Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2605 Right Protector Lu Shen who is afraid of death

Chapter 2605 Right Protector Lu Shen who is afraid of death

Seeing that Right Protector Lu Shen had reached such a stage and was threatening himself, Tang Yi suddenly sneered and looked at Right Protector Lu Shen as if he was looking at a fool.

"Are you threatening me now? Do you think you can threaten me?"

Tang Yi smiled and leaned towards the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm, completely ignoring Lu Shen's warning.

"I advise you not to come here again, and don't try to take action against us, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. To tell you the truth, Jiang Yun's family is still in my hands, and your Tang family members are also in my hands. Come on, I advise you to think carefully before coming over." Lu Shen said.


Hearing this, Tang Yi's figure really stopped.

After all, Jiang Yun's family was in the other party's hands, and Tang Yi knew it.

But the Tang family members were also in the opponent's hands, so Tang Yi was very surprised.

At the same time, he was very curious as to which member of the Tang family was in the other's hands.

"Could it be my father?"

Tang Yi guessed.

However, when Lu Shen across from him saw that Tang Yi had indeed stopped, he immediately felt relieved and said proudly: "That's right. After all, your Tang family members are still in my hands, and so are Jiang Yun's family members." My hands. If you come over and attack us, will your Tang family and Jiang Yun’s family still be alive?"

Tang Yi looked at Lu Shen and asked, "Which member of our Tang family is in your hands?"

Lu Shen smiled and said: "Anyway, we have clan members in our hands. I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise their lives will be in danger. As for which clan members are in our hands, I don't know. I’ll tell you.”

Tang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Lu Shen, and said with a smile: "Seeing is believing, and hearing is false. Do you think I will believe you if you say this? Do you think I won't kill you if you say this? Hehe, you Do you think I’m scared? I will believe you just based on your words? That’s ridiculous.”

As he spoke, Tang Yi leaned towards the right protector Lu Shen again!


Seeing that Tang Yi ignored the threat and actually leaned over again, the right protector Lu Shen suddenly panicked.

He hurriedly said to Protector Zuo Lu Qian on the side: "Brother, go, hurry up and bring Jiang Yun's family and that woman out to me!"

Hearing this, Protector Zuo Lu Qian quickly dodged, left the place, and fled towards Tianxuan Palace.

Seeing Protector Zuo Lu Qian leaving, Tang Yi did not stop him and continued to press towards Lu Shen step by step!
  Lu Shen said in panic: "Don't come over here. Your Tang family members and Jiang Yun's family are indeed in my hands."

"How do I know you're not lying to me? How do I know you're not bluffing because you want to save your life?" Tang Yi said.

"I definitely didn't lie to you! If you really attack me, my brother will definitely kill them, and you will regret it later!" Lu Shen threatened.

"Haha, I regret it so much!"

Tang Yi sneered and said, "What do you use to prove that they are in your hands?"

"I don't need to prove it, because my brother will bring them out later!" Lu Shen said.

"Okay, if he can't bring him out, then... prepare to go to hell!" Tang Yi said coldly.

With that said, Tang Yi stopped, a hundred meters away from the right protector Lu Shen, and stopped moving forward.

Of course.

He stopped moving forward not because he was threatened by Lu Shen.

It's not that I really don't believe what Lu Shen said, or that the Tang family and Jiang Yun's family are in each other's hands.

It's because he wants to wait for Lu Qian to bring out the so-called Tang family members and Jiang Yun's family members!
  That’s why I stopped moving forward.

That's why he didn't take action against Lu Shen.

If the people in Tianzhou Realm don't bring these people out, Tang Yi will have to find them by himself.

Whether it can be found is another matter. The key is that it is very troublesome!
  After all, Tang Yi was not familiar with Tianxuan Palace.

And Jiang Yun, who is familiar with Tianxuan Palace, may not necessarily know where these people are.

Therefore, Tang Yi wanted to put some pressure on the guardians of Tianzhou Realm and let them bring people out on their own!
  That's why Tang Yicai left the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm behind and did not take action against them.

Now sure enough!

As expected, the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm fell into the trap. The left protector, Lu Qian, really went to find someone.

This made Tang Yi sneer in his heart, secretly thinking that the guardians on the left and right were really brainless, and they really fell into the trap.

Seeing that Lu Qian was really looking for someone, how could Tang Yi take action against Lu Shen.

What if he really takes action against Lu Shen and his brother Lu Qian kills all the Tang family members and Jiang Yun's family members in a fit of rage?
  and so.

Tang Yi would not take action against Lu Shen before Lu Qian brought him out.

And the other side.

Lu Shen, the right protector of Tianzhou Realm, didn't know what Tang Yi was thinking, and he didn't know that Tang Yi wouldn't take action now.

He thought that Tang Yi really didn't believe him, that Tianzhou Realm controlled the Tang family and Jiang Yun's family.

Thinking that Tang Yi didn't believe it, Lu Shen was very nervous at the moment, very afraid of Tang Yi taking action.

Because I was too nervous, because I was too scared.

He was now covered in cold sweat.

It can be seen how nervous he is at this moment.

Of course.

Although Lu Shen is the right protector of the Tianzhou Realm, he is a being who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. He is very powerful and has seen strong winds and waves.

But he is also a human being after all, and everyone is afraid of death.

What's more, Lu Shen's strength has been cultivated to be so strong and he already has such a high status.

After harvesting so much, he was about to die before he could fully enjoy it. Could he be willing to do so?

Can he not be afraid of death?
  It is true that his strength has become stronger, and he has become a being that is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, but it also makes Lu Shen lose the courage that he had in the past to dare to fight, brave and die.

Now, it would be no exaggeration to say that he is afraid of death.

He was indeed too afraid of death.

He was afraid that Tang Yi would take action against him.


Facing such a powerful being like Tang Yi, how could he not be afraid?
  How could you not be afraid?
  How could you not be nervous?
  You know, Tang Yi just killed hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors with one blow, and he could kill hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors with just one giant sword.

This kind of fighting power and this kind of method are too terrifying.

How could he not be afraid?
  and so!
  Lu Shen was also very nervous now, so nervous that his back was wet.

There is even an urge in the body, an urge to scare and tremble.

Fortunately, with his rich experience and strong body control, he was able to restrain the urge to tremble.

Otherwise, he would be embarrassed at this moment.

The dignified Right Protector of the Tianzhou Realm actually trembled with fear when facing the enemy without even fighting him. Isn't this shameful?

It's so embarrassing.

Fortunately he restrained himself.

Of course.

The reason why he was able to restrain himself was not only due to Lu Shen's experience and strong control, but also to Tang Yi's failure to stop him.

If Tang Yi takes a few more steps forward.

Maybe Lu Shen wasn't just shaking with fear.

Instead, he was so scared that he peed his pants.

(End of this chapter)

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