Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2660 Lu Yu’s mysterious death

Chapter 2660 Lu Yu’s mysterious death
  The energy between heaven and earth was already very thin originally. Now that it was attracted by Lu Yu, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this area became even thinner.

Thousands of kilometers of spiritual energy were sucked in, and it was immediately absorbed.

The land thousands of miles away has become a soulless land.

Without the spiritual energy, this area seemed to be dead, filled with aura of death.

In addition to the energy from heaven and earth being attracted, at this time, streams of strange gray energy also overflowed from Lu Yu's body, flew into the air, and condensed in the air, forming a gray energy. ball.

Under Lu Li's action, the gray energy ball gradually expanded, slowly expanding to a size of more than ten meters.


Seeing Lu Yu's sudden movement, Tang Yi's heart suddenly tightened in mid-air and he became more vigilant.

His eyes were fixed on Lu Yu, watching Lu Yu's movements, wanting to know what Lu Yu was doing. At the same time, his body was ready to fight, and he was on guard against Lu Yu using any strange means to attack him again.

Of course.

No matter what methods Lu Yu used, Tang Yi was not afraid at all at this moment.

In a state where all martial arts skills can be used, and without holding back any hand, Tang Yi is sure and confident to deal with whatever means Lu Yu uses, and is also sure and confident to defeat Lu Yu and Lu Li at the same time!
  At this moment, he has such confidence and strength!

and so.

With such confidence, Tang Yi didn't panic when he saw Lu Yu's movements, and he was not nervous enough to attack immediately.

Instead, he floated in the air cautiously, staring at Lu Yu warily, wanting to see what Lu Yu was going to do, and then take action!
  In this way, with Lu Yu's movements, the gray energy ball above his head gradually expanded, and all the surrounding spiritual energy was absorbed.

When the gray energy ball expands to a size of thirty or forty meters, no spiritual energy can be absorbed from the surrounding area!

At the same time, Lu Yu also stopped moving.

At this moment, Lu Yu was just like Lu Li when he used the purple spear, his hands were flying quickly, and he was making seals one after another!

Terrifying energy continued to soar in his palms.

Under Lu Yu's action, the gray energy ball quickly flew towards Lu Li, and then, it suddenly wrapped up the dying Lu Li!

Just like that, Lu Li's entire body was wrapped in the gray energy ball.


As the gray ball enveloped Lu Li, Lu Yu opened his mouth, and a thread made of gray energy was spit out quickly!
  This gray thread spurted out from Lu Yu's mouth and continued to extend towards Lu Li's location. Finally, it connected to the gray light group surrounding Lu Li!

And this time.


Lu Yu's body was illuminated with dazzling lights. Strong energy visible to the naked eye continued to pour out of Lu Yu's body, and then passed through the gray energy line towards Lu Li. The gray energy ball was passed over.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi became even more vigilant, and his expression became more serious than ever.

The devil's slave has been held in his hands in advance, and he holds it tightly. As long as something goes wrong, he can quickly attack!

The reason why he was so serious was because the momentum created by Lu Yu was not half weaker than the purple spear used by Lu Li before!
  Compared with the purple spear wielded by Lu Li, Lu Yu's momentum at this moment is equally huge and terrifying, and the billowing energy is equally terrifying!
  The momentum is so huge, the energy is so terrifying, and the vibrations caused are so severe. How could this be an ordinary method?

Certainly not!

Such a method must be similar to the purple spear that Lu Li used before. It is a very powerful and terrifying method, and the attack power is absolutely amazing!
  and so.

Faced with such a method, how could Tang Yi not be serious. Although Tang Yi was confident at this moment that he could withstand all Lu Yu's attacks, he did not dare to be too confident, let alone relax his vigilance.

No matter how confident he is, he still has to be careful.

Otherwise, there is a risk of capsizing.

After all, confidence does not mean invincibility. No matter how confident you are, if you are too confident, it will capsize.

So be careful or be careful.

Tang Yi hasn't lived enough yet, there is still a great life waiting for him to squander it, and he doesn't want to capsize here.


Just when Tang Yi was carefully guarding Lu Yu to prevent him from using any terrorist methods, a reminder suddenly came to his mind.

"Ding! Special reminder, the Dark Demon-level BOSS, the old king of Tianzhou Realm, the veteran strongman of Dark Demon Abyss, and the fifth-level supreme Lu Yu are dead."

"Ding! Since Lu Yu's death is inevitably related to the player Tang Yi, the experience and rewards of Lu Yu's death belong to the player."

"Ding! Congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Dark Demon-level BOSS, the old king of Tianzhou Realm, and the fifth-level Supreme Lu Yu, the veteran strongman of Dark Demon Abyss. He obtained 100000000 Supreme Points and 1000000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Dark Demon-level BOSS for the first time. He received an additional 50000000 Supreme Points and 500000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing a strong man from another world for the first time. He received an additional 50000000 Supreme Points and 500000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the fifth-level Supreme for the first time. He received an additional 50000000 Supreme Points and 500000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting a special item, Dark Soul Stone X100."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving X10000 merit."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme skill, Wind Scroll Soul Breaking Slash."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the Supreme Body Technique, the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme equipment, Dark Magic Pants."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. The current level is: fifty-three-star level two supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 500-star level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 500-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by points."


"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Ninety-seven-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Ninety-eight-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 500-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by points."

"Ding, a warm reminder, the player's supreme points are full, please complete the breakthrough as soon as possible."

"Breakthrough requirements: 200. Mental power level 300. 100000. Supreme combat power index million points. . Supreme coins."

(End of this chapter)

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