Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2573 The people of Feiyan Sect finally see the situation clearly

Chapter 2573 The people of Feiyan Sect finally see the situation clearly
  After knowing that the other party was a Supreme, Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, quickly reminded: "Come back! He is not something you can deal with! Come back quickly!"

Hearing this, the five Feiyan Sect strongmen who were approaching Hong Yang were immediately startled, and then quickly retreated!

However, it was obviously too late to retreat at this time.


How could Hong Yang let them leave.

Hong Yang, the leader of the Holy Sect, smiled coldly, then stretched out his right hand and pointed lightly.


A burst of energy burst out from his fingers, turned into a stream of light, bombarded out, and flew towards the five Feiyan Sect strongmen.

This energy is not some mysterious method.

It's not a martial skill either.

It's just to let the energy leave the body and bombard it out.

This is the most common and common way to use power.

Anyone can use this kind of power.

However, this method of using power that everyone knows how to use shows great power in Hong Yang's hands!
  Who is Hong Yang after all?

That is the first seat of the Holy Gate.

But a supreme level strong man.

The methods used by such warriors, no matter how ordinary, are still extraordinary in power.

So when they saw such a burst of energy coming, everyone in the Feiyan Sect was immediately shocked.

The five Feiyan Sect strongmen who were sent out to deal with the Holy Sect were even more desperate, their faces full of fear and despair!
  Seeing that energy and feeling the power of that energy, all the strong men of Feiyan Sect felt that it was over at this moment.

I feel dead.

At this moment, in fact, whether it is the five Feiyan Sect strongmen who took action or the Feiyan Sect strongman who did not take action.

Even Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect.

They all looked desperate.

From the perspective of everyone in Feiyan Sect, even if they could escape this attack, it would be of no use at all.

What greeted them next was still a violent storm.

Today, they are still certain to die.

After all, who are their opponents?
  That is supreme!

How can they resist the Supreme Being?
  Want to survive in the hands of the Supreme? Unless you have a hundred lives.

No, even if you have a hundred lives, I'm afraid it's completely impossible.

too difficult.

However, just when everyone in the Feiyan Sect was in despair, and just when the five strong men of the Feiyan Sect who took action felt that they were bound to die.

I saw Tang Yi slightly motioning towards the cloud seat on the side.

At Tang Yi's signal, Yun Zuo nodded.

this moment.

Although Yun Zuo has lost his arms and has become disabled.

But this does not mean that his strength has also disappeared.

On the contrary, not only did his strength not disappear, it didn't even have any impact at all.

Even without his arms, he can still use other parts of his body to perform tricks.

such as.


After Yun Zuo nodded slightly, his body shook slightly and his mouth suddenly opened.

A breath of energy spurted out from Yun Zuo's mouth. This breath of energy is the same as the energy exerted by Shengmen Hongyang with his fingers.

It's not a special method or a martial skill, it's just about separating the energy from the body and bombarding it out.

At this moment, this burst of energy, spurted by the cloud seat, quickly met Hong Yang's energy.

Just like that, the two energies met in mid-air.


The two energies collided and made a roar, causing a violent noise.

Under the terrifying collision, terrifying shock waves swarmed and shook out in all directions.

Under the impact of these shock waves, all the surrounding flowers and plants were wiped out and turned into fly ash.

However, seeing this swarming shock wave, Tang Yi waved his hand slightly and displayed a power barrier in front of him, protecting himself and Mu Xianling and others behind him.

In fact, even if Tang Yi didn't use any means, he could easily withstand the shock wave.

A shock wave of this intensity was just an itch for him.

Not to mention causing harm to him, even if you want to make him lose a hair or cause any damage to his clothes, it is completely impossible.

Therefore, even if Tang Yi stood still, the shock wave would not affect him in the slightest.

It's just that he used his methods to protect Mu Xianling and others behind him.

After all, Mu Xianling and others could not withstand the shock wave caused by the supreme level.

Under the protection of this barrier, all the shock waves that came from the barrier were blocked by the barrier.

It didn't have any impact on Tang Yi and his party, and it didn't even make any ripples on the barrier.

This seemingly ferocious shock wave, in front of Tang Yi's barrier, was like a cat that looked like a tiger, only superficial, but without any harm.

Facing this terrifying shock wave, others also resisted.

People from Feiyan Sect and Holy Sect all used their means to resist this shock wave!

After all, the shock wave generated by the fight between supreme-level experts is no joke.

For them, it is very dangerous. If they do not do well, they are likely to perish.

So they must take action to resist.

And the resistance of these people was not as easy as Tang Yi's.

Regardless of whether you are a member of the Feiyan Sect or a member of the Holy Sect, it is extremely difficult to withstand this shock wave.

They all used their strongest means and used the power of sucking milk!
  Even so, it was still extremely difficult for them, and it took a lot of strength for them to be able to resist.

Some who were not strong enough even suffered a little injury.

Just like that, the shock wave passed by in a flash, and everyone resisted it with difficulty, and the scene became calm again.

After the storm calmed down, Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, and all the powerful men from Feiyan Sect, all turned their heads and looked at Yun Zuo and Tang Yi and his party in surprise!

At this moment, everyone in Feiyan Sect was stunned.

They didn't expect that they would survive!
  What's even more unexpected is that Tang Yi and his party are so strong, they can even resist the Supreme's attacks!

The man who resisted the attack of the Supreme also lost his arms, and the method he used was also full of strength!

He used his strength to resist the strength.

In other words, this person who lost his arms is also the Supreme?
  After knowing this, everyone in Feiyan Sect was stunned.

"The person who has been leading Mr. Tang Yi is actually a Supreme! Mr. Tang Yi just seemed to say that this person is also a member of the Holy Sect! A Supreme, and also the enemy's Supreme, actually rebelled and led Mr. Tang Yi. ! And you resisted the attack of the same sect supreme for Mr. Tang Yi? What on earth is going on?"

Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, was surprised and full of doubts at the same time.

At this moment, Dong Zhiwen finally knew why Tang Yi said that the Feiyan Sect could not help!

How the hell could this possibly help?

This holy gate has the Supreme Being!
  No matter how powerful their Feiyan Sect is, how can they beat the Supreme!
  (End of this chapter)

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