Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2669 The enchantment was successful, testing the special effects of air separation!

Chapter 2669 The enchantment was successful, testing the special effects of air separation!
  After this mysterious power was integrated into the Kongju Divine Stone, the Kongju Divine Stone turned into a pure energy, flowing towards the devil's slave along the invisible line, and then entered the devil's slave.


The mysterious Sanskrit sound became even louder, shaking the world, as if chanting by gods and demons, constantly praying and purifying the slaves of the demons.


The mysterious Sanskrit sound lasted for a moment, and the devil's slave lit up with a dazzling golden light, emitting a tide of energy that surged into the surrounding areas.

When the energy tide dissipated, the scene finally returned to calm, and all the strange phenomena disappeared.

And this time.

A prompt appeared in Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his successful enchantment. The slave of the weapon demon has been improved, and the increase in supreme combat power index has been increased to 4205000 points."


Tang Yi was startled and shocked when he saw the system prompt in his mind.

The original supreme combat power index of the devil's slave was only 1,205,000 points!

However, after the enchantment, the devil's slave's supreme combat power index increased to 4,205,000 points!
  Suddenly it increased by three million points!
  Got a terrifying improvement!

Tang Yi didn't expect that after being enchanted, the devil's slave could actually improve so much! !

"This devil's slave has actually improved so much? This is a bit too exaggerated. What stone can increase the supreme combat power index by so much? Could it be that the Space Separation Stone is a super-grade enchanting stone? So after the devil's slave is successfully enchanted , will the supreme combat power index increase so much? That should be the case, otherwise, how could the slave of the devil increase so much? This is simply unreasonable! This is only possible if the Space Separation Divine Stone is a super-best enchanted stone. Let the slave of the devil improve so much! It seems that this can separate the divine stone, it is really an amazing enchanted stone. After all, it can increase the supreme combat power index by three million, how can this be an ordinary stone? .”

Tang Yi exclaimed.

When he saw the Kongju Divine Stone before, Tang Yi didn't pay too much attention.

Now that he saw that the Space Separation Divine Stone could actually increase the Supreme Combat Power Index by more than three million points, Tang Yi immediately took it seriously and was constantly amazed by this stone.

"Since the Space Separation Divine Stone can increase the devil's slaves' supreme combat power index by three million points, it seems that it really has some very powerful effect!"

Thinking of this, Tang Yi thought for a moment, and then his consciousness sank into the system again to check the attributes of the devil's slave.

After checking Weiwei, Tang Yi exited the system again.

The attributes of the devil's slaves have not changed much.

In addition to the passive special effects, there is an additional special effect called "space".

Except that the supreme combat power index has changed from 1205000 points to 4205000 points, there are no other changes.

In other words, after the enchantment, the Demon's Slave has no other changes except for an additional special effect and an increase in the Supreme Combat Power Index. What was before is what it is now!

And this extra special effect is ‘air separation’.
  Air special effects: Obtain air attack effects.

The description was only a short line of words. Through this line of words, Tang Yi could not tell what specific effect it had.
  "It seems you have to try it before you know. Well, then I'll try it and see what effect it has!"

Thinking about it, Tang Yi waved his right hand, summoned the devil's slave back, and held it in his right hand again.

After holding the devil's slave tightly, Tang Yi slashed forward with his sword.


This sword is ordinary, it doesn't use any means, and it doesn't use any supreme skills. Moreover, Tang Yi only used one ten thousandth of his power, suppressing his power to the extreme.

After all, Tang Yi's current supreme combat power index has reached more than 20 million points.

Such a supreme combat power index is very terrifying, and the strength is very terrifying.

With such a powerful blow, I am afraid that the entire Tianzhou Realm and the God Realm of the Realm will be blasted into pieces, and the entire space will directly collapse.

Like the Dark Demon Abyss Prince Lu Li and his ilk, with Tang Yi's current strength, they can already defeat them easily!

Maybe even one finger could crush Lu Li to death.

This is Tang Yi's current strength.

So his blow was very terrifying.

So at this moment of testing, Tang Yi suppressed his strength and suppressed the position of this slash to one ten thousandth.

But even if this blow is suppressed to one ten thousandth, the power is still terrifying and terrifying.

Tang Yi saw a sword blast out, and a sword light flashed past.


The sword light struck dozens of meters ahead.

I saw dozens of meters away, the place where Tang Yi bombarded me was directly blasted into two halves, and a crack of unknown depth and tens of thousands of meters long appeared on the ground!

Moreover, the width of the crack reached one hundred meters!

Looking at it, it looks like a huge abyss with no bottom!

Seeing that a terrifying abyss crack appeared in the earth under his blow, Tang Yi was not happy or excited. Instead, he frowned.

The reason for this is not because the power of this blow did not meet his requirements.

On the contrary, the power has been achieved!
  It even exceeded his expectations.

  The power exceeded expectations, which did not make Tang Yi happy.

Because of this blow, he was not here to test the power, but to test the effect of the Space Separation Stone.

But with this blow, he didn't see the effect of the Space Separation Divine Stone at all!
  After all, even without the mysterious space stone, Tang Yi could easily blast out an abyss crack.

His power could have cut an abyss crack with one sword.

Cutting out the abyss crack at this moment was not the result of the Kongju Divine Stone, but his own strength!

So how could Tang Yi be happy when he saw that his blow only blasted out an abyss crack and had no special effect.

"Is the Space Separation Divine Stone just a stone that increases power? The attack I just made has already given the damage of the Space Separation Divine Stone? Impossible! I can achieve such attack power even without the Space Separation Divine Stone! Since If it doesn’t impart damage, what exactly does this stone do? What is the attribute of this air attack effect?”

"The divine stone of air separation has the effect of air attack. The name contains the words "air separation" and "air separation". Could it be that its special attack effect is to attack the opponent from the air? It does not need to hit the opponent to cause damage to the opponent?"

Tang Yi guessed, and then he held the devil's slave again and started experimenting.

He raised his head slightly and looked at a high mountain in the distance of the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm. He then raised the devil's slave in his hand and slashed at the high mountain in the distance with a sword!
  (End of this chapter)

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