Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2638 Lu Li’s true identity!

Chapter 2638 Lu Li’s true identity!
  "Are you Luli, the king of Tianzhou Realm?"

Tang Yi looked at Lu Li in surprise.

Although when this mysterious creature spoke, he had a vague guess that the strange creature in front of him was the king of Tianzhou Realm, but because the difference in self-image was too big and there was no evidence to prove it, he was not yet Too certain.

But now, Tang Yi is sure.

After hearing the tone and words spoken by this creature at this moment, Tang Yi was sure!

I am sure that the mysterious toad creature in front of me is Luli, the king of Tianzhou Realm!
  Originally, Tang Yi thought that after Lu Li used Bewitched, although his strength would increase, he would lose his mind and fall into a place of eternal destruction just like Tang Fangzhou and others before!
  From now on, he will no longer be himself, but will become a killing machine.

Even if he doesn't turn into a killing machine, he will definitely be in a bad situation after becoming possessed.

Just seeing Lu Li's head cracked open and occupied by mysterious creatures, Tang Yi even thought that Lu Li sacrificed himself and died.

But what I didn't expect was.

Not only did Lu Li not lose his mind, not only did he not fall into a place of eternal destruction, not only was he not invaded by mysterious creatures, nor did he sacrifice himself.

  Still keeping his sanity!

In fact, the mysterious creature that emerged from the head was him!

This was beyond Tang Yi's expectation.

Tang Yi didn't expect that the magic mastered by Lu Li would be like this!
  There is such a huge difference from others.


the most important point is.

Just now Lu Li also said something about ‘noumenon’.
  Does this mean that his original human form was not his true self, but his current appearance is his true self?
  He is not actually a human being, but the form in front of him that is neither human nor beast?
  Thinking of this, Tang Yi's originally doubtful heart suddenly became enlightened.

Many things became clear.

"No wonder, no wonder Lu Li's race column says Dark! It turns out that Lu Li is really not a human! The reason why he looked like a human before was just that he sealed his body and then pretended to be a human Looks like! So he looks like a human, but in fact, he is not a human, but a Dark Tribe. Although I don’t know what race this Dark Tribe is, but what is certain is that he is not Human! But now, it has released the seal, and it has immediately returned to the appearance of the toad in front of you. And this appearance is his true body!"

Tang Yi analyzed with sudden enlightenment.

And then, another bold guess appeared in his mind.

"The method Lu Li just used is completely a higher-end version of possession! And when he used a higher-level possession, he actually restored his body. Since the higher-level possession is to restore his body, then shouldn't the method of possession be the same as the method of possession? Lu Li made it, right? When he performs it himself, he restores his original body and restores the power of his own body. And when others perform Bewitching, they sacrifice themselves to Lu Li? To obtain Lu Li's power?"

"Those people I met before, when they used Bewitching, could it be that they obtained Lu Li's power? That's why they improved, right?"

Tang Yi guessed.

I have to say that this is a very bold guess, completely unreasonable.

After all, how can the power of ordinary creatures be transferred at will?

How can you help others?
  And how do humans communicate with strange creatures like Luli?

Even if we can communicate and connect with each other, how can we get power from this strange creature?
  All of this is full of mystery and confusion, and Tang Yi doesn't understand the principle at all.

Of course.

Tang Yi is just guessing. Whether this is actually the case is still unknown.

Specifically, we have to find out from Lu Li.

There is no point in guessing now. Tang Yi simply puts this problem behind him and waits until Lu Li is defeated.

Turning his gaze back to Lu Li's body again, Tang Yi swung towards Lu Li with a Sky Eye Technique.

After Lu Li recovered his body, the aura on his body became extremely powerful, many times more powerful than when he was still a human body!
  Tang Yi felt an unparalleled threat from Lu Li.

Such a threat puts a lot of pressure on Tang Yi. Facing the current Lu Li, if he does not deal with it seriously, Tang Yi feels that he is likely to capsize in the gutter.    Furthermore, the probability is very high!

Therefore, he must deal with it seriously.

But if he wants to deal with it seriously, Tang Yi must check how powerful Lu Li has become after recovering his body.

If you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

In this way, Tang Yi threw a celestial eye technique at Lu Li, thereby obtaining Lu Li's information!
  Name: Luli (Dark Demon BOSS)

Level: Level 500 (Level Supreme)

Identity: King of Tianzhou Realm, Prince of Dark Demon Abyss.

Race: dark

Description: Lu Li is actually not the son of the old realm king Lu Yu, and the two are not related by blood. Lu Yu, the old king of Tianzhou Realm, was just an attendant of Lu Li and was ordered by Lu Li.

Just to deceive others, Lu Yu acted as Lu Li's father.

Lu Li's actual identity is actually a prince of the Dark Demon Abyss. He is quite famous in the Dark Demon Abyss. His strength ranks in the middle of the Dark Demon Abyss. He is cruel, cruel and bloodthirsty.

And he has a very great ambition, which is to lead the army of darkness to invade the human world and rule mankind. It's just that this ambition failed to get the support of many powerful people in the Dark Demon Abyss, and it was ultimately not implemented.

Helpless, he could only use his own methods to achieve this great goal. For this reason, he broke through the many shackles and took his attendant Lu Yu to the human world.

Then he relied on his powerful strength to kill the Heavenly Boat Realm King and seize the title of King. Then it was hidden in the Tianzhou world and developed silently.

Supreme combat power index: 9000000 points.

"Dark Demon Level BOSS!"

"Level 500, fifth level supreme?!"

"Prince of the Dark Demon Abyss?"

"A great ambition? To invade and rule mankind? Because there was no support, so he came to the human world alone with his men, killed the king of Tianzhou Realm, and sought the position of king of Tianzhou Realm?"

"Supreme combat power index, 900 million points?"

Looking at the latest information in his mind, Tang Yi was very surprised.

After becoming possessed, Luli's attributes completely changed.

The BOSS level has changed from World Lord level to Dark Demon level.

The identity also has the identity of the Prince of the Dark Demon Abyss!

And the level has actually been raised from the original level 400 to level 500.

From the original fourth-level supreme, he became the fifth-level supreme!

It has improved to a big level!

Of course.

This is not the most important.

the most important is.

This Lu Li is actually the prince of the Dark Demon Abyss, not the real Lord of the Tianzhou Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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