Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2653: 2 state!

Chapter 2653 Two hundred percent state!
  The momentum exuded by the purple spear at this moment was very terrifying.

With the purple spear as the center, it swept out like a huge wave that was a hundred meters high, no, it should be a thousand meters high, sweeping continuously.

Facing the momentum emanating from this purple spear, even Tang Yi was almost unable to resist it.

Suffering the impact of the purple spear's momentum, his body involuntarily took a few steps back, and his whole body was under great pressure.

Fortunately, Tang Yi used a lot of defensive methods, and fortunately Tang Yi's body was strong enough. Otherwise, let alone the purple spear bombarding him, Tang Yi would not be able to stop it just by the momentum of the purple spear!

It can be seen how terrifying the momentum of this purple spear is!
  After the purple spear's momentum spread like ripples, it suddenly calmed down.

At this moment, Lu Li also stopped what he was doing.

Due to the use of the purple spear, Lu Li looked very pale at the moment.

The whole person's aura became extremely weak, and his spirit was also extremely depressed!
  His current state is at least 60% lower than before!
  Even more!
  The strength has been greatly reduced!

Even the breath of life is not as strong as before!

If we say that Lu Li's life breath before was like a vast ocean.

So now Lu Li's life breath is not as good as a big river, it has dropped a lot!

It is no longer as strong as before!
  At this moment, as long as you are not blind, you can see that Lu Li's condition has dropped significantly, and he has even entered a weak state!
  However, Lu Li didn't care about his status at all!
  At this moment, after using the purple spear, his expression was no longer tense and became calm.

He looked at Tang Yi indifferently, as if Tang Yi did not exist, as if Tang Yi was already a dead person.

With such an indifferent attitude, Lu Li said to Tang Yi calmly: "Boy of the Tang family, although you have received a very great opportunity, although you have grown very fast, although your current strength is very strong. Powerful, but unfortunately, you came too early. You shouldn't have come to me so quickly! If you didn't come to me and continued to grow like that, one day, your strength will definitely surpass me, and you will definitely surpass me by a lot. A lot. When the time comes, you come to me again and want to kill me, easily and without any effort! But it is a pity that you come to me before your wings are full and you are not 100% sure to deal with me. You are too anxious, this is a big mistake. At this moment, not only can you not kill me, you will even be killed by me!"

Hearing Lu Li's words, Tang Yi was cold and replied: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Use whatever means you can! I want to see how powerful the prince of the Dark Demon Abyss is! What terrifying methods can be used!"

Having said that, Tang Yi was actually very nervous.

Because he can also feel Lu Li's state at this moment!
  You can feel the decline in Lu Li's strength!
  You can feel the decline of Lu Li's vitality.

It was originally a happy thing to know that Lu Li's strength had dropped significantly.

But not only was Tang Yi not happy, excited, or joyful at this moment, on the contrary, there was a sense of solemnity!
  Can you not be solemn?
  After casting the purple spear, Lu Li's strength actually dropped by more than half, becoming extremely sluggish, and his vitality was also greatly reduced!

It was as if someone had cut off half of his blood.

Is this a normal thing?
  It must be abnormal, right?

What kind of spear can make a being with a supreme combat power index of nine million reduce his strength by more than half?
  What kind of spear can remove half a tube of blood from a BOSS with a strong vitality?

With such a terrifying spear, how could Tang Yi not be solemn!
  Tang Yi thought, since Lu Li spent more than half of his strength and more than half of his life force to summon this purple spear, then this purple spear must be very terrifying and its power is absolutely terrifying!
  Only in this way, Lu Li would spend more than half of his strength and more than half of his life to summon it!

Only in this way can Lu Li be so confident and calm at the moment!

Facing such a spear, how could Tang Yi remain calm?

However, he was nervous, but Tang Yi was not afraid, nor did he flinch on the spot. Because in his hand, he still holds the trump card of the Wings of Holy Light.

With the Wings of Holy Light here, no matter how nervous Tang Yi is, he will not back down even half a step!
  "Okay. In that case, I won't talk nonsense to you! Then I will show you how powerful my Prince Luli is. Let you see what a terrifying existence I, Prince Luli, am!"

Lu Li said coldly.

As he spoke, he raised his right hand!
  Then, gently point forward!

Under Lu Li's control, the purple spear above his head flew out and flew towards Tang Yi!
  But the strange thing is that the purple spear flying is not what Tang Yi thought.

It doesn't look scary or shocking.

It did not show any terrifying power, nor did it emit any terrifying aura of power.

In addition to emitting two terrifying auras when it was condensed and formed, when it flew towards Tang Yi at this moment, it did not emit any power or any aura of power.

At the moment of flying towards Tang Yi, there was no fluctuation.

There was no sound of breaking through the sky, and there was no terrifying energy sweeping across it. Wherever it passed, there was no abnormality or any changes in the space.

Looks ordinary.

It was as if an ordinary purple spear flew towards Tang Yi.

As if this ordinary spear is just a cold weapon?

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi frowned.

If he hadn't known that Lu Li had spent more than half of his strength and life force in order to summon it, Tang Yi would have almost believed it.

Everyone thought this purple spear was just an ordinary cold weapon.

But after seeing Lu Li's Shi Wei.

After knowing that Lu Li had consumed more than half of his strength and more than half of his life force to summon it, Tang Yi didn't believe that it was just an ordinary cold weapon!

"This spear is absolutely extraordinary. I must show my 100% attitude and treat it seriously and seriously!"

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

Just like that, Tang Yi stared at the purple spear flying towards him, and his whole person became extremely serious and serious!
  If Tang Yi only devoted 100% of his energy to normal battles, then at this moment, Tang Yi's energy reached 200%, becoming more serious than ever before!
  The spirit is also highly concentrated!

After all, what he had to face was Lu Li's ultimate move.

After all, his life was at stake.

Tang Yi can't even think about things that are related to life, whether he takes it seriously or not!
  (End of this chapter)

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