Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2613 The sky is high and birds can fly

Chapter 2613 The sky is high and birds can fly

"Well! Then young master, my family and I will leave."

With that said, Jiang Yun was ready to take everyone in the Jiang family away from here.

At this time, Tang Yi said again: "Jiang Yun, remember what I said to you, life should be full of hope instead of living in killing, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's body shook slightly.

Then, he turned his head, cupped his hands slightly towards Tang Yi and said, "I will remember the young master's teachings. Although I still don't understand the deep meaning, I will definitely think about it and understand it."


Tang Yi nodded, and then said: "Let's go."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun bowed his hands towards Tang Yi again, and then left the place with everyone in the Jiang family.

Looking at the backs of Jiang Yun and his family, Tang Yi shook his head, and then said to Mu Xianling and the other girls, "Let's go too."

After saying that, Tang Yi suddenly remembered that there was Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, in his team.

Thinking of Dong Zhiwen, Tang Yi immediately turned his head and said to Dong Zhiwen: "Elder Dong, do you still want to come with us? You must know that the next person you need to face is the Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm. The level of danger is definitely the same as before. More than ten times or a hundred times, if you come with us, your life may be in danger."

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Dong Zhiwen pondered for a moment, seemingly thinking.

After thinking for a while, Elder Dong Zhiwen gritted his teeth and said, "I want to go with you."

The reason why he took the risk and made this choice was because Dong Zhiwen felt that he was very close to the Supreme Being.

He has opened a gap in the supreme bottleneck.

And this gap has gradually become larger as time goes by, as his knowledge becomes wider and wider, and as his understanding of power becomes stronger and stronger.

Soon, the door of the Supreme will be opened to him.

He felt that as long as he continued to observe, as long as he continued to feel the power of the Supreme, and continued to see the terror of the Supreme, he would soon be able to break through to the Supreme!
  At the same time, he also had a feeling.

I feel that if he misses this opportunity, it may take a long, long time for him to break through to the Supreme.

There's even a chance that the gap he just opened will be closed again.
  Therefore, he must not miss this opportunity.

He must keep going!
  You must continue to follow Tang Yi to watch the battles of strong men.

"Oh? You want to go with us? Aren't you afraid?" Tang Yi asked.


Dong Zhiwen shook his head and said: "I feel that I am very close to the Supreme, and I think I will be able to break through soon. So I can't give up halfway, I must continue to follow you!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi nodded. After all, this was someone else's choice. He couldn't say anything more, so he immediately said to everyone: "Let's go."

Then Tang Yi led everyone towards the Tianxuan Palace, the palace in the sky that was the same as the Heavenly Palace in the Tianmu Realm, but slightly smaller in area.

the other side.

After Jiang Yun led everyone away, Jiang Yun's mother Yu Xue walked with Jiang Yun and asked doubtfully: "Yun'er, what is going on? Why did you say that person saved us? Why did you say that he saved us?" The protector suddenly brought us out? Why did you appear here again? What happened? Tell me about it." Jiang Yun's father also spoke at this moment: "Yes, tell us."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun said: "This matter is a long story."

Later, Jiang Yun told everyone in the Jiang family exactly what happened in the Moyun Empire and what happened in the Tianzhou Realm.

Hearing Jiang Yun's story, Jiang Yun's mother Yu Xue was immediately surprised and said: "In other words, you betrayed Lord Kaio? Why are you so confused! What kind of person is Lord Kaio? If you betray him, our Jiang family Where is there any way to survive!"

"Axue, you can't blame Yun'er. After all, if he hadn't betrayed the King of Kai at that time, Yun'er's life might have been lost. With that young man's means and strength, it would have been completely easy to kill Yun'er. ." Father Jiang said.

"That's right, it's true that Yun'er can't be blamed."

"At that time, he really had no choice!"

"If it were me, I would make the same choice. Yun'er did nothing wrong."


Everyone said one after another.

"But, after betraying Lord Kaiou, how can our Jiang family still have a way to survive?" Yu Xue sighed.

Jiang Yun patted Yu Xue's shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, mother. I think we will be safe this time. Because Lord Kaiou may not have time to take care of us."

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Yu Xue asked.

Jiang Yun said: "Although I betrayed Lord Kaio, I will definitely face the endless pursuit of Lord Critical King. However, I think Lord Kaio may not have time to take care of us this time, and maybe even. Maybe there is no chance to attack us. Take action. Because I think Kaio-sama is very likely to fall this time."


Hearing Jiang Yun's words, everyone in the Jiang family was slightly shocked.

I don’t understand why Jiang Yun said this.

Everyone thought Jiang Yun's words were very shocking.

But Jiang Yun ignored everyone's surprise and continued: "That Mr. Tang Yi is really strong! Through my observation, I think he has the strength to kill the King of Kai! At the same time, he also has the ability to kill the old King of Kai. strength.

When I betrayed Kaio-sama at first, I felt a little regretful and a little scared at the same time. I feel like I am definitely dead this time. But as time goes by, as my understanding of Mr. Tang Yi’s strength becomes higher and higher, I no longer regret it! I feel like I made the right decision this time. "

"That's just your feeling. That young master is very strong, but he is too young after all. At such a young age, even if he is strong, how can he be stronger than the Kaio-sama who has accumulated countless years of experience? Kaio-sama How many years have you lived? How many years of accumulation have you accumulated? Master Kaiou's background must be deeper than that of Mr. Tang Yi. Therefore, how could that Tang Yi be the opponent of Mr. Kaiou. In addition, our Tianzhou world, There is also an old realm king. Facing two realm kings, how can Mr. Tang Yi be his opponent?"

Yu Xue sighed. His expression was full of despair.

"But I have a feeling that he can deal with the Kaiou and the old Kaiou. Moreover, if he is not sure, how can he dare to challenge? So I believe him." Jiang Yun said.

"You are gambling!" Yu Xue said.

"But mother, even if I am gambling, I am gambling with a sure profit but no loss, okay?"

Jiang Yun said: "If I hadn't gambled, I might have died immediately. But now that I gambled, not only did I survive, but I might also be able to get rid of the control of the King of the Sky Boat Realm. In the future, I will let the birds fly as high as the sky. We even got better prospects and more room for improvement.”

(End of this chapter)

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