Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2604 Don’t come closer

Chapter 2604 Don’t come closer
  In the sky.

Tang Yi was like a god of death, constantly harvesting the lives of the warriors of the Tianzhou Realm.

Under Tang Yi's pursuit, the warriors of Tianzhou Realm fled frantically.

His expression was desperate and his movements were frightened.

But, even so, they couldn't escape at all.

After all, who is Tang Yi?

Who are they?
  What's Tang Yi's speed?

What speed are they?

Under the pursuit of Tang Yi, a strong man with a supreme combat power index of almost 5 million.

Who can resist the warriors of Tianzhou Realm?

Who can escape?
  In this way, the warriors in Tianzhou Realm were chased by Tang Yi one after another, and then killed with one sword.

Although Tang Yi killed them one by one, it was quite troublesome and extremely time-consuming.

But in fact, this time-consuming is relative to yourself.

After all, if Tang Yi doesn't rush to kill them personally, if he uses his own methods, the killing speed will be very fast. It only takes a few blows to kill all the Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky instantly.

Therefore, the time he is spending now is relative to himself.

Compared to others, his killing speed was still very fast, almost unimaginably fast.

At the moment when the guardians of Tianzhou Realm were discussing, Tang Yi had killed tens of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors.

Originally, there were only about 100,000 warriors from the Tianzhou Realm surviving in the sky, but now that number has dropped by half again.

From the original number of hundreds of thousands, it dropped to tens of thousands!

The sky, which was originally very dense, became even more empty again.

Compared with the beginning, there are now only two or three kittens in the sky, and they seem to be very sparse and divided.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 500-star level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Twenty-three-star level two supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."


After killing a large number of warriors in Tianzhou Realm, Tang Yi's level was promoted again, from level 221 to level 223!

Promoted two levels again.

The supreme combat power index has increased by one thousand points again!

The strength has been improved again.

Of course, this small improvement is nothing.

Tang Yi didn't take it to heart.

All his attention now is on the warriors of Tianzhou Realm.

Focus on killing!

This time, he was really happy!
  It's been a long time since he had such a refreshing feeling!
  It had been a long time since he had fought an enemy face to face like this.

When strength becomes strong, when many means are obtained.

When Tang Yi faced the enemy, he could just wave his hand or use the magical power of the Eye of the Supreme Sacred King to kill the opponent with one blow.

But this kind of killing has no feeling at all.

He felt nothing, and his opponent was wiped out.

This is not pleasant at all!

but now!

It’s so cool!

This feeling of blood spurting, this feeling of cutting flesh with swords, this feeling of facing each other, feeling the enemy's fear, feeling the enemy's despair, and this feeling of revenge.

Don't be too cool!
  There is an inexplicable pleasure!

Of course, it was refreshing, but Tang Yi always reminded himself not to sink in. After all, killing is not the right way.

If you sink into it, you will become a murderer.

Tang Yi doesn't want to become a murderer.

Therefore, while chasing down the warriors of Tianzhou Realm and enjoying the pleasure of revenge, Tang Yi also warned himself that he was taking revenge, not enjoying killing, and he must not sink.

Just like that, Tang Yi warned himself while killing crazily.

There are gradually fewer Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky.

From the hundreds of thousands when Tang Yi made the move, it slowly turned into tens of thousands, then slowly turned into thousands, then hundreds, and then dozens.

At last……

Tang Yi held the devil's slave in his hand and rushed towards the last Tianzhou Realm warrior in the sky, and then swung the five-meter-long devil's slave suddenly.


The bodies of the last few dozen Tianzhou Realm warriors were split into two halves and died on the spot.

Broken corpses fell into the sky, blood splattering.

After killing the last Tianzhou Realm warrior, Tang Yi was filled with joy and his whole body was filled with relief.

However, he experienced such a killing and killed hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors.

Tang Yi's body was still spotless, let alone stained with a drop of blood.

Not even a speck of dust.

The whole person is still clean and tidy.


After killing hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors, Tang Yi's overall appearance did not change at all.

But the whole person's momentum has undergone a huge change!
  His whole aura was still so powerful and terrifying.


In this powerful and terrifying momentum, there is also a very frightening murderous aura.

Compared with Tang Yi's previous terrifying aura, this murderous aura was more intimidating and frightening.

Just like this, after killing hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors, Tang Yi's figure stopped and floated in mid-air.

At this moment, he was holding a five-meter-long giant sword, and he looked like a battle-hardened general, majestic and full of infinite power.

Waves of frightening murderous aura swept all around, making everyone shudder when they saw it.

After Tang Yi slaughtered the entire crowd, he turned his eyes and looked at the guardians Lu Shen and Lu Qian of Tianzhou Realm in the distance.

When Tang Yi was killing just now, the two guardians of the Tianzhou Realm hid far away and escaped from being slaughtered by Tang Yi.

Of course!
  The reason why they were able to escape was actually because Tang Yi let them go.

Otherwise, no matter how far they escape, Tang Yi can kill them!

On the other side, feeling Tang Yi's gaze, the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm, Lu Shen and Lu Qian, were slightly shaken. They did not dare to look directly at Tang Yi and were full of fear.

After all, Tang Yi was also afraid that Tang Yi would come over and kill them at this time!

Facing Tang Yi, they had no confidence to resist.

However, when they thought that there was a backup plan, they braced themselves and looked directly at Tang Yi with their timid eyes.

Seeing the way that the guardians on the left and right of Tianzhou Realm were afraid of death and looked directly at him, Tang Yi curled up the corner of his mouth and revealed a sneer.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi held the giant sword and slowly flew towards the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm.

Seeing Tang Yifei coming, the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm were frightened. The right guardian Lu Shen said in horror: "You, you, you, what do you want to do? Don't come over!"

"Didn't you yell a lot before? Why are you so scared now?"

Tang Yi smiled.

"I... Anyway, don't come closer! If you come closer again, I won't be polite." Right Protector Lu Shen said.

(End of this chapter)

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