Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2612 Killing the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm

Chapter 2612 Killing the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm

"Are you thinking of running away now? Is it still too late?"

Seeing that the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm were trying to escape, Tang Yi smiled.

How could Tang Yi let them escape?

The reason why the two guardians were not killed before was because Tang Yi wanted to use them to find Jiang Yun's family and the Tang family.

Now Tang Fanghua has found it.

Jiang Yun's family members were also brought out.

What reason does Tang Yi have for not killing the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm?

Tang Yi must kill the people in Tianzhou Realm and will never be merciful.

So, how could he let go of the guardians of Tianzhou Realm?

The left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm still want to use Jiang Yun's family to threaten Tang Yi?

It's really ridiculous.

Can they do it?
  Under the crushing force of absolute strength, it was impossible for them to touch a hair of Jiang Yun's family.

While sneering, Tang Yi activated the divine power of his Supreme Holy King's Eye, the divine light of destruction, and illuminated the left and right guardians of the Tianzhou Realm!


A golden light flashed in Tang Yi's eyes, and the terrifying golden light swept towards the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm.

Generally speaking, ordinary people cannot recognize or detect Tang Yi's use of the Eyes of the Supreme Sacred King.

After all, the eyes perform tricks very inconspicuously.

But at this moment, because the guardians on the left and right of Tianzhou Realm were extremely afraid of Tang Yi, they always focused their attention on Tang Yi.

As long as Tang Yi makes a few moves or a slight disturbance, they will be able to detect it immediately.

So at this moment, Tang Yi used the Eye of the Supreme Sacred King and was discovered by the left and right people in Tianzhou Realm.

Seeing the golden light flashing in Tang Yi's eyes, the guardians on the left and right of Tianzhou Realm were horrified and terrified.

Because they were so scared, their bodies began to tremble involuntarily.

After all, what is about to greet them is death!

Who can remain calm in the face of death?
  Who is not afraid of death?
  Because he was too scared, because he was unwilling to die, because he didn't want to die, right protector Lu Shen saw the golden light in Tang Yi's eyes, and immediately used up all his strength to ask for help in the void: "Master Realm King, help Save us!"

Protector Zuo Lu Qian also screamed: "Master Kaiou, I beg you to save us. As long as you save us, in the future."

However, Protector Zuo Lu Qian hadn't finished speaking yet.

The two protectors have not yet waited for the Kaiou's rescue.

I saw

A golden light swept across.

Swept up by the golden light, they saw Lu Shen, the right protector of the Tianzhou Realm, and Lu Qian, the left protector, and their bodies were instantly fixed in place.

All that was to be said was stopped.

They were as if they had been hit by a talisman, unable to move.

next second.

A gust of wind blew.


These two beings, who were smaller than one person and surpassed tens of thousands of people in Tianzhou Realm, were blown away by the breeze, and their bodies suddenly collapsed, like grains of gravel, floating in the sky.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing Lu Shen, the right protector of Tianzhou Realm, and earning 236773 Supreme Points and 5000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing Lu Qian, the left guardian of the Tianzhou Realm, and earning 245541 Supreme Points and 5000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme level martial skill, Shadow Soul-Destroying Slash."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 500-star level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by ."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for his promotion. The current level is: Twenty-five-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500." The next second after killing the guardians on the left and right of the Tianzhou Realm, Tang Yi's feet were shot twice. The aperture and the whole person's momentum became a little stronger again.

But this time, the left and right guardians who killed Tianzhou Realm actually exploded.

This surprised Tang Yi very much.

Because Tang Yi hasn't exploded anything for a long time.

However, I didn't expect it to explode this time.


Explosive or supreme skill?

Shadow Soul-Destroying Slash?
  Judging from the name, it sounds awesome!
  But now is not the time to look at the items. Although he was very curious about what supreme skill was revealed, Tang Yi still pulled his consciousness out of the system, and in a flash, he came to the side of Jiang Yun's family members and said lightly :"Come with me."

With that said, Tang Yi slowly flew back towards where Mu Xianling and others were.

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Jiang Yun's family members did not dare to disobey and followed Tang Yi obediently.

Following Tang Yi, Jiang Yun's family members were very uneasy, worried and afraid.

After all, Tang Yi was not from the Tianzhou world, but an outsider.

Moreover, he is also an outsider who is an enemy of Tianzhou Realm.

Such an identity makes them very worried and scared.

Afraid that Tang Yi would take action against them.

At the same time, he was also afraid that the kings of Tianzhou Realm would be angry with them if they saw them following Tang Yi.

In short, all kinds of worries.

But even so, they still followed Tang Yi and still did not dare to disobey Tang Yi's orders.

after all.

The scene where Tang Yi killed the guardians of Tianzhou Realm just now was too shocking, too terrifying, and too powerful!

The guardians on the left and right of Tianzhou Realm were already very powerful beings, but Tang Yi was able to kill them instantly.

With such strength, can Jiang Yun's family not be afraid of him?
  Therefore, how dare they disobey Tang Yi's orders.

In this way, Tang Yi took the anxious Jiang Yun family back to where Mu Xianling and others were.

As soon as they returned to where Mu Xianling and others were, Jiang Yun's family members suddenly stared.

An old woman who looked somewhat similar to Jiang Yun saw Jiang Yun and said excitedly: "Yun'er? Why are you here? Weren't you sent to the Demon Cloud Empire by Lord Kaiou?"

This old woman is Jiang Yun's mother, named Yu Xue.

Hearing Yu Xue's words, Jiang Yun replied: "I came back with Mr. Tang Yi."

Yu Xue asked doubtfully: "Master Tang Yi?"

"This is the one in front of me."

Jiang Yun pointed at Tang Yi and said.

Everyone in the Jiang family was shocked when they saw that Tang Yi was the young master Tang Yi mentioned by Jiang Yun.

Yu Xue's pupils also shrank.

They were still frightened by Tang Yi's terror.

However, at this time, Jiang Yun raised his hands towards Tang Yi and said, "Thank you, Mr. Tang Yi, for rescuing Jiang's family. Jiang has nothing to repay for today's kindness."

"Need not."

Tang Yi waved his hand, and then asked: "The realm king of the Tianzhou Realm is in the Tianxuan Palace above, right?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "It stands to reason. If it's not there, then I don't know."

"Yeah. I understand."

Tang Yi nodded, and then said: "Since I already know the location of the Realm King, I don't need you to lead the way. After all, you won't be able to participate in the rest of the journey. Now, you take your family with you Leave, I have killed almost all the people here, and I think no one will attack you again. If you leave now, I think it will be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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