Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2676 Life Array, Save Tianzhou

Chapter 2676 Life Array, Save Tianzhou

Tang Yi stretched out his hand slightly, pinched out a burst of energy, and threw it towards Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect.

Now Dong Zhiwen has reached the standard for promotion to Supreme, but he does not have the energy to improve.

Because when Tang Yi and Lu Li fought, almost all the spiritual energy in the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm was drained.

There is no energy in the entire World God Realm. Where can Dong Zhiwen find energy?

Therefore, Dong Zhiwen was now in a very embarrassing and dangerous situation.

But fortunately, he met Tang Yi!
  Tang Yi was seen sending a burst of energy into the body of Feiyan Sect Supreme Elder Dong Zhiwen.

Dong Zhiwen, who originally lacked spiritual energy, suddenly seemed to have received some great tonic, and his whole person became rosy.

No longer as vain as before.

And he, who was in danger and had been unable to break through, after gaining this energy, his whole aura suddenly exploded!

He was shocked all over.

  There was some mysterious roar coming from the body.

And with this roar, a certain door that had been sealed in dust for a long time suddenly burst open.

A wave of energy, like a tide, was transmitted from Dong Zhiwen's body, sending out ripples of energy.

In this way, Dong Zhiwen finally broke through the realm that he had not broken through for a long time.

At this time, Dong Zhiwen opened his eyes, his expression full of surprise!
  He first checked his own condition for a moment, and then, after scanning Tang Yi not far away, he immediately moved and came to Tang Yi.

Slightly cupping his hands, Dong Zhiwen said to Tang Yi with both respect and gratitude: "Thank you, Master, for your help. Today's kindness will be unforgettable. If you need it in the future, as long as you ask, Master, you will go up to the mountains of swords and seas of fire, even if it means taking my Dong Mou's life." , I don’t hesitate to do anything!”

Dong Zhiwen looked very sincere, not like he was joking, as if Tang Yi really wanted his life at this moment, and he had no objection and immediately dedicated his life to Tang Yi.

But Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "It's just a small matter. How about it, how does it feel to break through to the Supreme?"

"Very good, very good! I didn't expect that the feeling of becoming a Supreme would be so good. Now I feel as if I am floating in the clouds. My body is light and light. All the minor problems I had before are gone now." . I no longer feel any discomfort. In addition, I can feel that my vitality has increased hundreds of times!"

Dong Zhiwen said excitedly, his whole person in a state of excitement.

Tang Yi can understand Dong Zhiwen's excitement.

After all, he was so excited when he broke through to Supreme.

"Yeah! Just feel good."

Tang Yi nodded, since Dong Zhiwen didn't feel any discomfort and successfully broke through the Supreme, that's fine.

After all, Dong Zhiwen followed him in, and he also boasted that he would protect Dong Zhiwen's safety. Now he naturally has to take care of Dong Zhiwen.

At this moment, Dong Zhiwen had achieved his goal and achieved a breakthrough, and his body was no different, so Tang Yi had fulfilled his promise.

To be honest, Tang Yi has done his best to achieve this level. If there are any problems with Dong Zhiwen in the future, he will not be able to control it.

"Sir, I wonder what your plans are next? Are you free to come with me to Feiyan Sect as a guest?" Dong Zhiwen tentatively invited.

Tang Yi shook his head and said: "No, my time is tight, I'm afraid I don't have time to visit your Feiyan Sect. Thank you Elder Dong for your kindness. If I am free in the future, I will go to your Feiyan Sect as a guest."

"That's it. Okay then. Then I hope that Mr. Tang will come to our Feiyan Sect as a guest in the future. At that time, our Feiyan Sect will definitely entertain you well." Dong Zhiwen said. "must!"

Tang Yi superficially agreed.

After all, he doesn't know when he will be free.

Tang Yi discovered that he had been very busy since he came to this world. He often traveled to various places and could not stay in one place for long.

It will be difficult to come to Feiyan Sect as a guest in the future.

At that time, Tang Yi no longer knew which world he was going to.

Maybe he's still in the human world or not.

Therefore, agreeing to Dong Zhiwen now is just a superficial agreement. In fact, Tang Yi has no idea whether he can go to Feiyan Sect as a guest.

"It's all over now, let's get out of here."

Tang Yi glanced at the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm and said.

Dong Zhiwen nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the two wanted to return the same way and leave the divine domain of Tianzhou Realm through the previous teleportation array.

"Wait a moment!"

However, when leaving, Tang Yi remembered something and stopped.

Dong Zhiwen looked at Tang Yi confused, not understanding what Tang Yi was going to do.

Tang Yi didn't say anything, but thought for a moment, then bought a creature formation in the system store, and then placed it in the center of the Divine Realm of Tianzhou Realm.

The Creation Formation, by continuously absorbing the energy of the sun and moon, continuously generates the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, slowly filling the emptiness of the divine realm of Tianzhou Realm.

After all, the spiritual energy of the Divine Realm of the Tianzhou Realm has been absorbed. If it is not replenished, the Divine Realm of the Tianzhou Realm may become a dead place in the future.

This is what Tang Yi doesn't want to see.

Everything has spirit, even a place has its own soul.

If this place is destroyed and turned into a place of death, Tang Yi's conscience will feel bad.

Therefore, before leaving, he purchased a living formation that could work for a long time and placed it in the Divine Realm of the World in the Tianzhou Realm, in order to slowly revive the Divine Realm of the Realm in the Tianzhou Realm.

With this living formation, the divine realm of Tianzhou Realm will slowly generate spiritual energy, and then form a cycle. It is estimated that the vitality will be restored in a few years.

After setting up the formation, Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

Seeing Tang Yi's movements and feeling the breath of the creature formation, Dong Zhiwen immediately guessed what Tang Yi was doing and knew what he was doing.

Seeing Tang Yi's kindness, Dong Zhiwen couldn't help but admire: "Young Master is indeed one of the rare good people in the world, and he actually used methods to help Tianzhou Realm recover its vitality. Ordinary people would not do this. It is troublesome, and It's a waste. But the young master still did it. It shows how kind-hearted the young master is."

"Elder Dong is serious. I, Tang, am not that great, I just do whatever I want. Anyway, for me, casting a life magic circle is not a big deal. I can save an area by just using random methods. , why not do this? Besides, after all, this place became barren because of me. This is the cause. Of course, I have to solve the problem myself."

Tang Yi said.

(End of this chapter)

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