Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2623 Transparent Flame, Fire of Soul

Chapter 2623 Transparent Flame, Fire of Soul

However, what surprised Tang Yi even more was that his blow just now, apart from destroying the flesh on the bone guard's head and destroying the robe of the No. 1 Bone Guard, did not cause much damage to it!
  One blow blasted Bone Guard No. 1 away, causing it to fall to the ground.

Then, it flew back as fast as before! !

Although at this moment, Bone Guard No. 1 was in a very embarrassed state. The golden skeleton was covered with scratches and marks of red power erosion. In some places, the bones were also broken.


It is still full of vitality.

Still not killed.

Still alive!

Tang Yi's attack just now was so terrifying, but this bone guard actually resisted it?
  Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was very surprised.

At this moment, on the ground, the Tianzhou Realm King, who had always maintained a calm and expressionless posture, sneered: "Is this your strength? It's nothing more than that. With this strength, you want to kill me. His subordinates? He’s really too naive.”


Tang Yi said: "Then let's wait and see!"

With his eyes focused, Tang Yi's expression became more serious!

Although the blow just now did not cause any damage to the No. 1 Bone Guard, Tang Yi was not discouraged.

Because the blow just now was not his strongest power.

He hasn't gone all out yet either.

So, why be discouraged?

If one strike doesn't work, then increase the power and strike again.

Therefore, after replying to Tianzhou Realm King Lu Li, Tang Yi carried the devil's slave and rushed towards Bone Guard No. 1 again.

"Supernatural power goes rampant!"

The moment he rushed out, Tang Yi activated the additional skills of the Devil's Slave, and went berserk with divine power!

Divine Rampage: All attributes are horribly improved, blood-sucking effect is horribly boosted, attack power is horribly boosted, and speed is horribly boosted.

The reason why the Demon's Slave's supreme combat power index can reach one million is because its attributes are very terrifying.

At the same time, every additional skill is very powerful!

In addition to the powerful Chaos Kill just now, this divine power rampage is also very powerful.

This is a status skill!
  The bonus of this status skill is very terrifying.

And the most terrifying thing is that this status skill has no duration and cooldown time!
  In other words.

As long as Tang Yi is turned on, it can be used forever.

You can always add terrifying status bonuses to yourself!
  Of course.

The premise is that Tang Yi has the energy to support himself in using this state skill!
  If there is no energy support, even if this status skill has no cooling time and duration, it will be in vain.

If this skill is mastered by others, even if this skill has no duration and cooldown time, others cannot use this skill.

Or it won't last long.

After all, this skill consumes a lot of energy. If it continues for a period of time, it can drain a person's energy.

But for Tang Yi, it was not a problem.

Because Tang Yi can continuously purchase items to restore energy through the system store.

Being able to take drugs all the time, what else is Tang Yi afraid of?
  No matter how much he consumes, he can recover quickly through taking drugs.

Therefore, this skill may only be 10% powerful in the hands of others, but in Tang Yi's hands.

But it can exert 100%, or even more than 100% of the power.

With a loud shout, he activated the additional skill of the Devil's Slave, 'Divine Rampage'.

I saw Tang Yi's body lighting up with red air flow like a flame! Wrapped in the red flame airflow, Tang Yi's whole aura instantly rose.

It was like a demon coming, and it suddenly rose a lot.

Do not!
  To be more precise, it has increased countless times based on the original level.

That is the difference between a creek and a big river!
  A leap in improvement.

After his momentum increased, Tang Yi once again grasped the devil's slave and rushed towards Bone Guard No. 1!
  "Chaos Kill!"

It was the same move, but this time the light that the devil's slave lit up was still red!

However, the power of this blow is not the previous power!
  But compared to before, it is ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times more powerful!


The devil's slave was enveloped in red light and struck the No. 1 Bone Guard with a sword.

Facing Tang Yi's attack, because Tang Yi was so fast, the No. 1 Bone Guard was completely unable to resist or dodge.

Tang Yi has the advantage of speed. With the advantage of speed, the No. 1 Bone Guard can only be beaten, in addition to being beaten?
  Fight back?

Completely non-existent.

This is the advantage of being fast!


Just like that, this more terrifying sword hit the No. 1 Bone Guard!
  The terrifying red power swept over Bone Guard No. 1!
  This time, the No. 1 backbone guard could no longer be spared.

The golden skeleton was swept away by the red divine power and suddenly broke into pieces.

In an instant, the golden frame could no longer bear it and collapsed.


The golden skeleton of Bone Guard No. 1 cracked and turned into countless broken golden bone fragments, scattered across the sky.

And this moment is very strange.

Tang Yi didn't receive the system prompt!

If no system prompt is received, it means
  This bone guard has not died!
  Knowing that Bone Guard No. 1 was not dead, Tang Yi immediately glanced at the golden bone fragments of Bone Guard No. 1 scattered in the sky.

At the same time, he also scanned the location where Bone Guard No. 1 was originally located.


He didn't find anything strange on the bone fragments of Bone Guard No. 1 scattered in the sky, nor did he feel any breath of life.

But where the No. 1 Bone Guard was originally located, he felt an evil breath of life.

Feeling an evil breath of life, Tang Yi immediately looked at the place where the breath came from and scanned it carefully.

Finally, under his careful scanning, he finally discovered something strange.

That is where a transparent flame appeared where Bone Guard No. 1 was originally.

This transparent flame is transparent in color and about the size of a fist. If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to see.

Even if you look carefully, if you don't sense it, or don't have the strength to sense it, you probably won't know that there is such a flame there.

Seeing this flame, Tang Yi suddenly understood why Bone Guard No. 1 did not perish.

Tang Yi has also been exposed to creatures like skeletons, so he naturally knows what the core of skeletons is.

No matter what kind of skeleton it is, although the body is its support, the core is not its body.

Rather, it is the fire of the soul in its pupils!
  The fire of the soul is the core of the skeleton.

After killing the golden skeleton of Bone Guard No. 1, the reason why Tang Yi did not receive a prompt or receive a reward was because its soul fire was not extinguished!
  The transparent flame in front of him is the soul fire of Bone Guard No. 1.

It is the core of the No. 1 backbone guard!
  (End of this chapter)

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