Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2601 He is lying

Chapter 2601 He is lying
  Seeing Tang Yi's appearance, even Mu Xianling and others who had become Tang Yi's wife couldn't help but tremble in their hearts and feel a little afraid.

But after all, they were the people closest to Tang Yi. Although they were afraid, even though they were afraid, it was only for a moment.

They were frightened just for a moment when they saw Tang Yi's murderous aura, but it only took a moment for them to recover.

All fears and fears have turned into trust, support, understanding, care, and a deep love.

Their love at this moment was not because Tang Yi looked scary, not because Tang Yi was full of murderous intent, and not because Tang Yi turned into a devil and became more handsome and colder, so they loved Tang Yi even more.

It's because of Tang Yi's sense of responsibility, because of Tang Yi's sense of responsibility for his family, for his family, and for the blood feud of his closest relatives!
  And the sense of justice to eradicate great harm from the world.

And the spirit of perseverance and hard work in order to avenge the family.

Because of these, they love Tang Yi even more!

They even felt that Tang Yi, this man, was their strongest support.

Although Tang Yi looked terrifying at the moment, in their eyes, he was a hero, the embodiment of justice, and a majestic and invincible general.

At the same time, he is also their most reliable husband!
  Different from Mu Xianling and other women.

Seeing Tang Yi's terrifying look, Tang Mingtian was completely frightened.

After all, no matter how strong Tang Yi's performance was before, he was always polite and gentle.

This appearance did not give him much fear, nor was it much of a deterrent.

Awe was awe, but he was not afraid of Tang Yi at all.

but now!

He was afraid.

Tang Yi's murderous, demon-like appearance was deeply imprinted in Tang Mingtian's heart, causing great fear in Tang Mingtian's heart.

At the same time, Tang Mingtian couldn't help but start to worry, and thought uneasily in his heart: "It's over, Tang Yi doesn't look as gentle as expected. Although he just promised me that he would not target Huamei, who knows when that time will come?" , will he keep his promise? The way he looks now, it doesn’t look like he keeps his promise. I have to think of a way to save Huamei’s life.”

the other side.

Seeing how terrifying Tang Yi was, Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, who was standing at the end of Mu Xianling's group, was also stunned.

The body, like some warriors from the Tianzhou Realm, had begun to tremble faintly. Before.

He just saw that Tang Yi was gentler, easier to talk to, and stronger, so he followed Tang Yi and his group here with the purpose of increasing his knowledge and breaking through his mentality.

But I didn't expect that Tang Yi was so terrifying and fierce!
  This completely broke his cognition and frightened him at the same time.

After all, it is very scary and frightening for a seemingly gentle person to suddenly become so terrifying.

Especially this gentle person is also a very powerful person.

A powerful person becomes extremely terrifying, exudes endless murderous intent, and is like a god of death. Who is not afraid to see this?
  What if this person loses his mind.
  Therefore, Dong Zhiwen was really frightened.

At this moment, Dong Zhiwen stood there blankly, looking at Tang Yi, who was floating in the air, exuding endless murderous aura, like a god of death, and said to himself: "Such a polite person, after the outbreak, , can actually become so terrifying, so scary, this is too scary. Is this the change after the strong man breaks out?! If I become a strong man, can I also become so scary? "

I don't know if it was because of seeing Tang Yi's scary look, or if Dong Zhiwen had some epiphany in his heart, but at this moment, the bottleneck that he had been stuck in for many years was actually slightly loosened, as if a small hole had been cut. He opened it...

High in the sky.

Tang Yi stood in the air, his body upright, holding the five-meter-long giant sword casually, and his whole body was filled with endless power.

At this moment, he seemed like a king, speaking to the countless surviving warriors of the Tianzhou Realm in the sky with a condescending, condescending, and indifferent tone: "To tell you the truth, my name is Tang Yi , is the son of the patriarch of the Tang family in the Tianxing domain of the Tianmu world. Compared to you, I am just an ordinary family member with no origin, no background, no talent and potential, and I cannot compare with you at all. However, I But it has grown to the point where it is now, where it can kill you at will, and where it can control the power of life and death for all of you. Do you know why?"

After finishing speaking, Tang Yi continued without waiting for the Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky to answer: "It's because I kept telling myself in my heart that I want to be strong, I must become strong, and only I have become strong. Only by getting up can I protect the people I want to protect, and only by becoming stronger can I avenge the bloodshed!"

Having said this, Tang Yi looked at the remaining hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky, and his eyes became sharp, as if countless sharp swords were stuffed into his eyes, full of endless sharpness. Murderous.

After glancing at the Tianzhou Realm warriors in the audience, Tang Yi retracted his gaze and continued to say calmly: "It's because I keep admonishing myself in my heart, constantly urging myself, and constantly forcing myself to work hard, that I am Today! Only then... can I come to your Tianzhou Realm to avenge my Tang family's blood feud!"

After a pause, Tang Yi said: "That's right, I came to your Tianzhou Realm for revenge! Back then, your Tianzhou Realm sent strong men to slaughter hundreds of members of my Tang family. My family was wiped out, and even my father is missing! I dare not forget such a blood feud! So I came here today for revenge!"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Lu Shen and Lu Qian, the guardians of Tianzhou Realm in the distance, were suddenly shocked.

Lu Shen looked at Tang Yi in horror and said with an expression of disbelief: "Is he the fish that slipped through the net of the Tang family? No, it's impossible! How could a mere eldest young master of the Tang family have such strength? ! If I remember correctly, the eldest young master of the Tang family was still a waste a year ago! How could he have grown to this point in just one year! How could he be able to kill hundreds of thousands of warriors in our Tianzhou world with one blow? ?This is completely impossible!”

Protector Zuo Lu Qian also didn't believe it: "If he is really the remnant of the Tang family, that's too exaggerated! In more than a year, he has grown from a waste to what he is now. This progress is too fast and amazing. Well, even when our Lord King was young, he couldn't have progressed so fast! Therefore, he definitely can't be the remnant of the Tang family! He is lying!"

(End of this chapter)

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