Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2670 Is this the special effect of beating a cow across a mountain?

Chapter 2670 Is this the special effect of beating a cow across a mountain?

That big mountain is far away from Tang Yi, at least thousands of miles away!

Looking from a distance, there is only a hazy shadow, very small and blurry.

It stands to reason that at such a distance, even if Tang Yi slashes down and the demon's slave shoots out a terrifying sword light, it will not be able to attack him at all!
  Because it's too far,

The sword light cannot fly so far.

Even if it can fly this far, its power will still be compromised.

After falling onto the mountain, I'm afraid there's not much power left.

This is true even when the sword light is emitted, let alone the situation where there is no sword light.

Without sword light, how could an ordinary slash attack so far?

However, at this moment, Tang Yi used an ordinary slash!
  This slash did not use any means or any martial arts, it was just a simple slash performed with strength.

And the power used was only one ten thousandth as before.

Logically speaking, such a slash cannot attack a mountain thousands of miles away, let alone a mountain thousands of miles away, even a thousand meters away.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was that such an ordinary slash would cause unimaginable horrific effects.

Facing such a target thousands of miles away, Tang Yi's slash did not emit any sword light, nor did he see any energy gushing out. However, when Tang Yi slashed down!

With a loud noise, the mountain thousands of miles away, which seemed to be several kilometers high, suddenly split into two, cracked in the middle, and then collapsed to both sides, throwing up countless smoke and dust.

In the blink of an eye, the thousand-meter-high mountain disappeared.

Instead, there were two piles of loess gravel.

"So strong?"

From a distance, Tang Yi could feel the vibrations from the collapse of the mountain and hear the rumbling sound.

Tang Yi was shocked when he saw the mountain thousands of miles away collapsed under his strike.

Of course, destroying a huge mountain was nothing at all. Tang Yi could do it easily.

It can even be done with one finger.

This did not shock Tang Yi at all.


Normal attacks can knock down mountains thousands of miles away, or use one finger to knock down mountains thousands of miles away.

This shocked Tang Yi very much!
  Because it is simply impossible to use one finger to collapse a mountain thousands of miles away and cut the mountain into two pieces!
  Not to mention one finger, even if ten fingers are used together, it is impossible to do it!

Too far!
  The power of one finger is simply not enough to attack such a far distance.

One finger of Tang Yi may be able to cause terrifying power, and may be able to destroy a large area of ​​the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm, or even destroy the entire Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm!

However, it cannot destroy targets a thousand kilometers away in a targeted manner!
  Not to mention that his fingers can't work, even if Tang Yi uses some ordinary methods or martial arts, he may not be able to do it!
  Other methods are the same as martial arts. They may be able to destroy the divine domain of Tianzhou Realm, but they cannot destroy targets thousands of miles away!
  Perhaps, only by using some long-range attacks or some special means can we do it.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to destroy a mountain thousands of miles away with ordinary attacks!

Tang Yi can destroy the divine domain of Tianzhou Realm, but he cannot destroy targets thousands of miles away!

But now!
  Tang Yi used the devil's slave with just a slight swing, and just slashed towards the mountain thousands of miles away, and the mountain was immediately blasted into two pieces!
  This is too scary and powerful.

This kind of method is not something you can do only with strength! "In other words, this air separation effect allows my attack to pass through space and attack the target on the other side of the space? Isn't this trying to hit a cow across a mountain?"

Tang Yi said in surprise.

In order to verify his idea, Tang Yi tried again!
  He aimed at a hilltop in the distance again, and then struck out with a sword!

But it was just as he thought.

The moment he blasted out with his sword, the mountaintop in the distance was once again reduced to the ground!
  "It's true! It's really the effect of hitting a cow from across the mountain! After enchanting the Space God Stone, my demon's slave has the effect of hitting a cow from a distance, and can attack targets thousands of miles away!"

Tang Yi suddenly said.

Then, he said doubtfully: "I don't know how far apart this air attack can be, and how far it can attack targets."

While thinking, Tang Yi tried again.

The mountain he was looking for before was probably more than a thousand kilometers away.

But now, Tang Yi found a mountaintop farther away, two thousand kilometers away.

Tang Yi wanted to test whether the air attack effect could also attack targets two thousand kilometers away.

Tang Yi raised his hand again and slashed out with his sword!
  However, under the bombardment of Tang Yi's sword, the mountaintop two thousand kilometers away also roared and was reduced to the ground.

“Two thousand kilometers is okay?”

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was shocked and continued the experiment.

Two thousand five hundred kilometers, three thousand kilometers, four thousand kilometers, five thousand kilometers!
  Tang Yi continued the experiment until he was eight thousand kilometers away, and then he stopped.

The reason for stopping is not because the air separation attack effect is no longer available at 8,000 kilometers.

It's because eight thousand kilometers is already the limit of Tang Yi's vision.

He is the farthest and can only see so far.

No matter how far away he is, he can no longer see it.

How to try if you can't see?
  So Tang Yi stopped.

In the previous experiments, Tang Yi succeeded in all of them!

Whether it is five thousand kilometers, six thousand kilometers, seven thousand kilometers, or eight thousand kilometers!

All worked!
  All produced air attack effects!
  All targets that Tang Yi attacked were destroyed!

"How is this divine stone of air separation so powerful? The air attack effect produced after enchantment is actually so far away? It can actually hit a target eight thousand kilometers away. If it weren't for my eyesight not being able to keep up, this The air attack effect may be able to attack farther targets? Isn't this too scary? No wonder after the enchantment was successful, the supreme combat power index was increased by three million at once. It turned out to be like this! Indeed, such a terrifying effect, It is indeed necessary to add more supreme combat power indexes to reflect its value.”

Tang Yi suddenly realized.

Then, he thought of another question.

"Since normal attacks can rely on the effect of air attacks to attack distant targets, what about supreme skills? Can supreme skills also have an effect?"

Tang Yi asked curiously.

And out of curiosity, Tang Yi immediately started experimenting.

I saw him holding the devil's slave tightly, heading towards a mountaintop two thousand kilometers away, and bombarded it with a Chaos Killer!

(End of this chapter)

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