Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2609 Tang Mingtian’s request

Chapter 2609 Tang Mingtian’s request
  Looking up again, Tang Yi moved his gaze back to Tang Fanghua.

As time goes by, Tang Fanghua's strength has been upgraded from the God of War level to the Holy Spirit level by using the evil method of becoming a demon!

In an instant, the four stages of saint, saint master and great saint master were skipped!
  However, this is not the final result!
  Because Tang Fanghua's strength is still improving!

It's still getting more terrifying.

have to say.

The method of becoming a demon is indeed evil and powerful. It can actually make an ordinary person improve so much!
  It was actually able to force a God of War to ascend to the Holy Spirit level and jump through four major stages!

This is too terrible.

Tang Yi remembered that the people he had met before had only improved by one or two major stages through the use of magic, but not that much.

Seeing that Tang Fanghua had improved so much, Tang Yi was immediately more certain that this method was spread from the Tianzhou Realm or from the hands of the Tianzhou Realm King.

Because the demon used by those people before should be a castrated version.

That is, because of the castrated version, those people do not improve much.

And the demon used by Tang Fanghua should be the original version, so it has been improved so much that it can be improved to several major stages in a row!

And can learn the original version
  Tang Fanghua must have been in the Tianzhou world during this time.

She was able to learn the original version. If she didn't learn it in the Tianzhou world, where did she learn it?

Therefore, after seeing that Tang Fanghua's use of Becoming a Demon was able to achieve an incomparably huge improvement, Tang Yi determined that this method of Becoming a Demon was passed down from the Tianzhou Realm, or even from the Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm himself.

After confirming such news, Tang Yi suddenly became solemn: "Since this method can be passed on to others, then the realm king of Tianzhou Realm must also know this method. And when it is used, it must be stronger than Tang Fanghua, and the improvement Definitely more!
  Although I am very powerful now, with a supreme combat power index of five million points, I still cannot take it lightly when faced with the King of the Sky Boat Realm and the King of the Old Realm who know such evil methods! After all, the method of becoming a demon is indeed too powerful and terrifying.

Moreover, just the method of becoming a demon is enough to give me a headache. If they have other more powerful means. Then maybe I really may not be able to defeat them. "

After a pause, Tang Yi thought again: "But it doesn't matter, even if I can't defeat them, I still have many ways to save my life. Even if I can't defeat them, I believe it will be easy to escape, and they can't do anything to me. So. , I can still go and challenge."

However, while Tang Yi was thinking about it.


A figure flew towards him 'slowly'.

Tang Yi turned around and found that the person coming was Tang Mingtian.

At this moment, Tang Mingtian looked very anxious, his face was full of worry, he seemed very worried.

Seeing Tang Mingtian coming to his side with such an expression, Tang Yi immediately smiled and said, "Are you here to plead for her? But brother Mingtian, don't worry, I won't do anything to her. "

"Tang Yi, with your words, I feel relieved. Thank you. But..."

Tang Mingtian said anxiously: "However, I still want to ask you to save Fang Hua, because the method Fang Hua is using now is called"

Tang Yi smiled slightly, interrupted Tang Mingtian, and said: "It's called becoming a demon, right? I know this. I've seen it. Once the demon is completed, oneself will be sacrificed to the devil, and the whole person will no longer belong to oneself. Once you have self-awareness and only know killing, you will become a beast that only knows killing! Isn’t it right?”

"Huh? Tang Yi, you actually know."

Seeing that Tang Yi actually revealed the methods used by Tang Fanghua and knew them very clearly, Tang Mingtian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Since you know Tang Yi, that's even better. Tang Yi Please help Fang Hua quickly. Now she has entered the possessed state. If she completes the obsession, then she will be dead. Her consciousness will be wiped out! Therefore, she must not be allowed to complete the obsession. But with my I can't interrupt her at all. If I go up rashly, I might even be killed by Fang Hua, but Tang Yi, you are definitely capable of helping her, so can you help her?"

After a pause, Tang Mingtian continued: "Fang Hua doesn't pose any threat to you now. Even if you help her, she can't influence you, let alone harm you. As long as you can save her, I promise that in the future She will never target you again. So I beg you, help Fang Hua, she is the only one for me. If she is gone, I can't live anymore. Tang Yi, I really beg you. ”Said, Tang Mingtian was still in the air, and Vukong knelt down to Tang Yi, constantly pleading with Tang Yi, hoping that Tang Yi could help Tang Fanghua.

"What are you doing? You need to get up first to talk about it."

Seeing Tang Mingtian kneeling, Tang Yi quickly went over and helped Tang Mingtian up.

Even if you kneel down in mid-air, that's still kneeling.

There is gold under a man's knees, how can he kneel down casually?

So Tang Yi went to tell Tang Mingtian to help him up.

After being helped up, Tang Mingtian immediately looked at Tang Yi with a sincere and pleading look, and asked: "How about, Tang Yi, can you help her mother? If you help her, you are helping me. As long as You helped me this time, and I will be willing to do anything in the future if you need me! As long as you save Fang Hua, even if you ask me to die, I won't say a word!"

"Brother Mingtian, why did I tell you to die? Stop saying such things."

Tang Yi glanced at Tang Mingtian and curled his lips at Tang Mingtian's words.

"Can you help Tang Yi?" Tang Mingtian asked again. His eyes were full of anticipation.

"Let me think about it."

Tang Yi said.

As he said that, he started thinking, seeming to be thinking about whether to help Tang Fanghua.

In fact, Tang Yi can indeed help, as long as he pays some price.


Do you want to help?

Tang Yi has to think about it.

After all, Tang Fanghua is Tang Fangzhou's sister.

Moreover, Tang Fanghua is very rigid and stubborn.

Tang Yidu had just told her the reason for killing Tang Fangzhou, but Tang Fanghua still wanted to take action!

This is too annoying.

Although Tang Fangzhou did not pose any threat to Tang Yi, even if he helped Tang Fangzhou, Tang Fangzhou could not do anything to Tang Yi.


Although Tang Fangzhou couldn't do anything to Tang Yi, he would always come to trouble Tang Yi, making Tang Yi tireless.

Tang Yi is a person who hates trouble. He doesn't like trouble, and he doesn't like flies that always bother him.

Therefore, he was in a dilemma whether to save him or not.

(End of this chapter)

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