Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2661 Breaking through Level 3!

Chapter 2661 Breaking through the third level!

As the prompts came from Tang Yi's mind, at the same time, Lu Yu's body floating in mid-air seemed to have lost its support and fell from the air.

Like an ownerless sandbag, falling into the sky.

Then it fell heavily to the ground and made no sound.

"Lulu Yu is dead?"

Seeing this scene and the reminder in his mind, Tang Yi was stunned.

At this moment, he didn't need to go down below to check on Lu Yu's condition, or prove whether Lu Yu was really dead.

Because the reminder in my mind is already the best proof, there is no need to check it again!
  Since the reminder in my mind said that Lu Yu was dead.

Then, Lu Yu is really dead.

However, he could not figure out why Lu Yu died suddenly.

He didn't attack Lu Yu, and he didn't use any means. Lu Yu died inexplicably, which made Tang Yi very confused.


Wasn't Lu Yu still using some powerful means just now?

Why did he suddenly die while he was performing the exercise?
  "Could it be that the method used by Lu Yu was too powerful and he couldn't control the power, so he was counterattacked?"

Tang Yi guessed.

Of course.

Although I don’t know how Lu Yu died.

  No matter how Lu Yu died, this was a major benefit to Tang Yi!

Because with the death of Lu Yu, the system determined that Lu Yu's death was inextricably related to Tang Yi, thus allowing Tang Yi to receive the reward for killing Lu Yu!
  In just this move, Tang Yi gained 250 million supreme points!
  And these supreme points directly promoted Tang Yi from the fifty-two-star second-order supreme to the ninety-nine-star second-order supreme!

With only one step left, he can cross the second level and reach the supreme third level.

In addition to the promotion in level, Lu Yu's death also brought Tang Yi a reward of 2.5 million Supreme Coins!
  Two and a half million supreme coins!
  When did Tang Yi obtain so many Supreme Coins?

The most Tang Yi ever had was just tens of thousands of supreme coins!

But now.

Because of Lu Yu's inexplicable death, he was instantly rewarded with 2.5 million Supreme Coins!
  This harvest is too rich.

The rewards of level and supreme coins alone have made Tang Yi earn a lot of money and achieve a great harvest.


In addition to levels and supreme coins, Tang Yi also received rewards from Dark Soul Stones and meritorious deeds.

Although I don’t know what the effects of these two rewards are, since these two rewards are coming from a big BOSS like Lu Yu, they will definitely have a lot of effect.

In addition to the above rewards.

Lu Yu also revealed two books to Tang Yi.

One supreme level sword skill and one physical martial arts skill!

Both are very rare supreme skills!

These two supreme skills came from a big BOSS like Lu Yu, so it must be extraordinary to think about it.

Of course, Tang Yi hasn't had time to check the attributes of these gains, so Tang Yi still doesn't know the attributes of these items.

In fact, what concerned Tang Yi the most was not the Supreme Coin and the harvest of these items.

But his level.

At this moment, his level has reached level ninety-nine and second level supreme.

There is only one step left to cross the second level and reach the third level of supreme.

Just now, the system also prompted and informed the conditions for breakthrough.

If you want to break through the third level of supreme, you need three conditions.

200. Mental power level .

300. The supreme combat power index is million points.

100000. Supreme Coins.

Seeing these three conditions, Tang Yi first checked his mental power. His current mental power has already exceeded level 200, and has exceeded it by a lot, reaching level 245!
  After all, when he broke through to the second-level supreme, the system required Tang Yi's mental power level to reach level 200. When Tang Yi broke through, he had already reached level 200.

As time went by, as Tang Yi's strength improved, his mental power also improved, reaching level 245 at this moment.

Therefore, the first condition is the requirement of mental power level 200.

Tang Yi has achieved it.

As for the second condition.

The supreme combat power index is three million points.

Tang Yi also achieved this condition.

Even if you don't use the Supreme Violence Pill or the Wings of Holy Light.

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index also reached 4.8 million points!

It has far exceeded the requirements of the second condition.

Finally, the third condition!
  If Lu Yu had not died and brought Tang Yi a lot of gains, Tang Yi would not be able to achieve this condition.

And it is very difficult to achieve it.

After all, 100,000 Supreme Coins are too many.

When Tang Yi had the most Supreme Coins, he didn't even have 100,000.


With Lu Yu's death, Tang Yi gained 2.5 million supreme coins.

This third condition is not a problem at all.

I have obtained two and a half million supreme coins. If I want to complete the conditions for these 100,000 supreme coins, it is completely easy. Just take out some and you can complete it.

In other words.

Tang Yi has achieved all the conditions for breaking through to the third level of supreme being.

"In other words, I can break through to the third level of supreme right now?"

Tang Yi thought to himself.

Then, he said tentatively: "Breakthrough?"

"Ding, player Tang Yi has met the three conditions to break through to the third level. At this moment, breaking through to the third level requires 100000 Supreme Coins. Do you agree to break through? If you agree, 100000 Supreme Coins will be deducted from the player's Supreme Coins."


Seeing the system prompt in his mind, Tang Yi was stunned again.

He just tried, but he didn't expect that he could really break through!

Since we can break through
  After coming back to his senses, Tang Yi didn't even think about it, and immediately said silently in his heart: "Agree to the breakthrough!"


At the moment when Tang Yi was thinking silently in his heart, a golden cloud appeared out of thin air in the sky.

From this golden cloud, a golden light shot down and shone on Tang Yi's body, bathing Tang Yi in the golden light and becoming golden.

Being illuminated by the golden light, Tang Yi felt warm and extremely comfortable.

An unprecedented comfortable feeling spread throughout his body, making him want to moan deeply!
  The golden light did not last long, about five seconds. Once the five seconds passed, the golden light withdrew and the golden clouds disappeared in mid-air.

And this moment.

The moment the golden clouds disappeared, Tang Yi was shocked, and golden ripples continued to ripple out.

As the golden ripples rippled, Tang Yi's whole person seemed to be sublimated and became different.

Judging from the appearance, the whole person seems to be whiter than before, and the skin is as clear as jade, as radiant and tender as a newborn baby.

The whole person's appearance seems not as masculine as before, but has a softer feeling!

White and tender, like a pretty boy.

If he holds a fan or a few books in his hand, he looks like a weak scholar.

(End of this chapter)

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