Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2637 Lu Li’s true form?

Chapter 2637 Lu Li’s true form?
  I saw black energy overflowing from Lu Li's body for more than ten minutes, and then returned to Lu Li's body again.
  Tang Yi couldn't help complaining in his heart, secretly thinking that since the black energy came out and went back, why bother to come out so much? Wouldn't it be better to explode directly inside and transform directly inside?
  It’s so unnecessary!

Of course, complaints are complaints. Tang Yi was still very cautious at the moment. His eyes were always fixed on Lu Li and never left him at all.

And as the black energy turned into an unknown creature and traced back to Lu Li's body, Lu Li's whole person began to change.

I saw Lu Li starting to tremble continuously at the moment when the black energy was traced back.

His skin kept surging, as if there was something inside.

His expression was extremely irritable, and his expression began to gradually become ferocious.

And right at this moment!

Lu Li screamed inexplicably. He was holding his head, and his whole body looked in great pain, as if something was about to come out of his head.

Due to the extreme pain, he collapsed directly to the ground at this moment, rolling and struggling.

But at this time.


A tearing sound came from Lu Li's body.

Tang Yi looked at Lu Li and saw a ferocious hole torn out of Lu Li's head. Countless blood and milky white unknown substances continued to flow out of the hole.

This scene is very scary and bloody. If you are not calm enough, you may be scared to death when you see such a scene.

But that's not even scarier.

What's even scarier is.

At this time, a slender and dry green arm stretched out from the opening in Lu Li's head, and then suddenly pulled open Lu Li's head like a watermelon.

Split Luli's head in half!
  Lu Li, the majestic realm king of Tianzhou Realm, had his head ripped open! ?

With his head ripped open, he can still survive?
  Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

I don't understand why such a scene occurs.

I don’t understand why Lu Li’s head was ripped open.

Logically speaking, shouldn't Lu Li's strength skyrocket when he performs the magic spell?

Shouldn't he lose his mind and become extremely crazy?

Why is your head pulled open? All split in half?

How is this going?


What is the arm extending from Lu Li's head?
  Tang Yimeng was stunned.

However, at this time, another slender, dry green arm stretched out from Lu Li's head.

Use both arms to support him.


Lu Li's head was shattered like a watermelon, and countless flesh and blood splattered.

And after those arms pulled Lu Li's head apart, they pushed it hard again!
  "Wow!" This time, not only Lu Li's head, but also Lu Li's body had a crack from the neck.

After the hole opened, the arms began to crawl forward, as if they were trying to crawl out of Lu Li's body.

"Is something trying to crawl out of Lu Li's body?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but guess.

But as he thought.

I saw the pair of arms crawling forward slowly, and then, a head emerged from Lu Li's body.

Then comes the body, and then the feet!
  After crawling out of Lu Li's body, the creature stood up staggeringly like a baby that had just learned to walk.

However, when the creature stood up, Tang Yi saw the face of the creature clearly!

This is not
  Isn't this the appearance of the mysterious creature transformed by the black energy before?
  A round head, a huge mouth that takes up the entire face, fangs in the mouth, and sharp claws on its feet.

He was still wearing armor and had a brown cloak behind him!
  Except that the color of the skin is no longer the dark color of the black energy, the appearance of this creature is exactly the same as the previous black energy!
  No matter the appearance or shape, they are exactly the same, they are completely carved from the same mold!
  And the creature in front of me is more vivid and real.

The facial features on the face, the structure of the body and the clothes he is wearing are also clearer.

It is no longer the virtual appearance of the black energy before!

Compared with the appearance transformed by the black energy, the mysterious creature at this moment is more spiritual and subtle.

It is completely a creature that originally existed in the world, not a fictitious object.


Tang Yi had secretly thought before that if the skin of this black creature was green, it would definitely look like a toad with a human body.

And now!
  The creature transformed by the black energy really appeared in front of him, and its skin was really green!

The whole look really looks like a toad with a human body!

A toad-head wearing armor, suspenders, and a cape?

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but be surprised: "Could it be said that the appearance transformed by the black energy before entered Lu Li's body and swallowed up Lu Li? Then he replaced Lu Li and inherited all his Life force, inheriting his power and everything? No way? And this kind of thing? The highest level of obsession is to devour this person? "

"It's still Lu Li's original appearance."

Just when Tang Yi was surprised and making various guesses, he saw that the unknown toad creature in front of Tang Yi had staggered to its feet and stood upright.

After standing up, the unknown creature shook slightly, shook off various stains on its body, and cleaned its body.

After cleaning it up a bit, the creature stretched out its hands and held them in mid-air, as if feeling its own power.

After feeling the power carried in his hands for a moment, he saw the creature open its bloody mouth, let out a rich and somewhat indistinct voice, and said: "How long has it been? How long has it been since I regained my true form? ? Haha, it has been so long that I have forgotten it. And I have also forgotten what it felt like when I recovered my body. Now, I have finally recovered my body. I have to say, the feeling of recovering my body is really great. It’s so good, this feeling of no restraint, this powerful feeling, it’s really great.”

Hearing this mysterious creature talking to itself, Tang Yi was slightly startled. He guessed something, but was not sure.

At this time, the mysterious creature muttered to itself, raised its head, looked at Tang Yi, and continued to say in that rich and neutral voice: "Tang Yi, are you ready? ?Are you ready to fight my true form?!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi was suddenly enlightened. He looked at the toad creature in front of him and said in surprise: "Are you Lu Li, the king of Tianzhou Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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