Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2677 Eternal Life Tablet

Chapter 2677 Eternal Life Tablet
  "What the young master said is absolutely true. No wonder the young master can have such a high level of cultivation. With this knowledge, I, Dong, really cannot compare with me."

Dong Zhiwen said with his hands raised.

"Okay, Elder Dong, please stop flattering me. Let's leave here now."

Tang Yi said speechlessly.

"it is good!"

The two left like this.

Although the entire Tianzhou Realm and the Realm of Gods are in a mess, the original path is no longer the same as before.

But with Tang Yi's ability, it is still possible to find the original road and the original portal.

It didn't take long for Tang Yi and Dong Zhiwen to find the portal.

Through the portal, he returned to the back mountain of Feiyan Sect.

"Then we say goodbye here."

Tang Yi cupped his hands and said.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of something again, stretched out his right hand, and destroyed the teleportation array.

In this way, no one will be able to enter the Tianzhou Realm through this teleportation array in the future.

Dong Zhiwen also saw Tang Yi's movements, but said nothing. After all, this teleportation array did not belong to them.

Slightly cupping his hands, Dong Zhiwen pretended not to know what he was doing and said, "I hope the young master can come to Feiyan Sect as a guest soon when he is free."

"Yes." Tang Yi nodded.

In this way, the two parted in the back mountain.

Dong Zhiwen moved and flew towards the Feiyan Sect's sect.

And Tang Yi's body swayed and he flew into the sky.

In the sky, Tang Yi summoned the Supreme Warship, and then sat on the Supreme Warship and headed towards the distant sky.

Halfway up the mountain, Dong Zhiwen stopped, looked up at the sky, looked at the back of the warship leaving, and couldn't help but sigh: "Meeting this Mr. Tang is really a great blessing for Dong Zhiwen. If we have the chance to meet again in the future, To this Mr. Tang, I must repay him well."

Thinking about it, Dong Zhiwen withdrew his gaze and quickly went down the back mountain.

When he got to the back mountain, Dong Zhiwen saw everyone from the Feiyan Sect, including the sect leader, all the elders and law enforcement officers, all the powerful people, all the senior officials, waiting anxiously at the foot of the back mountain.

Seeing Dong Zhiwen, these people came over one after another.

"The Supreme Elder!"

"Supreme Elder, you are finally back!"

"Supreme Elder, you are okay, this is great!"

"Supreme Elder, fortunately you are back. If you don't come back, what will we do?"


Dong Zhiwen waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and reassured everyone not to worry, and then said leisurely: "I'm back, aren't I? And not only am I back, I have also been successfully promoted to Supreme! In the future, in this three-acre land , No one is our Feiyan Sect’s opponent anymore! And no one will bully our Feiyan Sect anymore!”

After Dong Zhiwen finished speaking, he felt very high-spirited. After the breakthrough, his whole mood became different.

In addition, due to witnessing the battle between Tang Yi and Lu Li, his mentality has undergone a huge change, and something called the heart of a strong man has gradually arisen in his heart.

Everyone in the Feiyan Sect was surprised when they heard Dong Zhiwen's words.

"Supreme Elder, have you really made a breakthrough?"

"Go to Tianzhou Realm. Elder, have you really made a breakthrough?"

"Really or not? Supreme Elder, please don't lie to us."    Everyone still doesn't believe it.

Dong Zhiwen suddenly smiled and said nothing, but directly released his aura and displayed his supreme aura.


As soon as the terrifying supreme technique momentum appeared, everyone was immediately ups and downs, overwhelmed by Dong Zhiwen's momentum.

At this moment, no one disbelieved it.

After all, there is a huge difference between the top Holy God and the Supreme. You can tell them apart with just a little induction.

Feeling Dong Zhiwen's strength, everyone believed him.

"This is actually true!"

"The Supreme Elder followed Mr. Tang, but he didn't expect a breakthrough."

"I should have thought that the Supreme Elder went there with the determination to die. Since he can come back, he must be able to break through."

"Supreme One! Our Feiyan Sect finally has a Supreme One! God bless us!"

The senior officials of Feiyan Sect said one after another.

At this time, everyone came to their senses and hurriedly knelt down and congratulated: "Congratulations to the Supreme Elder for being crowned the Supreme. The Feiyan Sect will continue to prosper forever!"

Hearing everyone's words, Dong Zhiwen was also very happy, with a smile on his face and a proud mood.

Immediately afterwards, everyone asked Dong Zhiwen about the breakthrough process.

And Dong Zhiwen told the story of the breakthrough process and what happened in the Tianzhou Realm. Everyone in the Feiyan Sect stared wide-eyed in shock.

At this time, a senior member of Feiyan Sect asked: "By the way, where is Mr. Tang, Supreme Elder? Why didn't he come back with you?"

"Yes, where is Mr. Tang? He has helped us so much, so we should treat him well."

"That's right, why haven't you seen him? He is a lifesaver for our Feiyan Sect. Without him, I'm afraid our Feiyan Sect's future is unknown. We must repay him well."

Everyone said one after another.

"I know what you mean. In fact, I mean the same thing. I also want to repay this Young Master Tang well and make friends with him. Even in the Tianzhou world, I invited Young Master Tang to come to our Feiyan Sect as a guest. It's a pity. Mr. Tang was too busy and rejected me. And after leaving the teleportation array in Tianzhou Realm, he left quickly."

Taishang Elder Dong Zhiwen said.

"Did you refuse? That's such a pity. If I can make friends with Mr. Tang, then my Feiyan Sect's rise to prominence will be just around the corner."

"In such a hurry, I think Mr. Tang is really in a hurry. Since it doesn't work this time, it can only be done next time."

"It's a pity that I couldn't invite Mr. Tang as a guest. Otherwise, I would definitely bring out the wine I've been brewing for decades and entertain him well."

"Looking at the many beautiful ladies around Mr. Tang, I think Mr. Tang must have this preference. If he comes, I might be able to betroth my daughter to him. It's just a pity. He didn't come to our Feiyan Sect. Be a guest.”

"Already gone. Because I was too rushed and too nervous, I didn't feel the power of Mr. Tang. I wanted to feel it again and see how wise and powerful Mr. Tang is. I didn't expect him to leave. Sorry, it’s such a pity.”


Everyone in the Feiyan Sect expressed regret.

"Don't be sorry, there will be a chance. He promised me that he will come to my Feiyan Sect as a guest in the future. When he comes, everyone will have a look at his style, and then repay and entertain him well. Those who should take the wine will take the wine, and those who should take the wine will give it away. A daughter’s gift for a daughter!”

Dong Zhiwen said.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of something again and said: "If it weren't for Mr. Tang this time, not only would I not be able to break through, but it would even be difficult for me to come back. Therefore, Mr. Tang is a gift to me. Let's do this. .You go and create an immortal tablet, and place Mr. Tang’s tablet in the center of our Feiyan Sect’s ancestral hall. In the future, our Feiyan Sect disciples must make offerings every year to thank Mr. Tang for his kindness to our Feiyan Sect. .”


Everyone gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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