Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2672 New finishing move, Demon Realm Soul Refining Slash

Chapter 2672 New finishing move, Demon Realm Soul Refining Slash
  "Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi's finishing skill, Mountain Collapsing Earth Splitting Slash, which has successfully evolved into the Demon Realm Soul Training Slash!"

Seeing that the evolution was successful, Tang Yi immediately opened the system and immediately found the finishing move column in the personal panel of the system.

The column of finishing moves actually returned to Tang Yi's personal panel after many days!
  I saw Tang Yi click on the attributes of the finishing move again to check the evolved status of the finishing move!
  [Finishing Skill]: Demon Realm Soul Refining Slash

Attributes: Jump forward and hammer the ground hard, summoning countless infernal fires, causing horrific damage to a range of 5000X5000 meters in front.

Release requirements: 10 Supreme Coins.

Supreme combat power index increase: 5000000 points.


Seeing the attributes of the evolved finishing move, Tang Yi was stunned.

Because just from reading the introduction, he felt that the evolved Demon Realm Soul Refining Slash was no different from the Mountain Collapsing Earth Splitting Slash.

It's just that the scope has become larger.

But compared with the previous Mountain Collapsing Earth Splitting Slash, it didn't seem to be much bigger.

Apart from the scope, nothing else seems to have changed.

The previous finishing move was the mountain-shattering slash, which jumped forward to bombard the ground, and then caused countless magma to gush out in front of it, causing damage to the enemy.

At this moment, this Demon Realm Soul Refining Slash also jumps forward to bombard the ground, and then summons the fire of purgatory to cause damage to the enemy!

Although there is a slight difference between magma and purgatory fire, the difference is not big at all!
  Oh, it’s not like nothing has changed.

At least, there is one more increase in the supreme combat power index!
  Moreover, the increase value reached five million points!
  This is quite an increase!

not bad.

"That's it? This is it after evolution?"

"Well, although the Supreme Combat Power Index has been increased by five million points, which is indeed a big improvement, it is too...too confusing. There is no change in the attributes of the finishing move, whether it evolves or not. What's the difference? Wouldn't it be better to just add a supreme combat power index to the original basis?"

Tang Yi was speechless.

However, Tang Yi thought about it for a moment and decided to test the power first before complaining.

After all, he started complaining without even trying it. What if this evolved finishing move is very powerful later?
  Wouldn’t that be a slap in the face?
  Moreover, it has at least increased the supreme combat power index by five million, right?

Even if it is exactly the same as the original version, at least it has increased the supreme combat power index.

Therefore, Tang Yi decided to test it first.

"Twenty Supreme Coins, then I'll give it a try and see what the evolved finishing move will look like."

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

Thinking about it, Tang Yi summoned the devil's slave, and then used the evolved finishing move, Demon Realm Soul Slash.

"Devil Realm Soul Training Slash!"

Tang Yi lifted up the devil's slave, jumped forward, and then hit the ground heavily.


Tang Yi struck down, and the entire earth collapsed. A terrifying purple energy covered the earth!
  At this moment, within a few kilometers of purple energy covering the front, terrifying purple fire pillars emerged from the earth and shot straight into the sky.

Like fire dragons flying into the sky.

And all of a sudden, it rushed into the sky thousands of meters high.

These purple fire pillars are very numerous and very dense. Within a coverage area of ​​several kilometers, there is a purple pillar of fire every five meters.

In other words, within a five-kilometer coverage area, there are one hundred horizontal fire pillars multiplied by one hundred vertical fire pillars, adding up to a total of ten thousand fire pillars in the entire range!

There were so many, so dense, and so high fire pillars that it was simply terrifying.

Because they are too dense, from a distance, these fire pillars look like a connected wall of flames, and they are like high walls, which is very scary.

At this moment, Tang Yi looked forward and could not see the scene on the other side of the flames at all. His entire eyes were covered by the flames.

In front of his eyes, both the sky and the earth were filled with flames. The flames emitted by the fire pillars were very hot and terrifying, and they continued to sweep across the covered area.

At the same time, waves of scorching heat swept through the air, and waves of terrifying energy accompanied by flames continued to stir, spreading across the earth like ripples.


In just an instant, Tang Yi felt a strong burning smell.

And at this moment, although Tang Yi's vision was somewhat blurred due to the flames covering the sky.

But no matter how blurry it was, he could still see that within the area covered by the fire pillar, whether it was flowers, plants, trees, creatures, or mounds of stones, everything was turned into fly ash.

Even the earth was burned.

And under the burning of the purple flames, the earth quickly cracked and turned into fly ash. In a short time, one layer of the earth was burned away.

The land was covered in flames, and the ground was directly burned and dented!
  Extremely terrifying.

This scene lasted for about ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, the purple fire pillar shrank again and returned to the ground. All the terrifying auras and all the terrifying energy returned to where they came from and converged.

Everything became calm again, as if nothing happened.

Of course.

At this moment, after the Demon Realm Soul Training Slash struck, the result was not that nothing happened.

I saw that the location covered by purple flames had now turned into a big pit.

A large pit with a depth of at least 500 meters.

Under the big pit, there was all black ashes, and it looked very messy and terrifying!
  At the same time, a very strong and pungent smell was left in the air.

This smell has a burning smell and an indescribable smell. This smell is very special. Tang Yi can't tell what it feels like. He has never smelled this kind of smell before and has no idea why. There will be this strange smell.

Of course.

Why this smell occurs, what this smell is, none of this matters.

The important thing is that this is the result of the Demon Realm Soul Training Strike just now!

"The finishing move seems to have become much more powerful after evolving! Although the attack method is still the same, jumping forward and bombarding the ground, and then forming flames to cause damage to the enemy, the effect of the attack is much more exaggerated than before. The height of the flames reached a thousand meters, filling the entire sky, and the coverage area became wider. Even the sky was covered! And even targets outside the range were affected. This is indeed very special. of terror."

"And the power of the attack has also increased exponentially, with a qualitative leap. Compared with before, it is completely in the sky and on the ground."

"And in the attack just now, I felt a very powerful force. This force seemed to be mixed with some soul power. The Demon Realm Soul Training Slash seemed to be targeting the soul! The one I smelled just now There is a strange smell, maybe it is the smell coming from burning souls. It seems that some underground creatures in the attack area were affected by the Demon Realm Soul Refining Slash, and their souls were burned, so they emitted that smell."

Seeing the effect of this blow, Tang Yi threatened in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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