Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2572 Everyone in the Feiyan Sect was dumbfounded

Chapter 2572 Everyone in the Feiyan Sect was dumbfounded
  If this Yang Zuo takes action, Feiyan Sect will not be able to resist it.

But what Tang Yi didn't expect was...

Feiyan Sect didn't seem to notice Yang Zuo's strength. After hearing Yunzuo's introduction, Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, immediately stood up and said, "Are you the Holy Sect? Is this the residence of the Holy Sect? "


Hong Yang glanced at Dong Zhiwen slightly, confused for a moment, then turned his eyes, ignored Dong Zhiwen, and said to Yun Zuo: "Jiang Yun, what is going on? Who are these people? They don't seem to know. Do you know my identity? It seems that I am not from our Holy Sect, why did you bring an outsider back?"

Jiang Yun still didn't answer Hong Yang.

Seeing that Hong Yang ignored him, Dong Zhiwen suddenly said dissatisfied: "I'm talking to you, didn't you hear? Let me ask you, is this the residence of the Holy Sect? Are you a member of the Holy Sect?"

"Yes, our Supreme Elder is talking to you. Are you deaf?"

"You actually ignored our Supreme Elder, how brave you are!"

"The people of this Holy Sect are really arrogant! No wonder they dare to set up an entrance in the back mountain of our Feiyan Sect! They even set up a teleportation circle underground in our Feiyan Sect!"

"I just said how could anyone dare to run wild on the territory of our Feiyan Sect! It turns out that this holy sect is so arrogant, and even dares to ignore the words of our Supreme Elder!"

"It seems we can't let it go today."


Everyone in Feiyan Sect shouted.

After hearing Dong Zhiwen's words, Tang Yi, Mu Xianling and others suddenly laughed secretly.

I feel that this Feiyan Sect is too reckless, just like a fool.

How dare you shout so loudly at the head of the Holy Sect at this moment!
  This is simply...

With the Feiyan Sect's behavior, if their group were not here today, I am afraid that the Feiyan Sect would all fall here.

After all, the Feiyan Sect doesn't even have a Supreme, so they dare to challenge the Supreme. Isn't this looking for death?
  And Yun Zuo kept shaking his head at this moment, feeling that Feiyan Sect was too stupid.

At the same time, Yun Zuo didn't understand why Tang Yi was so polite to Feiyan Sect.

In Yun Zuo's view, with Tang Yi's strength, there was no need to be so polite.

There is no need to bring Feiyan Sect here.

These people from Feiyan Sect are all idiots. If you bring them here, wouldn't this be a hindrance?
  Moreover, Yun Zuo felt that even if Tang Yi didn't explain before, even if Tang Yi was rude, Feiyan Sect didn't dare to do anything.

Even if Feiyan Sect dared to do anything, Tang Yi could directly deal with Feiyan Sect without any courtesy or explanation.

Therefore, he had no idea why Tang Yi was being polite to the stupid Feiyan Sect.

Hong Yang, who was on the opposite side, heard the words of the Feiyan Sect and suddenly said, "Huh? Are you from the Feiyan Sect?"

Hong Yang naturally knew about Feiyan Sect.

After all, the teleportation array of their holy sect is built underground under the Feiyan Sect, and the entrance to the teleportation array is at the back mountain of the Feiyan Sect.

The two key locations are both within the Feiyan Sect.

So, how could he not know about Feiyan Sect. "Yes!"

Dong Zhiwen sneered: "What? Now you finally know about us? You Holy Sect is so brave. You actually dare to set up the entrance to the teleportation array in our Feiyan Sect, and also arrange the teleportation array underground in our Feiyan Sect. ! Although I don’t know what kind of force your Holy Sect is, but since you dare to do this, don’t blame our Feiyan Sect for causing trouble!”

Dong Zhiwen spoke with great momentum and his tone was extremely tough.

However, after hearing Dong Zhiwen's words, Hong Yang, the leader of the Holy Sect, sneered and said: "Of course I know about your Feiyan Sect, but what I don't understand is what confidence your Holy Sect has. , How dare you come to our Holy Sect and make noise? Although I don’t understand why Jiang Yun brought you in, but your Feiyan Sect is just a low-level sect, yet you dare to come and make noise with our Holy Sect? Are you looking for death? In addition, we The Holy Sect has set up an entrance and teleportation circle in your Feiyan Sect. It is to look up to your Feiyan Sect and it is to give you face. You don't want to be shameless, understand?"


"Your Holy Sect is actually such a shameless sect!"

"The entrance to the teleportation array was set up in the territory of our Feiyan Sect, and a teleportation array was also set up. Without even saying hello, they actually said that this was to give our Feiyan Sect face? Our Feiyan Sect came to demand justice and actually said Are our Feiyan Sect shameless? Are you saying that we came here to make noise? And are you saying that our Feiyan Sect is an inferior sect?"

"You Holy Sect are so shameless!"

Hearing Hong Yang's words, Dong Zhiwen became furious and said angrily: "Okay, okay, in that case, let me see what your holy sect is capable of! I want to see, you have such a loud tone How strong is the Holy Sect?"

With that said, Dong Zhiwen immediately gestured towards the Feiyan Sect strongman on the side.

Immediately afterwards, five powerful men from Feiyan Sect stood up.

These five Feiyan Sect powerhouses are all Holy God-level powerhouses, and they are also Nine-Star Holy Gods. Their strength is very good.

After these five nine-star Holy God level Feiyan Sect experts stood up, they pressed towards Hong Yang.

However, facing this wave of operations by the Feiyan Sect, Hong Yang of the Holy Sect smiled disdainfully and completely ignored the Feiyan Sect.

Not only Hong Yang, the leader of the Holy Sect, is like this, but other members of the Holy Sect are also very disdainful!
  Everyone looked at Feiyan Sect with amusement and contempt on their faces.

Seeing the reaction of the Holy Sect, the five powerful men from Feiyan Sect immediately frowned, feeling very unhappy.

They feel looked down upon!
  The people who immediately walked towards the Holy Sect quickly.

However, just when these five powerful men from the Feiyan Sect were about to approach the Holy Sect.

Hong Yang, the head of the Holy Sect, smiled disdainfully, and then exuded his own aura.


The terrifying momentum rolled out like a huge wave and spread across the entire place.

Everyone in the audience felt the momentum of this beast.

Feeling Hong Yang's momentum, the five Feiyan Sect strongmen who were approaching the Holy Gate were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes widened and they looked at Hong Yang in disbelief. Their bodies seemed to have been hit by a talisman. Generally stopped.

The Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect was also extremely shocked.

After feeling Hong Yang's aura, he was completely stunned. He stared at Hong Yang blankly, his eyes full of disbelief.

At the same time, the body started to tremble slightly!
  Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, never imagined that the other party would be so strong!

After feeling the opponent's aura, he understood the opponent's strength no matter how stupid, stupid or ignorant he was! I understand, the other party is a... Supreme!
  (End of this chapter)

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