Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2580 Another person in the 2nd seat

Chapter 2580 The other ten people in the twelve seats


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Yun Zuo seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand.

Tang Yi added: "Actually, in general, you have nothing else to do except become stronger! Apart from killing and bloodthirsty, you don't know how to show mercy. I think you should find one thing to do. Let yourself be full of hope and dreams, and you will feel that the world is very different."

"It's become very different?"

Yun Zuo thought for a moment, and then said: "Then let me try."

After a pause, Yun Zuo looked at Tang Yi and asked: "What about you, Master? Aren't you also constantly improving your strength? If not, how could you become so powerful? Then why have you become stronger? You have become Does strength have anything to do with hopes and dreams?”

"Of course it does matter!"

Tang Yi thought of how helpless and weak he was when he just traveled through time, and immediately said: "I want to become stronger in the beginning because I want to save my own life! All my hope is to survive, so I have to work hard Improve your strength and become stronger."

"Moreover, after I become stronger, I am no longer doing it for myself. I am doing it for my relatives and friends, so that they will not be harmed! So I want to become stronger, only I become stronger Only then can I protect them. This is my hope."

Yun Zuo asked again: "Then what happens when you become so powerful, Master? What happens when you become so powerful that no one can defeat you?"

Yun Zuo handed the question back to Tang Yi, wanting to see how Tang Yi would answer.

But faced with such a question, how could Tang Yi not be able to answer it?
  Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled and replied: "When I am so strong that I can no longer be strong, and when I have taken revenge and obtained the whereabouts of my father, then I and my wife will retire to the mountains and forests, and we will never be together again." Enter the martial arts world again and live the simple and happy life of ordinary people."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Mu Xianling and others behind them suddenly felt warm in their hearts and were very moved.

Everyone looked at Tang Yi with shining eyes.

But when Tang Mingtian heard Tang Yi's words, his expression was very complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect who was following him, praised directly: "Young Master is indeed not an ordinary person. If an ordinary person becomes invincible, he will definitely want to dominate the world and control the entire world. However, Young Master wants to retire to the mountains and forests. , this state of mind is indeed beyond the reach of others. And this state of mind... there is a saying, what is it called, oh, by the way, returning to nature! Yes, this state of mind of the young master is the state of mind of returning to nature! "

"Elder Dong doesn't need to praise me so much. I'm just saying what's on my mind. There's nothing too noble. This is just what a person with hopes and dreams hopes and dreams. That’s all.”

Tang Yi said.

After saying that, he turned his head again and asked Yun Zuo: "So Jiang Yun, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Yun Zuo shook his head.

After becoming strong, will you and your wife retire to the mountains and forests?
  Have you lived an ordinary life?
  If that's the case, why do we need to become stronger? What are you working so hard for?

Why not just retreat to the mountains and forests from the beginning?
  Yun Zuo was a little puzzled, so he didn't understand Tang Yi's concept at all.

Seeing Yun Zuo, he still didn't understand. Tang Yi smiled and said, "Actually, I don't expect you to understand. After all, everyone's understanding is different. You know one thing, that is, this world needs to be full of hope and dreams. It needs to be full of youthful vitality, full of love, full of kindness, full of passion, and full of all kinds of passionate emotions. Not killing, not bloodthirsty, not indifferent and gloomy! In life, you don’t need too many negative emotions, you have to face the sun. Student. Okay, that’s all I have to say. You can figure it out for yourself. As for whether you can figure it out, that’s your business. But I still want to remind you, don’t think that only strength is important. I say These are not important, what I said may change your life and make you different.”

Although Yun Zuo still didn't understand what Tang Yi said, he still said respectfully: "I've learned a lesson."

The group of people chatted like this and slowly approached the huge palace.

Since this palace is extremely large and located in the center of the entire Realm of Gods, it is not too far away from Tang Yi and others.

Not long after, Tang Yi and his party arrived at the palace.

However, as soon as they arrived at the palace, Tang Yi and his party were surrounded by a group of people.

There are fifty or sixty people in this group, and all of them have very powerful auras. The weakest ones are all at the top holy level.

Among them, there are even ten people who have reached the supreme level!

Among these ten people, one of them seemed to be the leader and said to Yun Zuo: "Jiang Yun, you are so brave, you dare to betray Lord Kaiou! Do you know what the crime is? This can make you The crime of dying in ashes and not having a good death! Kaio-sama already knows about this, and now he is very angry. I advise you to come over quickly and kneel down to surrender, and then follow me to meet Kaio-sama and apologize to Kaio-sama, otherwise If so, oh, don’t blame me for not remembering our friendship from the same school!”


Yun Zuo sneered and said: "Now that we have reached this point, I obviously can't look back. Whether you cherish the friendship of the same family or not, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to take action against me, Then you can take action now."

Cloud Seat is not stupid either.

He knew that he had exposed too many things about the Holy Sect. Even if he went to kneel down and beg for mercy from the Kaiwang of the Tianzhou Realm, the Kaiwang of the Tianzhou Realm would not be able to forgive him.

Therefore, if you don't stop doing anything, you might as well just go to Tang Yi and go all the way to the end.

After Yun Zuo finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Tang Yi: "Master, I said before that there are a total of twelve leaders in our Tianzhou world. I am one, and the previous Hong Yang is one, and the remaining The ten people below are the ten people in front of me. The person I am talking to right now is the leader of our Twelve Heads, named Lang Haonan."

Seeing that Yun Zuo ignored him completely and went to introduce Tang Yi, the leader Lang Haonan suddenly said coldly: "Okay, Jiang Yun really has you! He even introduced it to others. It seems that you are serious You are going to betray our Tianzhou world. Although I don’t know why you did this, but since you did it, don’t blame us for being ruthless.”

With that said, Lang Haonan waved his hand and ordered: "Chenghua, Yingguang still has some cultivation skills, you all take action together to capture Jiang Yun. I want to see how hard his wings are, how dare he betray our Tianzhou Kai, betray Lord Kaiou!”

(End of this chapter)

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