Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2611 Gifting Kung Fu and Martial Arts

Chapter 2611 Gifting Kung Fu and Martial Arts
  Seeing Tang Fanghua fall, Tang Mingtian immediately rushed forward, spread out his hands, and held her firmly in his arms.

At this moment, Tang Fanghua had fainted and lost consciousness due to the loss of strength.

Tang Yi followed up and took a look, and found that Tang Fanghua had just lost his strength, and there was nothing serious. He immediately said to Tang Mingtian: "It's okay. She just lost her strength, and she will wake up in a while."


Hearing this, Tang Mingtian nodded and began to assess Tang Fanghua's condition.

Because he had just fallen, the black robe that wrapped Tang Fanghua had fallen to the sky, revealing Tang Fanghua's withered and old body.

At this moment, Tang Fanghua's whole body seemed to be like a tree trunk, very shriveled and very scary.

Seeing such a body, Tang Mingtian, who was holding Tang Fanghua, felt even more distressed, and his eyes were full of pity.

However, at this moment, the soul-suppressing and evil-repelling talisman on Tang Fanghua's forehead slowly vibrated, and then turned into particles of starlight and disappeared.

With the disappearance of the soul-suppressing and exorcism talisman, the evil aura on Tang Fanghua's body, all the black aura, and all the evil aura also disappeared.

It was as if it had never appeared.

The key is!

Tang Fanghua's appearance was originally very ferocious and terrifying. His whole body was also dry and strange, like a tree trunk, very shriveled and ugly.

However, at this moment, at this moment the golden soul-suppressing and evil-repelling talisman disappeared.

Her appearance miraculously recovered.

He is no longer so wrinkled, the scars on his face, the pimples on his face, the ferocious look on his face, and the ugliness on his face have all disappeared.

Even her shriveled body quickly recovered, regained its vitality, and returned to its original appearance.

The whole person became refreshed again.

In just the blink of an eye, Tang Fanghua regained his youth and beauty from his original ugliness!


Seeing this scene, Tang Mingtian was stunned because he didn't expect that Tang Fangzhou could recover.

Tang Yi glanced at it slightly, and then understood and knew the reason.

He immediately said: "The reason why she turned into the ferocious look before was probably because she became possessed by the devil, so she became like that. But now, the method I used has destroyed all the devil she has practiced, so now She just regained her appearance.”

Hearing this, Tang Mingtian nodded, and then thanked: "Thank you Tang Yi~!"

"No, take her away quickly. Go back and forth from where you are." Tang Yi said.

"Okay!" Tang Mingtian nodded, and then wanted to leave with Tang Fanghua.

"Wait." Tang Yi stopped Tang Mingtian again.

After being stopped by Tang Yi, Tang Mingtian turned his head and looked at Tang Yi doubtfully. At the same time, he felt a little nervous, fearing that Tang Yi would regret it.

But what Tang Mingtian was worried about didn't happen.

Tang Yi thought for a moment, then sank into the system store.

After rummaging around and purchasing some items, Tang Yi immediately exited the system store.

With a flick of his right hand, Tang Yi took out the items purchased from the system store. They were two simple booklets.

After taking it out, Tang Yi handed it to Tang Mingtian.

"This is."

Tang Mingtian looked at the booklet handed over by Tang Yi with a puzzled look on his face.

Tang Yi did not explain, but said: "Take it."

Hearing this, Tang Mingtian had no choice but to take it.

After receiving the booklet, Tang Mingtian opened it slightly and looked at it. He was shocked and said in shock: "This is. Is this an advanced martial arts and martial arts? I have never seen such martial arts and martial arts before. Tang Yi, this is What level of exercises and martial arts are they?" "These are supreme-level exercises and martial arts. You and Tang Fanghua can use them to practice in the future! But remember not to expose them to the world, otherwise, it is very likely to lead to death. Disaster." Tang Yi said.

"This is too valuable. Tang Yi, I can't have it."

Tang Mingtian made a show of handing the two booklets back to Tang Yi!

However, just as he started to do it, Que saw that Tang Yi pushed it back and said, "Here it is, just keep it. After all, you are also members of the Tang family, so I should help you. Okay, that's it."

After hearing what Tang Yidu said, what else could Tang Mingtian say.

He had no choice but to say: "Okay, then Tang Yi thanks you."

With that said, Tang Mingtian left with the unconscious Tang Fanghua in his arms.

Watching Tang Mingtian go away, and waiting until they disappeared before his eyes, Tang Yi turned his attention back to the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm and Jiang Yun's family.

Then, he slowly moved towards the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm.

Seeing Tang Yi deal with Tang Fanghua and then slowly move towards himself and others, the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm could no longer stay away from the matter.

The right protector Lu Shen said in horror: "What do you want to do? Jiang Yun's family is still in our hands. I advise you not to come over, otherwise!"

"Otherwise, what if?" Tang Yi smiled.

"Otherwise, we won't survive, and neither will Jiang Yun's family." Lu Shen threatened.

"That's right. If you dare to come here, we will slaughter Jiang Yun's family, and you won't even have time to regret it!" Lu Qian also said.


Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled and said, "Just you? Can you do it in front of me?"

As he spoke, Tang Yi seemed to teleport, and in an instant he was in front of the guardians of Tianzhou Realm.

After arriving in front of the guardians of Tianzhou Realm, Tang Yi curled up his lips, showed a bright smile, and said: "Threaten me? Are you worthy?"

Seeing Tang Yi coming to him in an instant, the guardians on the left and right of Tianzhou Realm were startled. After being stunned for a moment, the two of them fled towards Tianxuan Palace in fear.

They had no idea that the young man in front of them was so powerful!
  It's actually so fast.

Even if they have hostages, they can't threaten this young man at all!
  Now, the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm have some regrets.

Regret brought Tang Fanghua and Jiang Yun's family out.

If they were not brought out, how could that young man dare to attack them?

Now that they have brought the people out, and the young man has saved them all, how can they let them go without any worries.

Therefore, the guardians left and right felt quite regretful.


Is regret useful?
  Nothing works!

But now, it is very dangerous for them to escape towards Tianxuan Palace.

Because now they are escaping towards Tianxuan Palace, they may not be able to survive.

Because the guardians on the left and right were not sure whether the King of Kai would come to save them.

To the King of the Heavenly Boat Realm, all living things are like ants, and he will not even frown if anyone dies.

Therefore, they really had no idea whether the King of Kai would take action.

But if they don't flee in the direction of Tianxuan Palace, then they have no hope of surviving!

There will be no other consequences except being killed by that young man.

Therefore, they wanted to fight, and the King of the Tianzhou Kaikai would come to save them.

(End of this chapter)

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