Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2579 Because there is no hope in life!

Chapter 2579 Because there is no hope in life!

"Didn't the young master say you would protect me? If I were in danger, I don't think the young master would just sit idly by and ignore it, right?"

Dong Zhiwen smiled.

"Of course I won't sit idly by, but aren't you afraid?" Tang Yi asked.

Dong Zhiwen looked at Mu Xianling and others, and then said to Tang Yi: "What am I afraid of? Master, you are bringing your family with you this time. You are not afraid. What am I afraid of? Moreover, you dare to bring your family with you." Together, you must be completely sure. If you are not sure, how can you dare to bring your family with you? Are you right?"

Tang Yi glanced at Dong Zhiwen and said with a smile: "Elder Dong is very thoughtful. Yes, I am absolutely sure that I will definitely protect your safety, Elder Dong."

"Actually, even if there is danger, I will definitely follow Mr. Tang Yi in this industry, because I have been stuck at the top holy god level for a long time. No matter how hard I try, no matter what method I use, I can't break through. I feel that I If you want to break through to the Supreme, you need an opportunity. And this opportunity, in my opinion, is this trip to the Tianzhou Realm with Young Master." Dong Zhiwen said.


Tang Yi smiled and said: "Then this time you should look good and feel good. I hope you can break through to the Supreme. I also hope that this industry can be an opportunity for you."

"Thank you Mr. Tang Yi." Dong Zhiwen thanked him.

Tang Yi waved his hand and said no more.

The group of people just moved forward quickly.

Originally, Tang Yi thought that the Divine Realm of Realm was the same in every world. There should be many divine races in the Divine Realm of Realm.

But what Tang Yi didn't expect was.

The Divine Realm of Realms in Tianzhou Realm and the Divine Realm of Realms in Tianmu Realm are completely different.

In the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm, there are not a large number of gods stationed there, and there is no prosperous scene like the sky curtain.

On the contrary, it was desolate.

The entire Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm is a desolate scene.

Not only is there no popularity, there is not even a forest, there is no life, it looks lifeless.

However, in the middle of such a lifeless wilderness, there stood a huge palace that was extremely huge and incompatible with the desolation here!
  This palace is different from the Heavenly Palace in the Tianmu Realm.

It is not in heaven, but below ground.

And it’s extremely huge!
  At least dozens of times the area of ​​Tianmu Realm Heavenly Palace!
  In addition, this huge palace is sparkling and dazzling. It looks magnificent and magnificent.

At first glance, it looks very high-end, and at first glance, it looks very classy.

But such a palace is completely incompatible with the surrounding desolation!

Seeing such a palace, whether it was Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of the Feiyan Sect, Tang Mingtian, the genius of the Tang family, or Mu Xianling and others, they couldn't help but open their mouths with a look of disbelief on their faces.

They had never seen such a palace before, and they had no idea that there would be such a magnificent palace in such a desolate place.

Seeing the palace, Mu Xianling couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is that the palace where the king of Tianzhou Realm is? It's really magnificent!" Binglian nodded and said: "It is indeed very gorgeous. Compared with the Tian Palace in our Tianmu Realm, It needs to be bigger, more gorgeous, and more majestic. But... it looks a little weird! It's also a bit too luxurious."

"Yes, I want to say that too! This palace is gorgeous, it's shining, it's shining, but... it's so weird! I just didn't understand what was weird just now, but after listening to Lian'er's words, I knew ! It’s just too luxurious! Especially in such a desolate place! In fact, luxury is not surprising. As long as this palace is in an equally luxurious place, it will be no problem. But in such a desolate place, there is such luxury A palace, how strange it seems." Yu Wen Jinyu said.

"Not to mention this palace, I think the entire Tianzhou world is very strange! It gives me a very strange feeling, as if the world is very dark, without any hope of life, full of blood, full of violence, full of A kind of irritable emotion. And this feeling is very familiar, as if I have felt it somewhere before, but I can’t remember exactly where.”

An Huanlan frowned and said something, then seemed to remember something, and said suddenly: "I remember! In the Moyun Empire! I also felt this feeling in the Moyun Empire! Violence, blood, and darkness! "

"I was just wondering why it feels so familiar. It turns out that I feel the same way in Moyun!" Yu Wen Jinyu also suddenly said.

Shangguan Siyu said: "It seems that Mo Yun's feeling came from Tianzhou Realm! Mo Yun became like that because of the influence of Tianzhou Realm. After all, before my husband took action, Mo Yun became like that. Yun is under the management of Tianzhou Realm."

Mu Xianling said: "The realm kings and old realm kings of Tianzhou Realm are definitely not good people. After all, only people with evil intentions can manage their world like this, full of violence and blood. It’s full of darkness. That’s what makes this world so weird!”


Binglian said: "Compared to our Tianmu Realm, this Tianzhou Realm does have bad intentions, that's why people's names have such emotions."

While the girls were chatting here, Tang Yi, who was walking in front, also said to Yun Zuo: "Jiang Yun, do you think my wife and the others are right?"

Yun Zuo said: "Young master, I don't know. Because I have been in such a world since I was born. I have no idea whether this world is right or wrong. In my heart, there is only one indicator, that Just to become stronger, only becoming stronger is my only purpose."

"What happens after you become stronger?"

Tang Yi asked again.

"After becoming stronger..."

Yun Zuo thought for a while and then said: "Then become stronger!"

"Then what happens when you become stronger?" Tang Yi asked again.

"After you become stronger... then get stronger again!" Yun Zuo thought for a while and then said.

"Then what happens after you become very, very strong, so powerful that no one can defeat you? What happens when you become so powerful that you can no longer become stronger? At that time, what are you going to do?" Tang Yi asked another one of the most critical questions in life. question.

"After you become so powerful that no one can defeat you, after you become so powerful that you can no longer become stronger?"

Hearing this, Yun Zuo was stunned by the question and began to ponder hard.

However, after thinking for a moment, he shook his head, obviously not thinking about what Wuwei would do in the future.

"Do you know why you can't think of an answer?" Tang Yi asked.

Yun Zuo shook his head.

Tang Yi said: "Because you have no hope, there is no hope in your life, and there is nothing you want to do. Apart from becoming stronger, you can only become stronger. Your heart is full of killing, full of violence, and full of gloom, so, you There is no answer."

(End of this chapter)

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