Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2622 Bone Guard? Golden skull?

Chapter 2622 Bone Guard? Golden skull?
  Just like that, Tang Yi set off a huge golden wave with a sword, rushing towards the three bone guards who were rushing towards him.

The next second, the golden wave collided with the knives thrust out by the three bone guards.


Three silver rays of light collided with the giant wave of golden sword light, causing a violent noise and a terrifying shock wave sweeping out.

Tang Yi collided with three bone guards in mid-air.


The ground was also greatly affected.

Being hit by the shock wave, the entire Tianxuan Palace campus shook suddenly.

The school ground floor, which was made of unknown materials, had its layers peeled off by the terrifying shock wave and became an extremely messy mess.

This blow, the collision was very fierce.

But with this blow, Tang Yi only fought to a draw with the Bone Guard. The attacks from both sides canceled each other out, and no one was hurt.

After the attacks from both sides canceled each other out, the fourth bone guard, the No. 1 bone guard that Tang Yi attacked before, joined the battle.

The four bone guards attacked Tang Yi again.

Tang Yi stood up and joined the battle group, fighting with the four bone guards.

It has to be said that the four bone guards are indeed powerful.

If Tang Yi had been so fierce and serious as usual, the enemy would have been killed long ago!
  But now, he can fight with Tang Yi inextricably.

"Yes, it is indeed the hidden power of Tianzhou Realm!"

Tang Yi commented, and then said: "But it is too naive to want to stop me with such strength alone."

With that said, Tang Yi drove away the four bone guards with one sword, then raised the devil's slave, aimed at the number one bone guard, and blasted it out with one sword.

"Chaos Kill!"

At this moment, Tang Yi used the additional skill of Demon's Slave, Chaos Kill.

Chaos Kill: Launching an attack on the enemy target unit, which can cause horrific damage to the enemy target. At the same time, special attribute effects can appear randomly during the attack.

If a time effect occurs, when attacking an enemy target unit, the attack can accelerate the flow of time and hit the target more quickly.

If a divine power effect appears, when attacking an enemy target unit, the power it unleashes will become super terrifying.

If a sacred effect appears and hits the target, the attack can purify the target and dispel all conditions on the target.

If a life effect appears, if it hits the target, the attack can steal the target's life force.

If a space effect occurs, when attacking an enemy target unit, the attack can cross the space, reach the enemy target more quickly, and kill the local target.

And this skill has multiple effects, each of which has terrifying lethality!


At this moment, Tang Yi blasted out his sword and slashed directly at the Bone Guard.

When the sword was just raised above its head, the slave of the giant sword demon glowed with five colors of light: red, yellow, blue, gold and green.

These five colors are the colors on the sword of the devil's slave.

When this giant sword was forged, it was dark golden in color.

But the sword body is divided into five parts, as if they are spliced ​​together. Each part has a different color sword body.

The five-color light of red, yellow, blue, gold, and green emitted at this moment is the color of the blade of this giant sword.

Tang Yi raised the devil's slave above his head, and when he was about to cut it out, the blade of the giant sword was like a revolving lantern, lighting up different lights in turn and flashing continuously. When the sword blasted out towards the Bone Guard, the light of the sword body, which was like a revolving lantern, finally stopped, and finally stayed on the red part.

The slave of the devil, the red part of the sword represents the effect of divine power.

This sword blasted out and lit up with red light, which meant it had a divine power effect!
  ‘If a divine power effect appears, when attacking an enemy target unit, the power it unleashes will become super terrifying. ’

That is to say!

The power of Tang Yi's attack will be horribly improved!


Just like that, this sword with the effect of divine power hit the No. 1 Bone Guard.

Because the sword was so fast and urgent, Bone Guard No. 1 couldn't react at all!
  and so.

This sword hit the No. 1 Bone Guard very accurately.


Tang Yi's demon slave bombarded Bone Guard No. 1, causing a violent noise!

Because the power was so terrifying, because the power was so strong, the loud noise was like a collapse of the sky, and the sky trembled.

At this moment, countless red energy exploded, sweeping across the No. 1 Bone Guard.

In just an instant, Bone Guard No. 1 was blown away!

At the same time, the gray robe he was wearing was visibly annihilated by the terrifying energy and turned into ashes.

In just an instant, the robe of Bone Guard No. 1 that could withstand even Tang Yi's attack turned into ashes.

Without the gray robe and all the clothes on his body, the body of Bone Guard No. 1 was suddenly exposed to the air.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was!
  The body under the gray robe of Bone Guard No. 1
  It's actually not a normal human body.

  A golden frame!

Yes, skeleton.

Except for the head and neck of No. 1 Bone Guard, the body below the neck is entirely composed of skeleton.

Bone Guard No. 1 is not a normal person at all. Is it an exaggeration to say he is a skeleton?
  In other words, the head and neck are not skeletonized, and the body is all skeleton?

And that's not all.

Due to the extremely terrifying power of Tang Yi's attack, the head of Bone Guard No. 1 was also impacted.

Pieces of face, as well as the flesh on the neck, were actually separated from the No. 1 Bone Guard, and kept falling off. Then, like robes, they turned into fly ash visible to the naked eye.

The skin and flesh disappeared, and the golden skull head of Bone Guard No. 1 was also exposed to the air.

Bone Guard No. 1 not only has a skeleton body, but also a skull?
  It's just that they used some method to wrap it up with a layer of skin before?

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi suddenly understood why the bone guard was always wrapped in a big gray robe.

Because their bodies cannot be shown to others!
  Because their bodies are all skeletons!
  Because they are not human beings.

At the same time, I also understand why their expressions are so dull, and I understand why their faces are expressionless.

It turned out that it was not that they had no expression, but that they could not make any expression at all.

Because their heads are just skin and flesh wrapped up!
  Their bodies are just skeletons!
  "No wonder they are called Bone Guards, no wonder their race is Dark. It turns out that they are really not human beings!! Since the No. 1 Bone Guards are like this, does it mean that the other three Bone Guards are also skeleton bodies wrapped in flesh?"

Tang Yi suddenly said in his heart. He looked very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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