top of the magic circle."

Hearing this, Tang Yi, Mu Xianling and others quickly stood on the magic circle.

The people from the Feiyan Sect on the side quickly squeezed into the magic circle.


The golden light of the magic circle flickered for a moment, and then, Tang Yi and his party disappeared into the ground of Feiyan Sect.

Appear again the next moment.

They emerged on the top of a hill with a wide view.

And this top of the mountain is not the top of the back mountain of Feiyan Sect, but a top of the mountain with very rich spiritual energy, which is very unfamiliar to everyone in Feiyan Sect.

However, just when Tang Yi and his party had just stepped onto the top of the mountain, they heard a confused voice: "Jiang Yun? You are not in charge of Moyun Palace, why are you back? Moreover, these people Who are they? What happened to your hands? Why are they gone?"

Hearing this, everyone followed the sound and immediately saw a dozen warriors standing not far from the mysterious mountain top.

Almost all of these dozen warriors were wearing white robes, with a holy word on their chests, and each of them had an extraordinary aura.

And the aura of one of them was as vast as an abyss, as terrifying as the sky, boundless.

This terrifying warrior was about forty years old. He was dressed differently from the others. He was wearing a golden robe. He was very imposing. His words were filled with a sense of superiority. At first glance, Just not ordinary people.

The doubtful words just now were spoken by the golden-robed warrior.

"Hong Yang? I didn't expect you to be sent to guard the teleportation array."

Yun Zuo was surprised for a moment, then turned his head and introduced to Tang Yi: "Sir, the man over there, like me, is also a leader of the Holy Sect. His name is Hong Yang, and he is also known as Yang Zuo. The reason why he appears here So, I guess they were sent to guard the teleportation array."

"Oh? Is he also a chief?"

Tang Yi glanced slightly and found that Hong Yang in front of him was also a supreme being like Yun Zuo.

However, it’s just a low combat power supreme!

Such a supreme being poses no threat to Tang Yi at all!
  Of course, there is no threat to Tang Yi and others, but to Feiyan Sect, the threat is great.

After all, the strongest person in Feiyan Sect is their Supreme Elder Dong Zhiwen.

And Dong Zhiwen is just a top holy god. It is not easy for the Supreme to deal with such a top holy god.

(End of this chapter)

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