Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2632 A different bearing

Chapter 2632 A different bearing
  Lu Li's eyes emitted a dazzling red light.

Seeing Lu Li's eyes glowing red and hearing Lu Li's meaningful words, Tang Yi's heart suddenly skipped a beat and he began to become vigilant.

Usually when the big boss talks like this, he is about to use his ultimate move.

The king of Tianzhou Realm, Lu Li, looked like he was about to unleash his ultimate move in front of him.

Therefore, after hearing Lu Li's words, Tang Yi immediately became vigilant and stared at Lu Li closely, wanting to see what Lu Li, the realm king of Tianzhou Realm, was going to do.

And this time.

After Lu Li's eyes glowed red, waves of terrifying black gas quickly overflowed from all parts of his body.

Like a flood, they are coming in droves.

At this moment, Lu Li's eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and all seven holes were filled with black air.

Even every part of the skin and every cell in the body is exuding black energy.

The black energy seemed to be free of charge, like dark clouds, pouring out of his body, very strong.

In just a moment, Lu Li's location was already pitch black, filled with countless black energy.

In the blink of an eye, the black air spread over dozens of meters.

And it is spreading towards the surrounding area at a very terrifying speed.

"This is."

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was slightly stunned for a moment, then frowned and became solemn.

At this moment, he had no surprise, no doubt, no disbelief, just solemnity!

Because the scene before him was all too familiar to him.

What is the difference between Lu Li's situation at this moment and Tang Fanghua's previous situation?
  The same black energy is flowing out from everywhere in the body, and at the same time it is exuding an unparalleled evil aura!
  If you don't look like this, what is it if you're not possessed by a demon?
  Yes, Lu Li in front of him is using that weird and mysterious method to become possessed!

Lu Li's obsession at this moment was even more exaggerated than when Tang Fanghua was possessed.

The black energy is even stronger, and the evil aura is even more terrifying!
  The spread of black energy is also very rapid.

at the same time.

At this moment, the color of heaven and earth changes.

The originally clear sky turned into clouds in an instant.

A huge vortex of dark clouds appeared in the sky.

Within the whirlpool of dark clouds, lightning flashed, thunder roared, the wind roared, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

The rumble spread throughout Tianxuan Palace.

Do not!
  It should be said that it has spread throughout most of the Tianzhou Realm in the Divine Realm of the Realm!

Let the entire divine realm tremble.

Fortunately, Tianzhou Realm is a desolate and barren place. Otherwise, the atmosphere of what happened here in Tianxuan Palace would probably scare people to death in other places.

The scene at this moment is really terrifying and shocking.

The whole world suddenly changed color, countless thunder snakes emerged from the dark clouds, the strong wind roared like an angry giant beast, and waves of black energy crazily filled the venue!
  The whole world seemed to be covered with a layer of black veil, and the atmosphere was extremely strange and terrifying.

The scene at this moment seemed like the end of the world, as if the devil was about to come to the world. It was very scary and terrifying.

Seeing such a scene, if you are not strong enough or mentally unstable, you may be so scared that you will kneel on the ground and tremble.

Even if you are strong enough, even if you are mentally determined, you might still be affected and shocked by such a scene.

After all, seeing such a scene, even Tang Yi was moved and shocked at this moment. He couldn't help but have a sigh of relief on his face.

Of course.

Although he was moved and shocked, Tang was not intimidated or frightened by it.

Although he was affected a little, the impact was not significant.

Although he was also deeply shocked by the countless black gases filling the air and the sight of lightning and thunder in the sky, he was only slightly shocked.

The overall impact is not big.

After all, Tang Yi is also a person with a supreme combat power index of more than 4 million. Moreover, he has also experienced various scenes and experienced many, many things.

Having grown up to this point and experienced so much, Tang Yi still has some determination.

While Tang Yi has this determination, others may not.

For example, Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, who has been watching the battle from a distance at this moment.

At this moment, when Dong Zhiwen saw such a scene, although he was not as unbearable as shivering, he was not so frightened that he knelt down.

But his face still became extremely ugly and pale, and his spirit became extremely depressed in an instant, as if his energy had been drained.

Even the body flying in mid-air was shaking a little!
  In short, Dong Zhiwen's condition is very bad!
  And you must know that at this moment, Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, is watching the battle from a very far distance!

He followed Tang Yi's instructions and came to a far away location to watch the battle, at least hundreds of kilometers away from where Tang Yi and Lu Li were.


Still at an altitude of over 10,000 meters.

In short, he is far away from where Tang Yi and Lu Li are.

Even though the sky was covered with dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder, it did not affect him.

It was because he was at such a long distance that he was not affected by the fierce battle between Tang Yi and Lu Li just now.

If this were not the case, let alone seeing such a scene that looked like the coming of a demon in front of him, he would not have been able to survive even the previous battle.

Therefore, it can be seen how far away he is from the battlefield where Tang Yi is.

And the distance is so far away.

He was actually affected at this moment! !

It can be seen how terrifying and shocking the scene in front of us is like the coming of a demon god and the end of the world.

"Fortunately! Fortunately, I listened to Mr. Tang's instructions and came to a far away position to watch the battle. Otherwise, even if I had not died in their previous fierce battle, I would have been affected by this terrifying scene at this moment, and thus lost my life. Self, lose all courage. Maybe even lose your life!"

Dong Zhiwen said thankfully, and then Dong Zhiwen began to exert his strength, desperately resisting the impact of the terrifying scene in the distance.

After eliminating all the influences, Dong Zhiwen was dozens of miles away from the battlefield.

After arriving at a safer position, Dong Zhiwen looked into the distance again, looking at the battlefield of Tang Yi and Lu Li in the distance.

No, to be precise, he was looking at Tang Yi!
  At this moment, Tang Yi stood quietly, without any nervousness or panic in his expression. He looked very calm and calm.

He didn't seem to take that horrific scene seriously.

And he didn't seem to take the powerful opponent in front of him seriously.

The whole person showed a confident, indifferent and calm demeanor.

Seeing Tang Yi's performance, Dong Zhiwen couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You are indeed worthy of being Mr. Tang, and indeed worthy of being a top existence at the supreme level. With this kind of magnanimity, even if I practice for hundreds more years, I probably won't be able to cultivate it!"

(End of this chapter)

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