Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2651 Lu Li opens up

Chapter 2651 Lu Li opens up

Seeing that he could not kill Tang Yi after attacking him for half an hour, Lu Li frowned and thought deeply.

After a moment, Lu Li thought to himself: "It seems that we have to use that move. If we don't use that move, we can't kill this human being at all. But if we use that move... In case, we still can't kill this human being." Human beings, I will fall into a place of no return! Then it will be dangerous."

Lu Li hesitated a little.

But the next moment.

Lu Li regained his confidence and said: "No, I will definitely be able to kill him! Although this kid is very weird, even though he is really strong! But, no matter how strong he is, that's all! Although his recovery ability is terrifying, Although his body is also very hard! But as long as I use a blow with enough power, I will definitely be able to kill him! And that move has such power!"

Thinking of this, Lu Li's eyes narrowed slightly and became more serious than ever before!
  I saw him staring at Tang Yi and said: "Although you are really strong and your recovery ability is really terrifying! But that's it! Because no matter how strong your strength is or how terrifying your recovery ability is, you can't stop it. Hold my blow!"

While speaking, Lu Li clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and his whole person exuded an unparalleled terrifying aura.

The cloak draped behind him is automatic in the absence of wind.

After hearing Lu Li's words and seeing Lu Li's actions, Tang Yi's heart tightened and he had a bad premonition!

"Is he about to use his ultimate move? From the looks of it, he might be about to use his ultimate move! If he really wants to use his ultimate move, I might not be able to stop him!"

Tang Yi frowned.

"No, no matter whether he uses his ultimate move or not, I have to be prepared! I must not overturn!"

Thinking of this, Tang Yi began to use various defenses.

After knowing that his body could withstand Lu Li's attack, he no longer used those defenses.

But at this moment, he once again used various defenses!
  "Space-time barrier!"

"Guardian of Hades!"

"The power of the bright moon!"

"Stone Palace!"

"Supreme Violence Pill!"

"The Halo of the Supreme God of War."

After using various defensive methods, Tang Yi took another Supreme Violence Pill and a Supreme God of War Halo.

After turning on all these states, Tang Yi quickly sank into the system.

In the system store, he bought another defensive method!
  [Supreme Guardian Shield]: Special consumption defensive items

Attributes: After use, a shield will appear around the body. Under the protection of the shield, the player's defense can be greatly improved. At the same time, the shield can withstand a certain degree of damage.

Duration: 60 seconds.

(After using this item, under the effect of this item, the player can no longer use other special consumable defensive items of the same type. If the same type of item is forcibly used, the effect of the item will disappear.)
  (Tip: This item is a one-time consumable item. After the shield disappears, this item will lose its effect. If the player is not attacked, this item will also lose its effect after the duration ends. This item has no side effects and will not affect the body. There will be no impact or side effects.)
  Price: 1500 Supreme Coins.

After purchasing the Supreme Guardian Shield, Tang Yi immediately used it.

next moment.

Behind the space-time barrier, a translucent diamond-shaped shield appeared.

After doing all this, Tang Yi still felt that it was not safe, so he immediately took out the light ball of the Holy Spirit Wings from the system backpack and held it directly in his hand.

After all, Lu Li was extremely serious and confident when he spoke just now.

And at this moment, he was exuding a very terrifying aura.

This momentum is extraordinary at first glance. Judging from Lu Li's words and actions as well as the aura exuding at this moment, he is definitely going to use his ultimate move.

And what he used must be a very powerful ultimate move!

If a strong man with a supreme combat power index of 9 million opens it, it must be very terrifying. It must be more powerful and terrifying than any attack performed by Lu Li before.

And it's several times more terrifying.

Lu Li's attack before was already extremely powerful, and he was able to beat Tang Yi to death.

So if you turn it up now and use more terrifying methods at this moment, it will definitely be more terrifying and can cause greater damage to Tang Yi!
  He might even be able to kill Tang Yi instantly with one blow!
  and so!
  Just in case, in order to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter, Tang Yi still had to be careful and careful, and he still had to be fully prepared.

And the Wings of Holy Light are Tang Yi's last resort to save his life!

This is Tang Yi's last trump card.

In fact, Wings of Holy Light can be used directly in the system backpack without taking it out from the system backpack at all.

However, when using it, Tang Yi had to sink into the system and find the Wings of Holy Light before he could use it.

And using it this way will take a certain amount of time.

After all, it takes time to enter the system, find the Wings of Holy Light, and then use it.

No matter how fast it is, it will take some time.

Therefore, for convenience, in order to be able to use the Wings of Holy Light immediately, Tang Yi took out the light ball transformed by the Wings of Holy Light from the system backpack and held it in his hand!

The wings of holy light turned into balls of light can be used by simply crushing them.

Tang Yi only needs to exert slight force at this moment to activate the Wings of Holy Light, allowing him to increase his supreme combat power index by five million points!
  After making all preparations, Tang Yi returned his eyes to Lu Li, staring at Lu Li closely, wanting to see what tricks Lu Li was using!
  I want to see how powerful Lu Li, the prince of the dark demon abyss, is with his ultimate move!

And the other side.

Lu Li closed his eyes tightly, and after clasping his hands together, streaks of blue lightning emerged from the top of his head.

Like small blue snakes, they kept drilling and gathering on the top of his head, and then condensed together and turned into a small ball.

In just a moment, a small blue ball appeared above Lu Li's head.

The little ball was only the size of a fist at first, but over time it quickly grew to the size of a watermelon.

After turning into the size of a watermelon, the blue electric light released from Lu Li stopped.

The volume of the blue ball is also fixed and no longer changes.


That is at this moment when the volume of the blue ball is fixed.


Wave after wave of energy from heaven and earth, as if attracted by something terrifying, kept gathering towards the blue ball.

Then he entered the blue ball.

At this moment, the blue ball seemed to have transformed into a giant sky-swallowing beast, constantly sucking in the energy of the world.

Every time it is absorbed, large amounts of energy from heaven and earth are sucked into it.

(End of this chapter)

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