Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2654 Half Skeleton

Chapter 2654 Half Skeleton
  Facing the spear wielded by Lu Li, Tang Yi became more serious than ever before!
  Originally, he wanted to give it a try to see if he could resist the purple spear without using the Wings of Holy Light if he dealt with it seriously!

When the purple spear flew towards me, I felt the terrifying aura emanating from the purple spear.

Tang Yi knew immediately

Absolutely not possible without using the Wings of Holy Light!
  Even if you are more serious than ever, it won’t work!
  This purple spear is not something he can resist in his current state!

Knowing this, Tang Yi immediately crushed the energy ball of the Wings of Light without even thinking about it!

As soon as the energy ball of the Wings of Holy Light was crushed by Tang Yi, it immediately turned into a pure energy and entered Tang Yi's body!
  next moment.


From Tang Yi's back, a pair of transparent wings grew!

These transparent wings are three feet long and three inches wide, emitting divine light.

There are three sharp teeth on the outward side of the wings, and three barbs on the inward side, as if three tails were growing on the wings.

Such a transparent wing appeared on Tang Yi's back, making Tang Yi look like an angel or a saint, very sacred.

If anyone were present at this moment, if anyone saw Tang Yi with wings at this moment, they might not be able to help but want to worship him.

And apart from that.

The aura on Tang Yi's body was like a torrent, very terrifying, rolling out and suppressing everything.


The next moment Tang Yi used the Wings of Holy Light, the purple spear used by Lu Li finally hit Tang Yi!
  This purple spear looks ordinary, seems to have no power, and does not emit any aura.

But in fact, it was extremely terrifying, and in the blink of an eye, all the defenses Tang Yi had prepared were torn apart.

Moreover, Tang Yi's defenses were all torn apart before the attack came.

What time barrier, what Pluto's guardianship, what Pluto's body, can't even stop this purple spear for one breath!
  Not to mention blocking it, he couldn't even face-to-face with this purple spear!
  They are like tofu, as if made of paper, and extremely fragile.

Before the purple spears could reach them, they were instantly shattered.

At this moment, this purple spear was like a blender, crushing all Tang Yi's defense methods and everything in front of him!
  After instantly shattering Tang Yi's defense, the purple spear drove straight towards Tang Yi and hit Tang Yi's body all at once.


There was a loud noise, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the air.

At this moment, the mysterious purple energy on the purple spear exploded, and huge shock waves burst out, flying like lava.

As the target of the attack, Tang Yi bore the brunt and was bombarded by the terrifying purple energy. His whole body was submerged in the purple ocean.


Submerged in the purple ocean, waves of destructive energy continued to sweep through Tang Yi, constantly causing harm to Tang Yi! Tang Yi's originally extremely powerful body was swept away by this purple energy, and suddenly became covered in bruises. The terrifying energy directly tore his flesh and blood into pieces, with blood flying and white bones exposed.

Under the constant impact of purple energy, Tang Yi's flesh and blood became less and less. In a moment, Tang Yi's lower body turned into bones!

After a while, Tang Yi's upper body also turned into bones!

All flesh and blood were evaporated and defeated by the terrifying energy of the purple spear!

The next second after the purple spear attacked, Tang Yi turned into a skeleton.

At this moment, Tang Yi's head turned into a pale skull!
  However, this is just the beginning!
  Horrible, that's not all!
  In fact, Tang Yi's most powerful thing was not his physical body.

But his bones. Although his physical body is very strong, it is not strong enough to defend against everything.

But his bones are almost as strong as this!

It is so powerful that it can withstand most attacks and damage.

Unless the enemy is really strong, a hundred times or even a thousand times stronger than Tang Yi.

Only in this way can Tang Yi's bones be hurt.

Otherwise, don't even think about damaging his bones at all.

In short, Tang Yi's bones were extremely hard and his defense was extremely high. It was more than a hundred times stronger than his physical body.

However, even a bone that is so hard and has such strong defensive power is showing cracks when it is attacked by a purple spear!
  After Tang Yi's physical body completely collapsed and turned into powder, his bones began to crack and make cracking sounds.

Then it shattered into countless powders.

Tang Yi's bones were already strong enough, but they were still shattered by Lu Li's attack. This shows how powerful Lu Li's attack was!

At this moment, the first place where Tang Yi's bones turned into powder were his hands and feet.

The defenses of the limbs are the most vulnerable.

Therefore, Tang Yi's limbs were immediately turned into powder by the energy of the purple spear, before they could hold on for long!

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi's body bones slowly began to shatter!
  Like sand, the bones of the body slowly turned into powder, drifted into the air, and merged with the heaven and earth.

Just like this, under the terrifying invasion of purple energy, Tang Yi's skeleton slowly disappeared and turned into powder. Not long after, it was swallowed up by the purple energy and disappeared.

The burst of purple spears passed quickly as time passed!

The energy that rolled like a huge wave also retreated like a tide.

When everything was calm and his vision was clear, Lu Li curled his lips and looked proudly at where Tang Yi was.

I want to see the result of my attack.

Look at how miserable Tang Yi would be under his attack.

When he thought about it, Tang Yi must have died on the spot and turned into ashes after being attacked by him.

Even if it doesn't turn into ashes, what's left is scattered flesh and blood.

In short, he will definitely not survive.

However, when he turned his eyes to the sky and saw the scene in the sky, he was stunned.

I saw a broken half-skeleton and a skull floating quietly in mid-air.

Just standing in mid-air.

The skeleton and skull were very pale, without any trace of flesh and blood on them. They didn't look like human bones at all, but like a work of art!

A carved work of art.

Seeing such a skeleton, Lu Li was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I really didn't expect that that kid's body was so tough, and he was so strong after receiving such a powerful blow from me. It can still leave a broken skeleton. Although it is only a half-skeleton, it is still very remarkable. After all, the method I just used, if it were anyone else, I would not even have a single ashes left! Of course, although this kid It’s amazing, his body is indeed very tough, but in this state, even if he had nine lives, he wouldn’t be able to survive!”

(End of this chapter)

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