Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2602 Vent and Harvest!

Chapter 2602 Vent and Harvest!

However, regardless of whether these two guardians of the Tianzhou Realm believed it or not, the facts were there. Tang Yi used his superb strength to appear in front of them forcefully.

Use your own strength to tell them who you are and what you are here to do.

Regardless of the reaction of everyone present, Tang Yi continued: "Back then, your Tianzhou Realm massacred hundreds of members of my Tang family. Since I am here to take revenge, I will naturally retaliate against you Tianzhou Realm with the same means. So today, I am going to massacre your entire Tianzhou Realm, and let all the warriors in the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm taste the feeling of having their lives taken away from them, and taste the feeling of being slaughtered and unable to do anything but despair. Taste. At the same time, I will raze your entire Tianzhou Realm, the Realm of Gods, to the ground. From the realm kings and old realm kings to ordinary warriors, they all come to pay for the lives of my Tang family!!"

Tang Yi's words were so loud that they spread throughout the sky and were heard by everyone present.

His words were full of murderous intent, making people tremble and tremble when they heard them.

After finishing speaking, Tang Yi ignored everyone's reactions, and without waiting for the warriors of the Tianzhou Realm and the left and right guardians of the Tianzhou Realm to say anything, he raised the five-meter-long Demon's Slave, and then swayed, He rushed towards the warriors from the Tianzhou Realm!

With a loud shout, Tang Yi's eyes flashed fiercely, and murderous intent swarmed out.

The devil's slave in his hand was like a scythe harvesting life at this moment, exuding endless power and a breath of death.

this moment.

Tang Yi's figure was seen walking quickly around the warriors of the Tianzhou Realm.

Like a dragonfly touching water, they appeared beside a group of warriors from the Tianzhou Realm.

Then it disappeared again.

The next second another group of warriors from the Tianzhou Realm appeared next to them.

After all this moment.

The warriors of Tianzhou Realm are scattered everywhere. If they want to kill them with one blow, they can only do it unless Tang Yi uses a larger and more terrifying skill to cover the entire sky.

However, Tang Yi did not have such skills.

Of course.

Even if there is, Tang Yi doesn't intend to use it.

Moreover, although Tang Yi does not have such a large-scale skill, with Tang Yi's current methods, he can still kill the remaining Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky on the spot.

No matter it is the divine light of destruction from the eyes of the Supreme Holy King.

It is also the supreme skill of Sky Slash and Earth Splitting Wave Sword.

Can cause a wide range of attacks!

In several consecutive rounds, he can kill the Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky.


Tang Yi doesn't want to do this!

This time, he will take action himself!

He wants to use this giant sword in his hand to kill these warriors from the Tianzhou Realm!
  And the reason why it is so!

Because of……

Tang Yi wants to vent it out!
  He wants to release all the resentment and anger in his heart towards Tianzhou Realm!

After all, this Tianzhou world is not only related to the tragedy of their Tang family, but has even been targeting him!

Ever since he was still weak, he has been harassing and attacking his relatives!
  Against him many times!

No matter where he goes, he will encounter the forces or branches cultivated by Tianzhou Realm.

It's so annoying.

After being targeted for so long, Tang Yi was already full of anger towards Tianzhou Realm.

And this anger has been suppressed by him for a long time!

If he keeps suppressing it any longer, Tang Yi may lose his mentality.

So, now he wants to vent it out! In addition, in addition to venting his emotions, Tang Yi also needs to warm up.

After all, he had already reached the hinterland of Tianzhou Realm.

We have arrived in front of the sky palace of the Tianzhou Realm Holy Palace!
  One step further is the sky palace of the Tianzhou Realm Holy Palace.

And this palace in the sky is the residence of the Heavenly Boat Realm King and the Old Realm King.

As long as he enters the palace in the sky of the Tianzhou Realm, the opponents he will face are the Kaiwang and the old Kaiou of the Tianzhou Realm.

The Kai-King and the Old Kai-King of the Tianzhou Realm are the strongest existences in the Realm, and they are not ordinary opponents.

The strength is very powerful.

Faced with such an existence, Tang Yi did not dare to be careless.

Therefore, he now wants to vent his suppressed emotions for a long time while practicing his skills to warm himself up for the next battle against the Heavenly Boat Realm King and the Old Realm King.

And this moment.

The remaining warriors in the Tianzhou Realm were spread out in the sky, almost everywhere, like stars in the sky.

Tang Yi wanted to kill them all personally, which was not easy.

Killing is easy, but finding someone is difficult.

It takes a certain amount of time and effort.

However, this also gave Tang Yi a chance to practice!

Gave Tang Yi a chance to warm up.

Moreover, although the warriors of Tianzhou Realm were scattered widely, Tang Yi was still extremely quick to kill!
  His killing speed did not slow down just because the warriors from the Tianzhou Realm dispersed like stars.

At this moment, Tang Yi's figure was moving rapidly in the sky. Wherever he passed, there was a sea of ​​blood everywhere!
  Every time Tang Yi went to a position, the bodies of all the Tianzhou Realm warriors were cut in half with extremely fast speeds.

No one saw when Tang Yi came or when Tang Yi left.

I didn’t even see when Tang Yi took action!

Those Tianzhou Realm warriors who were killed by Tang Yi didn't even know that they had been killed by Tang Yi.

By the time they reacted, they were already unconscious!
  It can be seen how fast Tang Yi is.

the most important is.

Tang Yi killed these warriors from Tianzhou Realm as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

A single strike of the sword can at least cut hundreds of Tianzhou Realm warriors into two pieces!
  No one is a target of Tang Yi's sword, and no one can resist Tang Yi for a moment!
  All the warriors of Tianzhou Realm are as fragile as tofu.

Just like this, a large number of corpses of Tianzhou Realm warriors fell from the sky, accompanied by blood.

Like shooting stars, trailing bloody trails.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."


After killing a large number of Tianzhou Realm warriors, Tang Yi once again received a large number of reminders in his mind.

In just that moment, Tang Yi flew to dozens of locations and harvested the lives of thousands of warriors from the Tianzhou Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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