Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2650 Infinite Loop Recovery

Chapter 2650 Infinite Loop Recovery
  Lu Li didn't believe it. He didn't believe that Tang Yi could continue to recover.

Therefore, he once again launched an attack on Tang Yi.

Tang Yi followed suit and used all defensive methods to resist.


In this way, Tang Yi was attacked by Lu Li again.

In this attack, Lu Li's method was still blue lightning.

Attacked by blue lightning, Tang Yi's body turned into charcoal again.

Yet the same as before.

In just a dozen breaths, Tang Yi recovered again.

The coke-like skin peels off quickly, and the skin is rejuvenated.

Since Tang Yi's clothes were transformed, after being reborn at this moment, the clothes also transformed again.

After returning to his original state, Tang Yi proudly said to Lu Li again: "Not enough! Continue!"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Lu Li frowned, his face became very gloomy, and he felt very unhappy.

But compared to being unhappy, Lu Li was very solemn at the moment.

At this moment, he already had a bad feeling.

I feel that this battle is likely to end in failure.

After all, Tang Yi in front of him put tremendous pressure on him!

Of course.

Just put pressure on it.

The key is.

Surprisingly able to recover quickly!

This is too shameless.

How can one fight this?
  Recover after being injured!

One hit can't kill him!

How to fight this?
  It’s completely impossible to fight!

If the other party keeps recovering like this, he will not beat the other party to death in the end, but he will be exhausted in the end.


Although he had a bad premonition and felt a lot of pressure facing Tang Yi, Lu Li did not give up.

Because he still felt that Tang Yi could not recover forever!
  After all, it is too exaggerated to keep recovering like this.

Who could do such an exaggerated thing?
  No one can do it!

No matter how strong you are, you can't do it.

Therefore, in Luli's case, Tang Yi could not recover forever, and there would definitely be a critical point.

As long as the critical point is reached, Tang Yi will not be able to recover.

Thinking of this, Lu Li looked up again and said, "I really don't believe you can continue to recover!"

As he spoke, his figure moved again and rushed towards Tang Yi.


Lu Li's speed was still fast, he came in front of Tang Yi, held the blue electric light, and blasted towards Tang Yi.



The blue electric light flew out, bursting out with a burst of dazzling light, hitting Tang Yi's body, the electric light shot out, and the blue light shone.

No surprise, Tang Yi was once again reduced to ashes.

Not surprisingly, his powerful recovery ability allowed him to recover again.

"Not enough!"

Tang Yi's proud words rang out again.

But this time, Lu Li did not stay or reply to Tang Yi. But the moment Tang Yi recovered, he rushed towards Tang Yi again!


Another blue lightning shot.

Just like that, Lu Li began to attack Tang Yi crazily, constantly injuring Tang Yi hard!

Tang Yi also continued to recover from Lu Li's heavy blows, and then was repeatedly hit hard by Lu Li!
  Infinite loop.

In the repeated heavy losses, Tang Yi discovered that even if he did not use defensive methods and directly withstood Lu Li's attacks, he would not be killed by Lu Li.

The powerful defense power and the passive defense means can withstand most of the damage caused by Luli's attack for him!

Moreover, after being attacked, his recovery speed is still as terrifying as before, and he can recover in just an instant!
  What's even more exaggerated is that as time went by, Tang Yi also discovered that he could withstand Lu Li's attacks several times in a row without dying!
  Although his injuries will continue to worsen, and he may even enter the stage of frequent death, Lu Li still can't kill him! !

And with his terrifying recovery ability, he was able to recover again!

Seeing such a situation, Tang Yi was even happier!

Nonsense, can you be unhappy?

No matter how hard Lu Li hits him, he can't be killed. What does this mean?
  It means Lu Li has no means to kill him!
  It means that his life is no longer threatened by Lu Li.

  He has already won this battle!

As long as time goes by, he can wear Lu Li to death!

Of course.

Although Lu Li was no longer a threat, Tang Yi did not relax his vigilance.

After all, Tang Yi didn't know Lu Li well enough. What if Lu Li still had means and powerful means?
  Therefore, although Tang Yi is no longer afraid of Lu Li's threat, he still remains vigilant!

At this moment, he is also ready to use the Wings of Holy Light at any time. As soon as something goes wrong, he will immediately use all defensive methods and then activate the Wings of Holy Light!
  that's it.

While Tang Yi was wary of Lu Li, he continued to withstand Lu Li's attacks.

Tang Yi defended and Lu Li attacked. The two sides defended and attacked. The battle lasted for more than half an hour.

Tang Yi was unilaterally bombarded by Lu Li for half an hour!

And half an hour later, Tang Yi was still safe and sound.

The breath is still sufficient and the body is still intact!
  How it was before, it is still how it is now.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li frowned deeper and his face became even more ugly.

At the same time, he thought: "This human being is too weird. I have never encountered such a weird human being! What method did he use? What method can keep recovering for half an hour?"

Seeing that Tang Yi continued to recover for half an hour, and that Tang Yi couldn't be beaten no matter how hard he beat him for half an hour, Lu Li became solemn.


In addition to being ugly, Lu Li's face was also a little pale, and his whole spirit was also a little sluggish!
  The aura on his body dropped a lot.

Obviously, there was a lot of consumption in the half-hour-long attack!
  However, compared to the consumption, the confusion and solemnity in Lu Li's heart were more intense.

After all, Lu Li has lived for so long, what opponent has he not encountered?
  What haven’t you seen?
  What haven’t you experienced?
  But I have never seen an opponent like Tang Yi!

I have never met an opponent like Tang Yi!

I have never experienced a scene like this.

too exaggerated!

It's been half an hour.

He has been fighting this battle for half an hour.

No, it can’t be said that the battle lasted for half an hour.

It should be said that he had been attacking the young human unilaterally for half an hour in this battle!

It blasted for half an hour!

He had consumed most of his energy and was so beaten that he was a little weak!
  Still can't kill the opponent!
  Isn't this an exaggeration?
  Isn't this outrageous?
  It's too ridiculous.

Where has Luli seen such a thing?
  Where have I seen such an opponent before!
  Such an opponent is too weird and exaggerated.

Facing such an opponent, no matter how confident Lu Li was, he couldn't help but become solemn at this moment.

Therefore, compared to the consumption, the confusion and solemnity in Lu Li's heart were more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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