Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2671 Ending Move Evolution Scroll

Chapter 2671 Ending Move Evolution Scroll

Tang Yi's body lit up with a dazzling red light.

With this blow, a magical special effect appeared.

Under the effect of divine power, the power of Tang Yi's attack was doubled!
  At this moment, Tang Yi blasted a sword forward. It stands to reason that all the power of this sword should attack Tang Yi's front. but!

This blow hit two thousand miles away, on the hilltop that Tang Yi had aimed at before!
  With a huge roar, the mountaintop two thousand miles away disappeared in an instant!

Not only is the mountain top gone, but the land hundreds of miles around the mountain top has been razed to the ground!

In just an instant, hundreds of mountains were gone!
  Countless mountains were razed to the ground by the terrifying energy!

At this time, Tang Yifei flew into the air and could see the scene two thousand miles away.

Two thousand miles away, a large crater of hundreds of kilometers appeared. The depth of the crater was at least one thousand meters!

Of course, because he wanted to experiment, Tang Yi held back and controlled the power of this blow, so this blow blasted a crater hundreds of kilometers away.

Otherwise, if this blow falls, the entire Divine Domain of Tianzhou Realm will be destroyed!
  Of course, it doesn't matter how powerful it is or how terrifying it can be.

The important thing is.

Using the supreme skill can actually produce the effect of air attack!

"Supreme skills are also possible! Originally I thought normal attacks were possible, but this is already very powerful and terrifying. Now even supreme skills are available! This is too scary! This Space Separation Divine Stone is indeed a sacred stone! It's so awesome! Be strong!"

Seeing the effect of his blow, Tang Yi was shocked.

If it is just a normal attack, then the effect of this Space Separation Divine Stone is only average.

If you fight the mobs, there will definitely be no problem.

With this magical stone of space separation, any monsters will have nowhere to escape under Tang Yi's pursuit.

After all, the distance the Space Separation Stone acts on exceeds 8,000 kilometers!

With such an attack distance, who can escape?
  However, if only normal attacks can have an effect, then you can only fight mobs.

Facing the BOSS, no matter how far away the normal attack is, how can we defeat the BOSS?
  Therefore, if the effect of the Space Separation Stone can only be used for normal attacks, the effect will be very small.

But now, the supreme skill can also have an effect, so that's different!

The Supreme Skill can also have an effect, which makes it possible to use the Space Divine Stone to defeat the BOSS!
  Taking the head of a BOSS eight thousand miles away is no joke!
  The supreme skill can also have an effect, which makes the effect of this space divine stone infinitely amplified!
  Seeing that the Supreme Skill can also have an effect, Tang Yi was immediately excited. Looking at the slave of the weapon demon enchanted by the Space Separation Stone, the more he looked at it, the more delighted he became, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and the more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

Simply love it!
  With such an enchanted weapon, Tang Yi's survivability has been greatly improved, and his ability to fight BOSS has been infinitely amplified.

In short.

After being enchanted by the Demon's Slave, in addition to the unexpected improvement brought to Tang Yi by the increase in the Supreme Combat Power Index, the special effect of the air attack also brought an unparalleled huge improvement to Tang Yi's strength!
  "Good good!"

Tang Yi excitedly put away the devil's slave.

After feeling slightly excited, he continued to look at the next item with anticipation.

The next item is the item that Tang Yi is most looking forward to and the most curious about.

This item is a special item, the finishing move evolution scroll.

This is a special item exploded by Luli!

Just by looking at the name, Tang Yi had already guessed its function.

  It is still unclear how much effect it will have and how far it can evolve the finishing move.

[Finishing Move Evolution Scroll]: Special item.

Attributes: After use, the finishing move can be evolved and improved.

Just as Tang Yi thought, it is indeed an item that can be guessed just by looking at its name! The scroll of evolution of finishing moves is the scroll for evolving finishing moves.


How to evolve, and what will it become after evolution?

You can't tell it at all just by looking at the attributes, you have to try it to find out.


Tang Yi still has another doubt.

That is.

His personal panel no longer has a column for finishing moves.

When breaking through to the Supreme, the finishing move column has been completely cancelled.

The finishing move column is missing, and the finishing move is naturally gone as well. How to evolve?

Can it still evolve?
  This made Tang Yi very baffled.

"Try it? You'll know after you try it."

Tang Yi thought.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi clicked on the evolution scroll of the finishing move and then used it.


The next second after Tang Yi used the finishing move to evolve the scroll, a scroll flew out of Tang Yi's body and flew into the air, followed by another red stone from Tang Yi's body. Flying out, it also flew into the air, spinning in mid-air.

At this time, the scroll burst out with dazzling light, and then turned into a stream of light and entered the red stone.

Wrapped in the dazzling stream of light, the red stone shines brightly and dazzlingly. At the same time, it releases a very mysterious and vast aura, and streams of Sanskrit sounds resound throughout the world.


Sanskrit sounds resounded, divine gongs roared, and infinite mystery and holiness appeared on the scene!
  The wrapped red stone in the air seems to be the purest child, full of purity and purity.

And this sacred scene, I don’t know how long it lasted, I saw the red stone gradually began to change color under the dazzling stream of light, the sound of divine gongs and the vibration of Sanskrit sounds!
  From the original red, it gradually turned into yellow, and then, slowly turned into gold!

Yes, the original red stone turned into a golden stone, exuding bright golden light and very dazzling.

At the same time, this golden stone also exuded the same sacred and mysterious aura as it had during the previous vision.

This breath was like a wave, swaying suddenly and sweeping towards the surroundings.

And when the red stone turned into a golden stone, exuding endless sacred aura, the dazzling light surrounding the stone finally disappeared.

The resounding Sanskrit sounds and the noisy divine gongs all stopped.

Everything finally returned to calm.

After regaining calm, the golden stone suddenly moved, flew towards Tang Yi, and flew back into Tang Yi's body.


The golden stone re-entered Tang Yi's body. At this moment, with Tang Yi as the center, a golden circle of light rippled out from his body.

This circle of light is like a golden wave, sweeping across the surrounding areas.

And when the golden ripples rippled and spread out in all directions, a system prompt also sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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