Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2667 Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art

Chapter 2667 Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art

Are these two supreme sword skills powerful enough?
  The third state-type supreme skill, 'Boiling with Force', is even more powerful and terrifying than the first two sword-type supreme skills.

The increased supreme combat power index must be higher!
  The first two supreme sword skills increase the supreme combat power index by only 70 to 1 million points.

The force boiling has doubled, and the increase has reached two million points!
  Let's not talk about the attributes. The increase in the supreme combat power index and the supreme skill of force boiling are already very good!
  With this supreme combat power, even if it has no attributes, it doesn't matter.

The increase of two million supreme combat power index can fully reflect its power!

Tang Yi really didn't expect that he could actually obtain such a supreme skill.

When he thought about it, the two supreme sword skills before were terrifying enough and powerful enough.

The increased supreme combat power index is already high enough.

After all, Tang Yi's current supreme skill only increased by 3,500 points.

Compared to 3,500 points, several hundred thousand points must be very high.

  The supreme skill of force boiling is even more terrifying than the previous two sword-type supreme skills.

The increase in the supreme combat power index is even higher!
  A whole million points more!
  This is simply terrifying!
  And its supreme combat power index has a high increase, so that's all.

Its attributes actually directly increase the percentage of the Supreme Combat Power Index!
  Moreover, the improvement percentage is as high as 50%!

This is too scary.

Saying this may not convey its horror.

Just imagine.

Tang Yi's current supreme combat power index is over 15 million points.

If he is equipped with this martial art, his supreme combat power index will become 17 million points!
  When facing the enemy, if this supreme skill is used, the total combat power will be increased by 50%.

Then his supreme combat power index will be increased by 50%, which is 8.5 million points!

An increase of 8.5 million points, plus Tang Yi's original supreme combat power index of 17 million points.
  By then, his supreme combat power index will reach 25.5 million points!
  Twenty-five and a half million points!
  Every time the supreme combat power index increases by one point, the strength will be greatly improved!
  A sudden increase of 8.5 million points. What is this concept?
  How much improvement can the strength be achieved?
  And the total supreme combat power index has been increased to 25.5 million points. What is the concept of this?
  How powerful will it be?

This is simply unimaginable.

And, most importantly.

This supreme skill will also increase as Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increases!
  The higher Tang Yi's own supreme combat power index, the higher the improvement he can get!

When Tang Yi's own supreme combat power index increases by 100 million, then the supreme combat power index that he can increase by using this supreme skill will reach 50 million points!
  This is a very scary number!

It can be seen how terrifying the supreme skill of force boiling is!
  Seeing how terrifying the supreme skill of Force Boiling was, Tang Yi was slightly stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed, overjoyed!

Of course, how can you not be happy?

After obtaining such a supreme skill, Tang Yi's strength, survivability, and all aspects will be even more terrifyingly improved, and his strength will soar again! How could Tang Yi not be happy with such a huge improvement? How could he not be delighted.

"Although Lu Li ran away, he left me such a good thing. It's not bad, it's worth it."

After reading the properties of the supreme skill of Force Boiling, Tang Yi smiled.

After checking the attributes of the three supreme skills and feeling slightly excited, Tang Yi thought about it.

Immediately afterwards, it was decided to remove the three supreme skills of Sky Slash, Earth Splitting Wave Sword and Spiral Mind Aura from the Supreme Skills column.

Then, he equipped the three supreme skills he had just obtained: Shadow Soul-Destroying Slash, Wind Scroll Soul-Breaking Slash, and Martial Boiling!
  With the addition of three new supreme skills, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index skyrocketed again.

Since Tang Yi removed the three old supreme skills, his supreme combat power index will deduct the bonuses of these three old supreme skills, which is 1500 points. (Sky Slash 1800 points, Earth Splitting Wave Sword 1500 points, Spiral Mind Aura points)
  After deducting 4,800 points, when he equipped three new supreme skills, his supreme combat power index suddenly soared, increasing by 3.7 million points!

From 15007696 just after breaking through the fourth level and obtaining 18702896 million supreme combat power index, it has increased to points!
  The supreme combat power index reached 18 million points, almost 19 million points!
  Twenty million is not far away!

Looking at his latest supreme combat power index, Tang Yi was full of pride and high spirits!

His whole person was filled with an indescribable confidence.

And seeing that the supreme skill he had harvested was so top-notch and had brought him such a huge improvement, Tang Yi was even more looking forward to the next harvest!
  Read on to see what comes next.

The next thing Tang Yi wanted to check was a magic called Golden Crow Divine Shadow Jue. This magic was an item that exploded when Lu Yu died.

Since it was an item revealed by a big BOSS like Lu Yu, Tang Yi thought that this method should also be a top-notch method.

I saw Tang Yi unlocking the attributes of the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art!
  [Golden Crow Divine Shadow Technique]: Supreme Body Technique.

Attributes: After use, it will turn into the Golden Crow Divine Shadow, and its speed will be horribly increased. In the process of using the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art, there is a very high chance of gaining additional speed increase, defense improvement, immunity to damage, and control release and other attributes.

Special attributes: During the use of the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art, a Golden Crow shock will be generated every 5 seconds, causing a large amount of damage to the enemy target, and at the same time attaching a Golden Crow mark.

For every additional layer of Golden Crow marks on the enemy target, the damage caused by the Golden Crow shock will be higher, with a maximum of ten layers of marks!
  Supreme combat power index increase: 2500000 points.

"Two to two and a half million points? It's higher than the boiling force!"

"It also has special attributes? It can also generate a Golden Crow shock every five seconds? When subjected to the Golden Crow shock, the enemy target will also have a Golden Crow mark attached? The more Golden Crow marks on the enemy target, the higher the damage of the Golden Crow shock? "

"This is so awesome!"

Seeing the attributes of the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art, Tang Yi was shocked again, his eyes widened, and at the same time, an uncontrollable joy surged through his heart again!

The Golden Crow Divine Shadow Technique was created by Lu Yuba. Tang Yi was full of expectations for this supreme movement technique, and also guessed that this supreme movement technique would definitely be very powerful.

After all, no matter how bad the things the big boss revealed, how bad could they be?

But what Tang Yi didn't expect was that the supreme movement skill of the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art actually exceeded his expectations and was countless times better than he imagined!
  (End of this chapter)

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