Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2610 Soul-Calming and Exorcist Talisman

Chapter 2610 Soul-Calming and Exorcist Talisman

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi finally sighed helplessly and thought it was better to save him.

After all, Tang Fanghua is a member of the Tang family.

There are not many people in the Tang family now. If we don't save him, there will be even fewer descendants of the Tang family.


Now Tang Mingtian was begging to come to him and even knelt down in front of him.

If he didn't save her, it would be too disrespectful.

"Brother Mingtian, do you like Tang Fanghua very much?" Tang Yi raised his head and asked.

"Hua Mei and I have been childhood sweethearts since we were young. We have been together for so many years, and we have already passed the realm of likes and dislikes! My feelings for Hua Mei are not just as simple as love." Tang Mingtian replied.

"Then she has become like a human being or a ghost. Do you still like her? Still love her? Are you still willing to be with her?" Tang Yi asked again.

"I like her, love her, and want to be with her. It has nothing to do with her appearance. What I want is her as a person, not her appearance. In this case, what does it matter what her appearance becomes? ?Why don't I want to be with her?" Tang Mingtian replied again.

Hearing this, Tang Yi nodded, finally understanding Tang Mingtian's emotions.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi said to Tang Mingtian, "Okay. I can save her."

"Really? Tang Yi, are you really willing to save Huamei?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Tang Mingtian was overjoyed.

And Tang Yi said: "I can save her, but Brother Mingtian, you have to ensure that she won't cause trouble to me again in the future."

Hearing this, Tang Mingtian nodded hurriedly and said: "I promise that she will never trouble you again! If she can't do it, then I will give you my life!"

"I said, what do I want with your life? Don't tell me these things! Anyway, you have to do it tomorrow no matter what! I am a person who is afraid of trouble, and I don't want her to bother me all the time. When the time comes You all can disappear in front of my eyes together." Tang Yi said.

"No problem! As long as Tang Yi saves Huamei, I will disappear with her in front of your eyes." Tang Mingtian said quickly.


Tang Yi nodded, then his mind sank and he sank into the system.

After a while.

Withdrew from the system store again.

It is impossible to interrupt the possessed by ordinary means.

Even if Tang Yi rushes to take action now, he can't interrupt Tang Fanghua's obsession.

If you take action rashly, you might even hurt Tang Fanghua!

Therefore, it is difficult to break the obsession.


Just because it’s difficult to interrupt doesn’t mean it’s impossible to interrupt!

Tang Yi can still interrupt it as long as he pays a certain price!

For example, now, he purchased a prop from the system store called the Soul-Suppressing Exorcist Talisman.

[Soul-Calling and Exorcist Talisman]

Attributes: Calm the soul, expel evil spirits, dispel negative states, evil spirits, and any evil things from the body. Forced cessation of evil rituals and evil sacrifices.

(Can be used by others.)
  Price: 100 Supreme Coins.

According to the description of its attributes, this talisman should be able to interrupt Tang Fanghua's possessed state!
  But just
  The price is a bit too expensive.

If it weren't for Tang Yi still having some Supreme Coins left, or if he hadn't just killed some Supremes in the Tianzhou Realm and obtained some more Supreme Coins.

Maybe even can't afford this talisman paper.

"One hundred Supreme Coins, I can exchange them for a lot of good things. Now I'm using them to save you. I hope you won't trouble me again in the future."

Tang Yi looked at Tang Fanghua not far away and thought in his heart.

Thinking about it, Tang Yi bought it.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully purchasing the Soul-Calming and Exorcist Talisman, which consumed 100 Supreme Coins." After purchasing this piece of paper, Tang Yi immediately threw the talisman paper in his hand towards Tang Fanghua.


The talisman flew towards Tang Fanghua, and stopped after reaching the top of Tang Fanghua's head. After hovering slightly above Tang Fanghua's head for a while, it suddenly buzzed and burst out with a burst of golden light.

This dazzling golden light dispelled the countless black energy surrounding Tang Fanghua in an instant.

The original black air had spread to a range of 100 meters in all directions. It was so dark that it looked like a dark cloud.

But after the golden light appeared.

This large dark cloud was dispersed in an instant.

Just like a clear sky, the dark clouds disperse and the sun shines again.

at the same time.

Originally, Tang Fanghua's seven holes were still exuding black energy.

But, at the moment when the soul-suppressing and evil-repelling talisman flew over her head, it emitted golden light.

The countless black energy suddenly shrank back as if it had encountered a natural enemy or something terrifying.

From Tang Fanghua's seven holes, he quickly retreated and was no longer diffuse!

Due to the retreat of the black energy, Tang Fanghua was poured back by the black energy, and his whole person looked extremely dark, as if he had been poisoned.

At this time, the soul-suppressing and evil-destroying talisman that burst out with dazzling light shook slightly, flew from Tang Fanghua's head to Tang Fanghua, and suddenly stuck to Tang Fanghua's forehead.


After being attached to the top of Tang Fanghua's head, the soul-suppressing and evil-destroying talisman burst out with even more dazzling light, like a sun, making Tang Fanghua's position look like daylight. At a glance, it was almost impossible to open his eyes.


At this moment, a very shrill cry came from where Tang Fanghua was.

I saw a twisted black shadow slowly appearing from Tang Fanghua's body, and constantly overflowing from Tang Fanghua's body.

As the black shadow overflowed, it said to Tang Yi: "Who are you? This is a sacrifice to the demon king Klimolas. How dare you take action against the great Klimolas?" ? If you dare to snatch the works of the Demon King, are you out of patience? "

The shadow spoke intermittently, and Tang Yi heard it clearly.


Tang Yi ignored it.

Because, this black shadow is just a clone.

Moreover, it may still be one of thousands of clones, very small.

Why should Tang Yi care about such a clone?


Not to mention it was just a clone, even if it was not a clone, Tang Yi was not afraid at all and would not pay attention to its threat?

Demon King?

  If he dares to provoke him, Tang Yi doesn't mind sending him to the real hell and letting him be a real hell demon.

Seeing that Tang Yi ignored him and got the twisted and ferocious figure, he immediately said: "Hmph! Very good. Just wait for me! The great Demon King Klimolas will not let you go!"

At this point, before the twisted and ferocious figure could continue to say anything, countless golden lights were seen pulling it out of Tang Fanghua's body.


The black shadow was pulled out and instantly disappeared into ashes, turning into countless black smoke and disappearing between heaven and earth.

As the black shadow was drawn out, Tang Fanghua felt as if his body had been hollowed out. His whole body became weak and his body became limp.

Powerless, she quickly fell down to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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