Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2675 Feiyan Sect Supreme Elder Dong Zhiwen’s breakthrough

Chapter 2675 Feiyan Sect Supreme Elder Dong Zhiwen’s breakthrough
  Regarding the skill of Xiao Niu, Tang Yi only wanted to say one word.

  Without thinking, Tang Yi directly equipped the supreme skill of Xiao Niu.

The original supreme skill of Ghost Shadow Flash was uninstalled.

[Ghost Flash]: Supreme Level (Special for Sword Weapons)

Attributes: Transform into a ghost, thrust a sword towards the enemy target, and quickly pass through the enemy target, causing fatal damage to the enemy target.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3500 points.

Ghost Flash, a skill that Tang Yi rarely used, was just replaced.

And minus the 3,500 points of supreme combat power index added by Ghost Shadow Flash.

In addition, the 3.5 million points of supreme combat power index increased by small movement.

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index has been improved again, from 32701396 points to 36197896 points!
  Already approaching 40 million!

Continue to look at the equipment just rewarded by the mission, the Sun Belt.

[Sun Belt]: Supreme equipment.

Attributes: life, life bonus, life percentage, vitality increase, defense, mental defense, energy percentage increase.

Special attributes: physical damage absorption, mental damage absorption, energy limit.

Passive effect: Solar energy.

Solar energy: After entering combat state, 15% of energy can be restored every 5 seconds.

Additional skill: Solar Charge.

Solar recharge: After use, 100% energy is restored instantly, cooling time is 15 minutes.

Supreme combat power index increase: 5000000 points.


"Is there such an additional skill? Can it restore energy?"

"Supreme combat power index increase, five million?"

Tang Yi was shocked when he saw the attributes of the Sun Belt. He didn't expect that the attributes of the Sun Belt were so good.

I won’t talk about the basic attributes.

The passive special effect solar energy actually restores 15% of the energy every 5 seconds after entering the combat state!
  And the active additional skill Solar Charge can restore 100% of energy!
  The cooling time is only 15 minutes!

It also

With this piece of equipment, Tang Yi will be able to save a lot of elixirs in the future, and his consumption will be greatly reduced.

For that kind of war of attrition, he will be more comfortable and more durable!

This is good stuff!

Equipment like this, if it were in an online game, would definitely be top-notch equipment, and it would also be the kind of sky-high price equipment that is priceless on the market!
  Everyone is definitely rushing to get this kind of equipment!
  In short, this is a very rare and precious recovery equipment.


The skill alone of this piece of equipment is already very powerful, not to mention that its supreme combat power index has increased to five million.

The skills are good and the supreme combat power index can be increased a lot.

This piece of equipment is simply extremely powerful.

The key is.

The position of this piece of armor and equipment is on the waist. Tang Yi happens to be short of waist equipment now. It just so happens that this is the equipment Tang Yi needs.

Seeing this piece of equipment, Tang Yi was immediately filled with surprises.

Likewise, he equipped it on the equipment slot without hesitation. In the next moment, his supreme combat power index increased by five million points again.

After equipping the Sun Belt, his supreme combat power index immediately reached 41197896 points!
  Breaking through 40 million!

Strength has been improved again.

After receiving the mission reward, Tang Yi's supreme combat power increased by nearly 10 million points, and his strength was horribly improved.

“This business is really profitable!”

Seeing that his supreme combat power index had increased again, Tang Yi was extremely pleasantly surprised and was very satisfied with the gains in this field.

And just when Tang Yi was looking at his harvest, he was secretly satisfied.

I saw a strange movement in the distant sky, and powerful momentum came from the distant sky.

Feeling the strange movement in the sky in the distance, Tang Yi came back to his senses, raised his head slightly, and glanced at that location.

When he saw a figure floating in the sky in the distance, and this figure was an acquaintance of his, Tang Yi immediately curled up the corner of his mouth and smiled.

After smiling slightly, Tang Yi moved and flew towards the figure in the distant sky.


Tang Yi was very fast and arrived not far from the figure.

I saw the figure floating in the air, eyes closed tightly, arms folded around his chest, entering some strange state.

Waves of powerful aura surged out of his body.

this moment.

This figure is also like a black hole, constantly attracting the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and constantly absorbing these spiritual energy into the body.


Since all the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth had been absorbed by Tang Yi, the attraction of this figure did not absorb any spiritual energy.

And the figure in front of him with his eyes closed and constantly attracting spiritual energy is not Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, so who is it?
  Tang Yi did not expect that Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, would not be affected by the previous battle between him and Lu Li and fall, and would hide in such a far away location!
  The most important thing is!
  At this moment, Feiyan Sect Supreme Elder Dong Zhiwen actually made a breakthrough!
  He is going to break through to the Supreme.

It really overwhelms the brave to death and starves the timid to death!

Sure enough, if you dare to take certain risks, you will be rewarded generously!
  No, Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, risked his death to watch the battle. Finally, watching the strong men fight, he achieved a breakthrough in his state of mind and reached the supreme level.

At this moment, I can finally move towards the Supreme.

However, the situation of Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, is very bad at this moment.

Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, has a breakthrough in his state of mind at this moment, and his own level has also broken through the supreme level and reached the supreme realm.


Since there was no spiritual energy around him, he could not absorb any spiritual energy. Although he had broken through to the Supreme, his state of mind had reached the Supreme state.

However, he still couldn't advance to the Supreme level, and his body couldn't enter the Supreme level at all!

If it were normal, if he was outside the divine domain of Tianzhou Realm, if he could absorb spiritual energy and break through at that time, he would definitely be able to complete the breakthrough easily.

Easily enter the supreme realm.

But now, because there is no spiritual energy, even if he reaches the state of mind, even if he has broken through to the supreme state, he cannot enter the supreme state!

There is no spiritual energy when breaking through, and it is impossible to truly enter the Supreme. This will not only affect Dong Zhiwen's breakthrough to the Supreme, but will even cause Dong Zhiwen to suffer backlash!

After all, when you break through, you are stuck halfway and can't make any progress no matter what. This is very fatal!
  Just like eating.

If something gets stuck in your throat and you can't swallow it no matter what, you will choke to death!
  and so!
  At this moment, Dong Zhiwen is not only unable to break through to Supreme due to his spiritual energy, he is even facing the risk of backlash!
  Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It seems that Elder Dong is in trouble. Lu Li and I have absorbed all the spiritual energy in the divine realm of Tianzhou Realm, and Elder Dong cannot break through. Obviously it's because of me. For that reason, I have to help him no matter what."

Thinking about it, Tang Yi stretched out his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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