Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2614 Arriving at the Imperial Palace of Tianxuan Palace

Chapter 2614 Arriving at the Imperial Palace of Tianxuan Palace
  Tang Yi took Mu Xianling and his party and flew up towards the palace in the sky.

This so-called Tianxuan Palace is actually not big. It is much smaller than the Tianxuan Palace in Tianmu Realm.

Although like Tiangong, Tianxuan Palace is also like a small city.

But the number of buildings and the size of the buildings are much less than the Tiangong, and they are also much smaller.

When you look at it from a distance, you can't see anything.

But when you look closely, it is very obvious that Tianxuan Palace is obviously a lot smaller than the Tiangong in Tianmu Realm.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the 'smallness' of Tianxuan Palace.

Of course.

Although Tianxuan Palace is smaller than the Heavenly Palace in Tianmu Realm, it is small and exquisite.

The architecture is at least much more exquisite than the Heavenly Palace.

And the materials used are also very high-end.

In short, Tianxuan Palace looks more luxurious than the Heavenly Palace in Tianmu Realm, and it is decorated with splendid splendor!

"It seems that the King of Tianzhou Realm is a person who knows how to enjoy things very much. He is also an extremely luxurious person. Although the Heavenly Palace in Tianmu Realm is larger than Tianxuan Palace, based on the cost of Tianxuan Palace, it is estimated that ten Heavenly Palaces Nothing compares to it! It’s extremely luxurious!”

Tang Yi commented.

Mu Xianling on the side also said: "I saw it when I first came to the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm. Even if the entire Divine Realm of Realm is desolate, the Realm King of Tianzhou Realm still wants to build the palace where he is. It is resplendent. From here, you can see how much the realm king of Tianzhou Realm loves vanity."


Binglian looked at the surrounding buildings, nodded and said: "I originally thought that the buildings outside were luxurious and wasteful enough. After all, the materials used in the buildings outside were Hunyuan soil and Xuanying stone. These two materials , are very expensive. Each kilogram requires 10 million holy stones. Sometimes even if you have holy stones, you may not be able to buy these materials. Let alone use these two materials to build a palace."

"But after I came here, I realized that the buildings outside are not luxurious at all, and they are not wasteful at all. Only this Tianxuan Palace can be called luxury and wasteful."

"The materials used in this Tianxuan Palace are actually Xuanyu Amber Stone! Xuanyu Amber Stone is a more precious material than Hunyuan Earth and Xuanying Stone, and the price is also extremely expensive. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is sky-high. One kilogram of Black Jade Amber Stone requires at least one billion Holy Spirit Stones!"

"One kilogram requires one billion Holy Spirit Stones? Hiss, this is too expensive, isn't it? Such a large area of ​​buildings in front of us are built using Holy Spirit Stones, so how many Holy Spirit Stones are needed! It's terrible."

Hearing Binglian's words, An Huanlan exclaimed.

"The king of Tianzhou Realm is too willing to give up." Mu Xianling also sighed with emotion.

Yuwen Jinyu shook his head and said: "It's not that the king of Tianzhou Realm is willing to give up, but that he has the capital and wealth. Like us Kamikaze, no matter how willing we are, we can't build such a heavenly palace. But Tianzhou Realm The king of the realm, his wealth is enough for him to complete this thing! It is because he is rich enough, and because he has this capital, that he built such a luxurious palace without any hesitation."

"What Jin Yu said is right. The king of Tianzhou Realm has this capital, so he built such a palace."

Tang Yi nodded and said: "And the reason why he has so much wealth and the reason why he can build this palace is probably because he has committed all kinds of evil and plundered over the years and accumulated it! Otherwise, in any small world, who would Who can build such a palace after amassing so much wealth?!”


At this point, Tang Yi snorted coldly, looking extremely indignant, and said: "The Tianzhou Realm is indeed a cancer! Only such a cancer can build such a luxurious palace, and he must have built such a luxurious palace. He robbed a lot of people and must have killed a lot of people! I must eradicate such a cancer today!"

Tang Yi spoke righteously and with full sincerity. Hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone nodded and supported Tang Yi very much!

After all, this kind of cancer cannot be tolerated by the world!
  While talking, everyone finally arrived at Tianxuan Palace.

I don't know if it's because all the warriors from Tianzhou Realm have gone out to deal with Tang Yi, but at this moment, there is no one in Tianxuan Palace. It's so quiet and it looks extremely strange.

This made everyone very confused.

"Husband, why is there no one in Tianxuan Palace? Also, where is the realm king of Tianzhou Realm? Logically speaking, if you make such a big noise, he will not sit idly by and ignore you. But now there is no trace. His men who did not come out to rescue him must have been scared and ran away!" Shangguan Siyu said.

Seeing that there was no one in Tianxuan Palace, Mu Xianling also said: "Husband, be careful, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. There is no one here, so there must be something strange."


Tang Yi nodded and said, "I will be careful."

The group of people continued to move forward, heading towards the central palace of Tianxuan Palace.

The structure of Tianxuan Palace is the same as that of an ordinary city.

One end is the residential area, with streets, shops and various buildings.

In the center is the magnificent palace that is enclosed.

At this moment, the location where Tang Yi and others boarded Tianxuan Palace was in the residential area, so now they had to pass through a residential area before they could reach the magnificent palace.

When passing through the residential area, Tang Yi became extremely cautious and careful.

The whole person was also very energetic.

After all, he not only has to take care of his own safety this time, but also the safety of Mu Xianling and others!

Although Tang Yi is very confident, confident in being able to protect his own safety, he is also confident in protecting the safety of Mu Xianling and others.

But people make mistakes and horses make mistakes. No matter how confident you are, you will make mistakes sometimes!
  After all, you are facing the Supreme Being of Tianzhou Realm. If you don't take it seriously because you are too confident, it will be terrible if the ship capsizes in the gutter.

In addition, Tang Yi has not yet seen the realm king of Tianzhou Realm at this moment, and does not know what kind of strength the realm king is.

What if the king of Tianzhou Realm is very powerful and has many methods?
  Faced with a sneak attack of this level, he could resist it, but what if Mu Xianling and others couldn't?
  and so.

Tang Yi was now very energetic and moved forward cautiously. If an accident happened, he would immediately protect Mu Xianling and others.

However, Tang Yi's worries seemed a bit unnecessary.

Along the way, they did not have any accidents or met anyone. The group of people arrived at the Tianxuan Palace without any harm.

The most surprising thing is.

Even the gate of Tianxuan Palace was not guarded by anyone.

As if to welcome someone, the gate of the palace is open.
  (End of this chapter)

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