Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2631 Lu Li breaks out

Chapter 2631 Lu Li breaks out
  Yes, Tianxuan Palace shook.

Although the Tianxuan Palace is smaller in area than the Heavenly Palace in the Tianmu Realm, it is still very huge.

It is comparable to a medium-sized city in the empire.

However, such a city was shaking slightly because of Tang Yi's attack.

It can be seen how terrifying Tang Yi's attack was.

Of course.

With Tang Yi's current attack, it would be completely easy to raze such a city to the ground.

But you must know that Tianxuan Palace is not an ordinary city!
  It's a palace floating in the air!

To say it is a Wei treasure is not an exaggeration.

Because Tianxuan Palace was built using very rare materials.

Whether it’s a palace, the buildings above, or the earth or boulders used to support Tianxuan Palace!
  All the materials used are rare materials!
  All are very precious materials!
  These materials are not only precious, but also very hard.

It is not comparable to ordinary cities.

It is not an easy task to destroy such a palace in the sky.

Even shaking this palace is not easy.

Normally, a Supreme with millions of Supreme combat power might not be able to do it.

Therefore, Tang Yi can make such a palace shake at this moment, which is already very powerful and amazing.

"Boom boom boom!"

In this way, Tang Yi continued to bombard Lu Li's position until his own condition and the duration of the Supreme Violent Pill ended, then he stopped.

Then he swayed, distanced himself, and retreated into the air several hundred meters away.

After retreating into the air, Tang Yi looked down at the position where he had just attacked.

At this time, due to Tang Yi's continuous attack, the attack lasted for almost a minute.

The position attacked by Tang Yi had sunk deeply, forming a sharp contrast with the surroundings.

Although the surrounding ground also sank in, it did not sink in that deep, that is, only a few dozen meters deep.

The position where Tang Yi continued to attack was extremely deep. At a glance, it was no less than three hundred meters or more.

But because Tang Yi didn't have good measuring tools, he didn't know exactly how much it was.

Anyway, it's pretty deep.

And because the pit was extremely deep and dusty inside, Tang Yi didn't know what was going on inside.

However, although he didn't know what was going on, Tang Yi understood that Lu Li had not died!
  Because there was no prompt to obtain supreme points in Tang Yi's mind!

Since there is no prompt to obtain supreme points, it means that Lu Li has not fallen.

I have to say that the reminders in my head are sometimes annoying, but sometimes they are still very useful.

For example, now, when he can't figure out the form, Tang Yi can still use the prompts in his mind to judge whether the enemy is dead!

If he died in battle, there would be no need for him to remain vigilant.

But if he is not killed in battle, then he cannot jump over the pothole to avoid being attacked by a sneak attack and capsizing in the ditch.

This shows how powerful the reminder in the mind is.

But now, since there is no reminder in his mind and Lu Li has not fallen, Tang Yi cannot let down his guard.

Although now he really wants to know Lu Li's condition, and he really wants to see how badly Lu Li was injured when he was attacked by him.

But because the situation in the pothole was complicated and filled with smoke and dust, he did not risk going to the pothole to check. Instead, he stood in mid-air and waited quietly, keeping his eyes fixed on the pothole. Tang Yi was not in a hurry anyway, Lu Li was in the hole and couldn't go anywhere.

No matter what state Lu Li is in at the moment, he will always come out of the pothole, so why is Tang Yi worried?
  He didn't need to take the risk.

So, Tang Yi just stood in mid-air, waiting quietly.

After waiting for more than a minute, Lu Li slowly climbed out of the pit of several hundred meters as Tang Yi expected.

Immediately afterwards, it slowly floated up to the same height as Tang Yi, about fifty meters away from Tang Yi.

From such a distance, Tang Yi could clearly see Lu Li's state.

At this moment, Lu Li was in a very embarrassed state.

He no longer looked as calm as before, and his body was no longer spotless. Instead, he had become very embarrassed, very sloppy, his body was full of dust, and his clothes were in tatters.

Even on the body, there were many scars.

In short, the whole person looked like he had been traumatized, and his mental state was also very bad, very depressed, and his face was very pale.

Not only that.

Tang Yi felt slightly, and could feel that Lu Li's vitality had passed away significantly, less than a quarter of what it was before.

Lu Li's vitality before was very strong and terrifying. One could feel Lu Li's powerful vitality from a distance.

Now, although Lu Li's vitality is still strong, it is much weaker than before.

If you want to compare.

Luli's vitality before was a vast ocean, but now, maybe it's not even a river, but a larger creek.

I don’t know how much it has dropped!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi suddenly understood that his attack just now must have hit Lu Li.

And it also caused terrible damage to Lu Li.

Otherwise, Lu Li's vitality would not have dropped so much, and his spirit would not be so depressed.

Tang Yi was also very satisfied with the results of his attack just now.

After all, he didn't want to beat Lu Li to death just now. A being like Lu Li would definitely not fall so easily.

Being able to inflict serious injuries or consume a little of Lu Li's vitality is already very good.

But at this moment.

However, he blew away three-quarters of Lu Li's vitality, making Lu Li look very tired and depressed, with his vitality greatly reduced.

With such a result, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?
  It has completely exceeded Tang Yi's expectations, okay?
  Therefore, Tang Yi was very satisfied with the attack just now.

And when Tang Yi was sizing up Lu Li, Lu Li was also sizing up Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's eyes were full of surprise and satisfaction.

But Lu Li's eyes when he looked at Tang Yi were full of complexity.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Tang Yi slightly. After a moment of silence, he finally said, "I didn't expect that you could reach this level! In just over a year, your strength has actually... Overtaken me! If I had no backup, if my strength was like this, I might not be your opponent, and I might really be killed by you. But... it's a pity. Although your improvement has surpassed mine I imagine that although you are indeed very strong now, you still can't kill me if you want to."


Hearing Lu Li's words, Tang Yi frowned slightly and was about to ask what he meant.

But at this moment, Lu Li's body trembled slightly, his eyes widened, and a dazzling red light emitted from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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