Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2646 The terrifying immortality!

Chapter 2646 The terrifying immortality!

Body of Pluto: After entering combat, the wearer will gain a large amount of defense for every 1% of his health he loses. When his health drops below ten percent, he will gain a powerful shield.

In this way, a powerful shield automatically formed when Tang Yi was attacked and appeared around Tang Yi, covering Tang Yi's entire body.

Although this shield was destroyed by Lu Li's punch in an instant.

But he still managed to withstand some damage for Tang Yi, which weakened the power of Lu Li's punch a bit.

In addition to the defense of Pluto, Tang Yi also had other equipment that also had an effect at this moment.

For example, the artifact is full of stars.

Starry passive special effects, starlight shield.

Starlight Shield: Wearing this item will generate a shield to defend yourself when in danger.

The moment Lu Li punched through the passive special effects of Pluto's armor, another shield like starlight appeared on Tang Yi's body, wrapping Tang Yi's entire body inside.

However, because Lu Li's punch is really very powerful, the power is really terrifying. The starlight shield that just appeared on Tang Yi is still like the previous Pluto's body shield, but it is different from Lu Li's fist. Upon contact, it immediately shattered.

Can't resist even for a second.

It just weakened the power of Lu Li's punch.

However, these weakenings do not affect the power of this punch at all.

Lu Li's punch was still powerful and terrifying.

But the next moment, Tang Yi's body lit up again.


What appeared this time was a brown-gray protective shell with lines on it, like a brown-gray turtle shell.

This is a passive defense method in Tang Yi's supreme equipment, the Supreme Xuanwu Ring, called fatal protection.

Deadly Protection: A tough protective shell can appear when receiving a fatal attack.

Due to Lu Li's powerful attack, after the Starlight Passport was broken, this protective method was automatically triggered.

However, this defensive method is still not the same as Lu Li's punch.

With just a touch, the turtle shell shattered into pieces and turned into countless fragments flying everywhere!

Likewise, this tortoise shell-like defensive method once again weakened the power of Lu Li's punch.

Just like this, at the moment when Lu Li's punch was about to hit Tang Yi, three passive defense methods were triggered on Tang Yi!
  Although these three passive defense methods could not completely resist Lu Li's attack.


But it weakened Lu Li's attack a lot.

Moreover, it delayed even a tiny bit of time.

This slight moment is not long, maybe it is just the blink of an eye, or even less than the blink of an eye.

However, this kind of time gave Tang Yi more time to react.

When the three passive defense methods were activated to resist Lu Li's attack, Tang Yi suddenly shouted: "Shique!"

The active skill of Shique Gufeng Leggings: Shique: The player's defense and blood volume can be greatly improved.

"The power of the bright moon!"


The active defense skill of the Bright Moon Armguard is the Power of the Moon: After being activated, it can generate the power of the Moon. Under the power of the Moon, the wearer can greatly improve attributes, attack power and defense power.

In the gap between the three active defenses that resisted Lu Li's fist, Tang Yi quickly used two more defensive methods. And just a second after he finished using two defensive methods.

Lu Li's punch finally hit Tang Yi's body!


Tang Yi was blown away by a punch, and fell heavily to the ground like a sandbag again.

But this time is different from before!

Because Lu Li became serious this time and used very powerful methods, the big hole Tang Yi made after falling into the ground was dozens of times larger than before!
  When Tang Yi hit the ground before, he created a large pit of about 100 meters, and the depth was also about 100 meters.

And now!
  Tang Yi fell to the ground, and the terrifying shock wave spread directly for thousands of meters!

Directly blasting out a large crater thousands of meters deep on the ground of the Tianzhou Realm Holy Palace.

And the depth reaches thousands of meters. At a glance, it is bottomless and very scary!
  Seeing Tang Yi being knocked to the ground by his own punch, Lu Li suddenly showed a disdainful sneer and said, "Oh, a mere mortal dares to compete with me, Prince Lu Li. He really doesn't know how to live or die."

In Lu Li's opinion, Tang Yi would definitely die if he was punched by him.

So he also went to the pothole to check.

After sneering disdainfully, Lu Li withdrew his gaze, glanced slightly at the messy Tianzhou Realm Holy Palace, frowned and said: "Although the death of these men and the destruction of Tianxuan Palace, to me It’s insignificant. But it will still take a lot of effort to recruit a new group of subordinates and repair the palace.”

At this point, Lu Li couldn't help but feel murderous and coldly snorted again: "Humph, this kid really deserves to die. If there is still a chance, I will cut him into pieces! Let him know the consequences of provoking me!"

After saying that, Lu Li withdrew his hand, shook his embroidered robe, put his hands behind his back, and then wanted to leave the place.

After all, when he thought about it, Tang Yi had already fallen, and his opponents had all fallen, so what was he still doing?

But at this time.


In the giant pit below, a figure appeared in the sky through the thick smoke.

And who is this figure if it's not Tang Yi?

At this moment, Tang Yi was in a very embarrassed state, with injuries everywhere on his body, and blood was still flowing in some places, staining his clothes red.

Even Tang Yi's right arm was missing, and a piece of flesh was missing from his left foot. The dense white bones were clearly visible, and countless blood flowed down from the wound where the flesh was missing.

In addition, Tang Yi's spirit was also very sluggish and his face was extremely pale.

The moment he flew up, he was still breathing heavily.

Obviously extremely tired and tired.

Tang Yi's current situation can be known by just one look. He has been seriously injured.


Although he suffered extremely serious injuries, his face was very pale and his spirit was very depressed.

  His vitality is still strong!

Don't talk about falling at this moment, even if you don't even look like you can't hold on!

After flying out of the thousand-meter pit, Tang Yi stayed in mid-air, stopped opposite Lu Li, and stood opposite Lu Li.

Lu Li was very surprised to see that Tang Yi did not die and even flew back from the pit!

He opened his eyes wide at this moment and looked at Tang Yi in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

But that wasn't what surprised Luli the most.

  (End of this chapter)

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