Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2649 Recovery again

Chapter 2649 Recovery again
  At this moment, Tang Yi was fully prepared for defense!

Don't say that he has no time to do other things. Even if he still has time, he will not do anything else.

Nor will he confront Luli!

Because judging from the current strength comparison, he simply cannot defeat him.

There is no benefit in fighting Lu Li now, and he might even be in danger!

Therefore, Tang Yi did not choose that way.

Instead, he chose a more secure defensive counterattack tactic.

Since you have many defense methods, strong defense power, and strong recovery ability, then defend yourself and let the opponent attack!

He waits for the opponent's attack to consume all the energy, and then counterattacks!
  This makes the battle much simpler.

Tang Yi's tactic is actually the same as before, which is to grind down the BOSS.

It's just that in the past, it was to grind the BOSS's HP, but now it's to grind the BOSS's energy.

Although the magnitude is different, the essence is the same.

It’s all grinding!
  This kind of tactic is the most practical for dealing with BOSS.

In this way, Tang Yi made up his mind to launch a defensive counterattack and use his strong recovery ability to grind down the BOSS Luli.

When Lu Li saw Tang Yi using a series of defensive methods, he snorted disdainfully.

In his opinion, Tang Yi could withstand his attack once, but it was impossible for him to withstand the second time!

Moreover, if he was serious, Tang Yi would definitely not be able to resist.

Therefore, after coming to Tang Yi, Lu Li used more powerful methods.

I saw him raise his right hand.


Lightning flashes appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Taking control of the phone, Lu Li waved his right hand!
  "Electricity shines!"


A terrifying blue lightning roared out from his palm and flew towards Tang Yi.

This blue lightning is very terrifying. It contains a very vast energy. The energy is full of destruction, violence and death.

And this lightning is also very agile, like a scary little blue snake glowing with electric light, constantly twisting and spitting out snake messages, exuding a dangerous aura.

And at the same time.

Wherever the blue lightning passed, the space shattered inch by inch, and a strong burning smell appeared in the air.

The entire space became hot due to the appearance of this blue lightning, and the temperature suddenly increased!


Just like that, this distinctive blue lightning roared towards Tang Yi!
  next moment.


First, it hit the time barrier cast by Tang Yi!

It is good that the time barrier can absorb this kind of energy attack, but it also depends on the power and quality of the energy!

Of course, the time barrier can absorb ordinary attacks.

But now the energy contained in this blue lightning is very terrifying and extremely powerful. How can the time barrier absorb such an attack!
  and so!
  As soon as the blue lightning came into contact with Tang Yi's time barrier, the time barrier suddenly became like glass and shattered into countless fragments with a bang.

Tang Yi's all-conquering defense was defeated in just an instant. He just absorbed some energy from the blue lightning and was destroyed by the blue lightning.

After the blue lightning broke through the time and space barrier, it immediately hit Tang Yi's active defense.

After breaking through Tang Yi's active defense, he once again attacked Tang Yi's passive defense.

After breaking through Tang Yi's passive defense, it finally hit Tang Yi's body.


Blue lightning struck Tang Yi's body. The blue electric light kept flashing and crackling. Waves of terrifying thunder and lightning power surged towards Tang Yi, constantly eroding Tang Yi's body and causing harm to Tang Yi!

Being bombarded by blue lightning, Tang Yi's whole body glowed with blue light, like a blue man.

At the same time, the smell of burnt meat appeared from Tang Yi's body, and streams of green smoke slowly rose.

Tang Yi's appearance also changed from yellow to pitch black in the blink of an eye!

He was instantly scorched by blue lightning.


In just an instant, Tang Yi turned into a black coal. There was no intact place in his body, and he was no longer the same as before.

With this look, if it were normal, if it were another person, he would probably be dead!

After all, the whole body has become coke, and even the inside of the body has become coke. How can he still survive in such a situation?
  But Tang Yi is different!
  Tang Yi possesses the Supreme Eternal Body. With this physique, no matter how serious the injury is, Tang Yi can recover quickly as long as his consciousness has not dissipated!

Coupled with Tang Yi's terrifying recovery ability.

After being electrocuted into coke by Lu Li's blue lightning, Tang Yi's figure fell from the air.

However, just after falling about a hundred meters, Tang Yi's charred body quickly flew up into the sky and flew back to its original location!

at the same time.

The charcoal on Tang Yi's body fell off piece by piece, as if shedding his skin, quickly fading away, and pieces of new and tender skin grew out!

In just a dozen breaths, Tang Yi recovered from his charred appearance.

After another dozen breaths, his whole body's energy and energy recovered, returning to its original appearance!

After recovering, Tang Yi showed a bright smile to Lu Li and said at the same time: "It's not enough! Your attacks like this feel like you are tickling me. Try harder!"


Seeing this scene, Lu Li was dumbfounded again!
  The attack just now, called Lightning Flash, was his natural method, and it was also his strongest method.

Although it was not an all-out attack, it still used 90% of his strength!

However, after using 90% of his strength, he still couldn't kill the young man in front of him, which made Lu Li feel very incredible.

At the same time, Lu Li's gaze became serious when he looked at Tang Yi.

Before this, he had never thought that Tang Yi would be his opponent, and he had never regarded Tang Yi as an opponent.

But now, after two failed attacks, and after seeing Tang Yi's strong recovery ability, Lu Li had to see Tang Yi as an opponent of the same level, and had to re-examine Tang Yi's strength!
  And Tang Yi's powerful recovery ability also made Lu Li feel threatened!
  It also made Lu Li afraid!
  "What exactly is your method? Why can you recover so quickly?" Lu Li asked in a deep voice.

"Do you want to know? If you want to know, just defeat me? As long as you defeat me, this method will be yours!"

Tang Yi throws out temptations or ways.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Lu Li was not moved or tempted!

I saw him squinting his eyes, exuding endless murderous aura, and said: "Okay, in that case, then I will find out the truth myself! I want to see what methods you use, and see how many times you can recover. !”

(End of this chapter)

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