Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2668 The Divine Stone of Space

Chapter 2668 The Divine Stone of Space
  "very good!"

Tang Yi was very satisfied with this Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art.

The attributes were much better than he imagined.

The supreme combat power index even reached a high of 2.5 million points.

It’s even higher than boiling with force!
  This is too good.

With such a supreme body movement skill, what else could Tang Yi be dissatisfied with?
  Immediately replaced the original Supreme Divine Movement Art and replaced it with the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art.


Tang Yi's supreme combat power index soared again.

Subtract 2500 points from the Supreme Divine Movement Art and add 2500000 points from the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art.

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased from the previous 18702896 points to 21200396 points!
  Officially exceeded 20 million points!

Tang Yi's strength has improved dramatically again!

Keep checking back!

The next piece of equipment is the supreme equipment, the Dark Magic Pants.

[Dark Magic Pants]: Supreme equipment.

Attributes: defense, defense bonus, percentage defense, blood volume, damage reduction, recovery.

Passive special effects: Dark light, sensitive.

Light of Darkness: When entering combat, a dark green light will bloom. Under the light, your strength will be greatly improved!
  Agility: When entering combat, the agility attribute will be horribly improved.

Active skill: Demon of the Abyss.

Demon of the Abyss: Reduce the blood volume by 50% and increase the supreme combat power index by 5000000 points. After that, for every 10% decrease in blood volume, the supreme combat power index will be increased by 1000000 points. When the blood volume drops below 10%, every 1% drop in blood volume will increase the supreme combat power index by 10% of the total combat power index at that time, up to a maximum increase of 90%.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3500000 points.

Another piece of equipment that exceeded Tang Yi's expectations!
  Originally, when Tang Yi thought about it, no matter how high-quality these Dark Magic Pants were, they would be comparable to the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art. Even if it was better than the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art, it would not exceed it by much.

But I didn’t expect it!
  The Dark Magic Pants are actually so much better than the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art Ultimate!
  The Supreme Combat Power Index is actually one million points more than the Golden Crow Divine Shadow Art, reaching 3.5 million points!
  This is too awesome!


The active skill of this piece of equipment can actually directly increase the supreme combat power index by five million points!

Moreover, as the blood volume decreases, every ten percent decrease can increase the supreme combat power index by one million points!
  After the blood volume drops to 10%, every 1% drop can increase the total combat power index by 10% at that time!

The maximum can be increased to 90%!
  This is too terrible!

Just imagine, after equipping this piece of armor, Tang Yi used the active skills of this piece of armor in a battle with others. While reducing 50% of the blood volume, the supreme combat power index is increased by 5 million points!
  Then the blood volume dropped to 40%, and another one million points of supreme combat power index were added. At that time, the total bonus of the supreme combat power index reached six million points.

The blood volume dropped to 30%, and then increased by one million points, for a total bonus of seven million points.

The blood volume is reduced by 20%, and the total bonus is 8 million points!
  When the blood volume dropped to 10%, the total bonus Tang Yi could obtain reached 9 million points! !

The bonus alone when the blood volume drops to 1% reaches million points, not to mention that every % drop in blood volume after % can increase the total supreme combat power by %. !
  If the blood volume is lower, Tang Yi can still get a higher improvement!

This is a piece of equipment that exchanges blood for combat power!

It can be said to be very terrifying.

Such a piece of equipment is very useful when dealing with BOSS.

Because when he couldn't break his defense, Tang Yi used his blood volume in exchange for combat power! Of course.

Although it is said that if you want to use the active skills of this equipment, you need to consume 50% of the blood volume, and the lower the blood volume, the higher the combat power that can be exerted, and the low blood volume will put Tang Yi in a very dangerous position. situation.


As long as Tang Yi's defense is high enough, his speed is fast enough, and he's careful enough, it doesn't matter!
  After all, with high defense, fast speed, and enough caution, there won't be any danger even if the blood volume is low.

If people can't hit you, what's the danger?

Tang Yi's blood volume can be consumed at will!
  After all, he can buy unlimited pills to recover.

If it was really dangerous, he could just buy a pill to restore his blood volume instantly.

Therefore, the condition of consuming 50% of the blood volume, and the restriction of low blood volume, Tang Yi did not take it seriously at all.

It can increase Tang Yi's supreme combat power index by one million points. When entering combat, it can also greatly improve attributes. Using active skills can increase the supreme combat power index by five million points. The lower the blood volume, the greater the strength. The more you get.

Such a piece of equipment is simply the best!

Quickly change out of the blue sage trousers from before, and then equip these dark magic trousers!
  When he replaced the blue sage trousers, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index dropped by 9000 points, and when he replaced them with the dark magic trousers, his supreme combat power index increased by 3500000 points.

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again.

From 21200396 just now, it has increased to 24691396 points!
  Nearly twenty-five million!
  Strength leaps forward again!

Check out the harvest continues!

Next is the special enchanted stone, the Space Stone.

[Space God Stone]: Special enchanted stone (weapon)

Attributes: If the enchantment is successful, the weapon will gain air attack effect!
  "Huh? What is it? Air attack effect?"

Seeing the properties of the Space Separation Divine Stone, Tang Yi was slightly stunned, his face was full of doubts, and he couldn't understand what the Space Separation Divine Stone had at all.

Let the weapon gain air attack effect?
  What is the effect of air attack?
  Tang Yi was a little confused.

"Since I don't know what it does, I'll give it a try. After I test it myself, I'll naturally understand what kind of stone it is."

Tang Yi thought.

Thinking about it, he immediately used the Space Separation Divine Stone to enchant the devil's slave.

As the supreme proficient in all professions, Tang Yi's enchantment skills have also reached the supreme level.

It should be possible to enchant a stone with a supreme-level enchantment technique.

I saw Tang Yi taking out the Devil's Slave and the Divine Stone of Space at the same time, flying his hands quickly, and pinching out a series of spells.

Streams of gray power continued to overflow from Tang Yi's body, then flew into the air, attached to the devil's slave and the Kongse Divine Stone, and slowly wrapped the demon's slave and the Kongse Divine Stone.

A moment later, the devil's slave and the Space Stone were completely wrapped in gray energy, and an invisible thread pulled the two together.


As the gray energy completely enveloped the two items, an invisible thread connected them, and mysterious and mysterious Sanskrit sounds rang out from the scene.

At this moment, a mysterious power surged out of Tang Yi's body again.

This mysterious force flew towards the Kongju Divine Stone, and then merged into the Kongju Divine Stone wrapped in gray energy.

(End of this chapter)

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