Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2647 The terrifying recovery ability

Chapter 2647 The terrifying recovery ability
  What surprised Lu Li the most was not this, not that Tang Yi had not fallen.

  Tang Yi's injuries healed quickly and visibly to the naked eye! !
  Yes, fast healing!

The wounds on his body were healing very quickly, the bleeding stopped and the wounds were healing.

The most terrifying thing is that even the missing right shoulder is constantly squirming at this moment. A brand new and tender arm is constantly growing out of the wound of the old arm!
  Just like that, a new arm regrown from Tang Yi's hand.

And the flesh and blood that disappeared on the thigh also grew back and returned to its original state in an instant.

In just a moment, Tang Yi's injuries recovered at lightning speed.

When he first flew out of the giant pit, Tang Yi's body was still in an extremely messy state. There were injuries everywhere, blood was still flowing, his arms were gone, and a piece of flesh was missing from his thigh!
  However, in just a dozen breaths, his body returned to its original state, and all his injuries were recovered!
  Not only that!

Even his depressed expression quickly returned to normal, and his pale face became rosy again!


It didn't take long for Tang Yi to change from a seriously injured posture back to his original normal posture!
  "What are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Li was stunned, his face full of disbelief!

Not to mention Lu Li's disbelief, not to mention Lu Li's shock, even Tang Yi himself was a little shocked.

He didn't expect that his body was so strong and his recovery ability was so terrifying!
  It stands to reason that the reason he was able to recover so quickly should be because he took pills or used treasures.


Actually not!

Tang Yi didn't use anything!
  Neither took any pills nor used any treasures!
  Being able to recover so quickly depends entirely on one's own recovery ability!
  And with his own recovery ability, he can recover so quickly!
  Tang Yi was also shocked!

He really didn't expect that his recovery ability would become so strong!
  After all, you must know that the injury he just suffered was very serious.

On the surface, he lost an arm, his body was covered in scars, and a piece of flesh was missing from his thigh.

The inside of the body was also like a mess, with various organs twisted together, and some places were even shattered.

Not only did he suffer extremely serious injuries outside his body, but he also suffered extremely serious injuries inside his body.

  His body recovered quickly in a short period of time!
  Not only the injuries outside the body have recovered, but also the injuries inside the body have all recovered!

All the organs returned to their proper places, and those shattered organs also grew back!

And this recovery speed is very fast, it only takes a dozen breaths to recover.

This is too scary.

Tang Yi never thought that his recovery ability could be so terrifying.

Before this, he had always thought that his body only had strong defense. Although his recovery ability was good, it would not be this strong!

However, after receiving this powerful blow from Lu Li, he realized how terrifying his recovery ability was!
  After being slightly surprised, Tang Yi began to look at his attributes, equipment, and special parts of his body.

Only then did I understand why I had such a terrifying recovery ability!

It turns out that in addition to his high physical strength and strong recovery ability, Tang Yi also has several pieces of equipment for quick recovery, as well as some special body parts.

It is these equipment and body parts that make his body extremely terrifying and his recovery ability extremely powerful.

For example, the Vulcan Helmet, the Artifact Starry Sky, the Supreme Mysterious Spirit Ring, and the Dream Moon Treasure Ring.

These are all equipment to improve recovery ability!
  In addition to equipment, the special part "Eternal Body" obtained by Tang Yi also played a vital role.

[Supreme Eternal Body]: Special physique. (Supreme level)
  Description: Gong Yuehen's powerful physique was developed through countless years of research.

Basic attributes: physique, defense, damage reduction, blood volume, recovery speed.

Special attributes: five-element resistance, hard value       Passive special effects: recovery from ashes, ever-changing.

Recover from the ashes: No matter how serious the injury is, as long as the consciousness has not dissipated and a certain amount of strength is expended, the person can return to his original state.

Ever-changing: The body can be transformed into various shapes and appearances.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3000 points.

In addition, there is something special that gives Tang Yi this terrifying recovery ability at this moment!

And this kind of thing is strange fire!
  [False Divine Fire]: Advanced divine fire, evolved from the False Flame Fire.

Passive effects: Immune to illusions, the player's mental power is increased, the player's recovery speed is increased, physical defense is increased, damage is increased, attack power is increased, and reductions are increased.

Active effect: Super powerful flames that burn everything. As long as it is contaminated even a little bit, it will be burned into nothingness, and it is difficult to extinguish it with ordinary water.

Alien Fire Ranking: 32
  The strange fire also brought Tang Yi a strong recovery ability, taking Tang Yi's recovery ability to a higher level.

And as the strange fire evolved into a higher-level false fire, the recovery ability increased by Tang Yi became more powerful and terrifying.

It is because of his equipment, physique, and strange fire that Tang Yi's recovery ability is so terrifying.

Only then can he recover quickly in a dozen breaths!

After figuring out the key and understanding his own recovery ability, Tang Yi was excited and ecstatic!


After all, before this, he had no idea that his recovery ability was so strong.

Now knowing that his recovery ability is so powerful, how can he not be happy?
  And his strong recovery ability means that he has one more way to save his life.

It means that he is more difficult to kill by the enemy.

This means that he can fight the enemy for a longer period of time.

It also means that he can save a lot of recovery pills!
  In short, there are many unimaginable benefits.

Whether it is for combat or logistics, it has a huge effect.

Thinking of this, can Tang Yi not be happy or excited?
  As for why he didn't know this before, why he couldn't feel the terror of his own recovery ability, Tang Yi thought about it for a while and figured it out.

The reason why he didn't know how powerful his recovery ability was was because he had never met an opponent!

After he became the Supreme, he didn't encounter any strong opponents.

All along, the opponents Tang Yi faced were very weak and could be crushed.

He had never been injured, and even when he was injured, he was never seriously injured.

Therefore, he has never discovered his powerful recovery ability. Apart from knowing that his defense is strong, he knows nothing about his body.

But now, after encountering such a powerful opponent as Lu Li, he suffered extremely serious injuries after a life-and-death battle.

Only then did I discover my terrifying recovery ability!

You really don’t know if you don’t fight, but you will be shocked if you fight!
  Having never fought before, Tang Yi didn't know that his body was so strong.

"Perhaps in addition to its recovery ability, my body has more powerful functions. It may be much more powerful than I imagined."

Tang Yi guessed, and then thought: "It seems that I have to find some opponents of the same level to challenge. Otherwise, I don't know how strong I am! Let alone how strong I can be."

(End of this chapter)

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